
Hoka No Sekai

In a world unknown to us, a legend about Four Heroes carved itself into existance. This is their story....or perhaps not. Follow along and find out what lies beyond death, other than Hell or Heaven.

TQXP · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Perhaps Another Warrior

Different from Woodland, this place is as lively as ever. Not a village but also not a city. A place for those who want a peaceful life. In the middle of a plain, that's where you can find Primus.

Similar to Woodland, a young boy happens to live here as well. Unlike Kenjin, he has lived a good life up to this point, having a loving family who cares about him.

An only child spending his days surrounded by peace and happiness, that would be Kai. Like most children, he also dreamed of becoming a Knight, part of the Iron Guard, the country's army.

"Mom, I'm going out for a walk.", said the child as he grabed his coat.

"Take care, Kai. Oh, and remember to come back before dinner!" yelled the mother, but her child had already gone outside.

The same view as always, the brick houses aligned on each side of the street. Children and adults swarming the roads, going from place to place. Kai wasn't affected by all the ruckus. Primus is well known for being a trade centre, the place where most merchants would come to sell their goods.

"Damn, this place seems to be cramped, even compared to the other days." blurted out Kai.

He knew the village like the back of his palm. From the blacksmith to the plaza, everything was engraved in his mind.

"Let's go check out the smithy, I feel like something interesting will happen if I go there." He started walking, making his way trough the masses of people. He looked around at the tavern and the small shops surrounding it. It was indeed a beautiful town, and Kai was proud of being born there.

It took him longer than usual, but he had arrived. The place didn't change much, it was the same as he knew it. The cold brickwalls and the sound of a hammer hitting a piece of heated iron.

"Let's hope the old man isn't as busy as always." whispered Kai under his breath, but the old man had already noticed him.

"Looking for something, young man?" spoke a wavering voice from behind him. He quickly turned around, scared by the old man's sudden aparition.

"OH!", yelped Kai, "You scared me, old man Taro. How's it going? Busy as always, I guess..."

In front of him was an old man, around seventy years old. His hair was tied and his mustache was hanging. He was taller than Kai, but not taller than the average man. You could see how wise he was from the look in his brown eyes.

"I was busy... but for now work is over. I was thinking of going for a walk, it's quite enjoyable. Now if you'll excuse me..." said Taro as he turned to the exit.

"Wait!", yelled Kai, himself not knowing why. Something made him feel he had to. "Mind if I go with you? Of course, If I won't be a hindrance."

"Do as you wish...", that was the old man's answer.

Taro started walking, Kai following him. He didn't not what to say, his mind was trying to find a way to strike a conversation with the old man, but he couldn't. "I'll just remain silent" thought the boy.

After a few minutes, Kai somewhat regreted his choice and wanted to turn back. "Maybe I should go home... No, I wanted to go - I need to go- I'll just keep walking, it's not like it's late."

They were going outside of town, place were Kai had gone many times before. He liked running in the open fields, feeling the breeze run trough his hair.

"I wonder were we're going..." contemplated the child. "Maybe he wants to go to the forest. It's possible, considering we're out of town. Who knows, maybe he just enjoys the silence."

Taro said nothing, he wasn't even turning around to check if Kai was still following him. He kept going and going. Other old people would have taken at least one break by now, but not Taro. Perhaps his life as a blacksmith kept him fit, even as he got older.

After some time, they had finally arrived into the forest. Kai looked around at the trees. They seem to pierce the sky, that's how tall they are. It was a beauty seen trough the eyes of a child, even for someone older who sees them for the first time, it would be something wonderful.

"The forest, looks like I was right.", a shrug smile appeared on Kai's face, "Let's see where is he go-" but he couldn't finish his sentence. He froze in fear, while Taro slowly turned around at the danger that aproached them. A bear, but not any sort of bear, it appeared to be twice the size of a normal one, having a foaming mouth and red eyes.

A simple idea crossed Kai's mind," I'm going to die...", his mind was filled with thoughts, each and every kind you could find. Taro on the other hand didn't seem to be bothered. He reached for something underneath his cloth. It was a longsword. He got ready, waiting for the beast to strike. It all happened in a flash. The beast jumping at the old man, and him swinging his sword once going for a clean cut. He got the beast's head, chopping it off.

Kai kept looking, still frozen at what he had seen.

"Perhaps this was the reason why you followed me around today..." spoke Taro with a soft voice, caressing the child. Not even a minute later, Kai opened his mouth, words struggling to get out.

"P-p-please..." murmured the child, then grasping for air, "Please make me your student!" yelled Kai. The old man smiled a bit, then spoke.

"I am but a mere blacksmith, yet I shall try my best. Meet me at the blacksmith tomorrow if you'd like to train.". Having said that, the old man turned around and went back into town.

Kai followed, his face showing how happy he was. He could finally fulfill his dream of joining the Iron Guard.