
Hogwarts: Vampire Professor

Dumbledore always believed that Voldemort was the greatest threat to the wizarding world, until a vampire who had lived for over 1000 years approached him with the title deed of Hogwarts. "The millennium has passed, and the lease for Hogwarts is up!" Dracula declared. "Mr. Headmaster, surely you wouldn't want the students to be expelled, would you?" he proposed. "What is it that you desire?" Dumbledore asked solemnly, his voice filled with curiosity. "Anything that piques my interest," Dracula responded, his tone dripping with intrigue. "Well, that's easily managed. I find the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts quite intriguing!" Dumbledore suggested. ... As a result, Hogwarts gained an additional professor who was left to his own devices, his presence causing a stir among the staff and students. McGonagall voiced her concerns, her voice laced with worry. "Albus, I don't believe Professor Dracula's teaching methods are suitable for the students," she expressed. Dumbledore sighed, his voice tinged with resignation. "I have no control over it. No one can dismiss him," he admitted. ... Draco threatened, his voice filled with arrogance. "My father is a member of the school board. I will make sure he expels you!" he spat. Lucius reprimanded Draco with a firm slap on the head, his voice stern. "Mr. Dracula, Draco is just a child. Please disregard his words regarding the school board," he requested. ... "It's the tale of a vampire who has lived for so long that he has grown bored and seeks amusement in the wizarding world," the narrator concluded, setting the stage for an intriguing and captivating story. =============================== This is an edited and translated mtl work with 200+ chapters. This fanfic will be updated daily at anytime. (Credits to the original author of this Chinese novel)

NotyourAngel · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

CH: 2 Reunion with Nicolas Flamel

In a room at 21 Rue Montmorency, adorned with elements of medieval aesthetics and an atmosphere permeated by distinct eccentricity, Dracula lounged leisurely against the window, gently swirling the goblet in his hand.

"So, many intriguing events have unfolded during my 200 years of slumber?" He savored a sip of the vibrant, ruby-red wine, his mind awash with curiosity and contemplation.

"The worldwide wizarding war, the love-hate drama of two genius wizards, the fascinating magical creature expert and his Muggle companion, the enigmatic He-Should-Not-be-Named...Damn! How many fascinating occurrences have I missed during my 200-years of sleep?" He mused aloud, his curiosity piqued.

He turned his gaze towards the old man standing before him and angrily questioned, "Old man, why didn't you wake me up?" He demanded, his eyes narrowing.

Before Dracula stood an elderly gentleman with snow-white hair and a wrinkled face. He looked helplessly at Dracula, who was leaning against the window.

"You never told me where your coffin was, so how could I possibly wake you?" He retorted, his voice carrying a tinge of exasperation.

Dracula glanced silently at the large crystal ball on the workbench by the window, his lips curling into a sly smile.

"After knowing you for hundreds of years, don't I understand you by now?" He mused, a tinge of amusement coloring his voice. "I believe you're simply afraid that I would align myself with Grindelwald!" Dracula downed the remaining wine in his glass in one gulp and continued, "Otherwise, how else could you explain your Divination abilities failing you?"

At that moment, another white-haired individual approached, refilling Dracula's glass with blood-red wine and offering a smile.

"It's been 200 years since we last saw each other, and yet we can't even have a heartfelt reunion without getting into an argument," The individual remarked, slightly exasperated.

"Perenelle, you've just arrived to witness it," Dracula thanked her before turning to pick up his glass, expressing his dissatisfaction. "Do you think this old fellow Nico did it on purpose, deliberately causing me to miss out on so many interesting events?"

Perenelle Flamel, the old woman, simply smiled and remained silent.

"Alright, alright, I knew you would complain from the beginning, so I've found another fascinating opportunity for you," Nicolas Flamel admitted with a smile, seemingly aware of his mistake.

The wine glass that Dracula had just raised remained suspended in mid-air as he turned to face Nicolas.

"There has been a peculiar occurrence at Hogwarts in recent years, and I believe it will pique your interest," Nicolas shared. "It is said that the Defense Against the Dark Arts position has been cursed by an unknown individual, preventing anyone from holding the position for more than a year."

Nicolas observed Dracula's expression and couldn't help but playfully tease, "So, what do you think? Would the legendary Count Dracula be afraid of such a curse?"

A mischievous smile slowly spread across Dracula's face.

"How...fascinating," he replied, his voice laced with intrigue.

With a loud thud, Dracula slammed the goblet containing the bright red wine onto the windowsill.

Dracula proceeded to swing open the adjacent window and gracefully positioned himself on the window's ledge.

"Nico, Perenelle, until next time!" Dracula turned his head, offering a knowing smile to the perplexed pair before him.

In the next moment, he leaped from Nicholas's house, his figure blending into the night sky along with the shadows of bats. Only the blood-red wine on the window sill remained, trembling in its glass.

The moonlight cast a round reflection on the wine, its bright red hue shining remarkably bright...

The Flamel couple remained rooted to the spot, utterly dumbfounded, momentarily unable to process what had just occurred. They exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to comprehend the sudden departure of their enigmatic guest.

"He didn't even stay for a meal?" Perenelle voiced her astonishment, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Nicolas shook his head, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Don't you know Dracula by now?" He let out a small sigh. "That's just how he is. When he finds something interesting, he'll go and explore it, no matter what."

"After all, 1000 years can be quite long and dull..." Nicolas trailed off, his voice filled with a mix of understanding and contemplation.


In the silent night, a majestic castle stood amidst the darkness.

The castle boasted numerous spires, with the lights from countless windows and the stars in the night sky creating a harmonious interplay. The rising morning glow in the distance added a touch of purple to the castle's edges, lending it an air of mystery and grandeur.

In the brightly illuminated Hogwarts headmaster's office, Dracula, dressed in a black and red robe, silently appeared by the window, surveying the surroundings.

The lethargic Phoenix startled, sensing his presence. It flapped its wings and landed cautiously on the shoulder of a white-haired old man seated at the desk.

Perched on the old man's shoulders, the phoenix seemed to find solace. The old man, tall and slender, wore a purple wizard robe. His silver-white hair and beard cascaded down, long enough to be tucked into his belt.

Upon seeing this unexpected visitor, the old man displayed no surprise. Instead, he kindly stroked the feathers of the phoenix, Fawkes, to soothe its anxious state.

"Ah, good day, Mr. Dracula. Nicholas has spoken of you on numerous occasions," The old man greeted warmly, as though welcoming an old friend. "Shall I offer you some tea, juice, or perhaps a cup of coffee?"

Dracula's brow furrowed, his gaze lingering on the offered beverage before him. After a moment's contemplation, he subtly shook his head, silently declining the offer.

"No need," Dracula replied graciously, settling down on the chair placed before the desk. He turned his attention to the old man before him, his tone respectfully inquisitive. "If I may ask, are you the current Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore smiled and nodded in confirmation. Meanwhile, he continued rummaging through the desk drawer and retrieved a blood-red lollipop.

"I almost forgot, vampires probably don't fancy these ordinary drinks," Dumbledore observed. Extending his hand, he presented Dracula with a lollipop, a glimmer of delight dancing in his eyes. "Why not give this a try? It's from the Honeydukes 'Unusual Tastes' collection. Perhaps you'll enjoy the Blood-flavored lollipop I've given you?"

Dracula glanced at the lollipop Dumbledore offered, and the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, I am here to discuss something of utmost importance with you. Please take this seriously," Dracula stated firmly, declining the Blood-flavored lollipop. He then retrieved a sheet of parchment from his pocket, his expression serious. The parchment was adorned with intricate runes.

"This is the title deed of Hogwarts. Long ago, Salazar Slytherin forged a lease for Hogwarts, spanning a millennium, commencing in AD 991. And now, in the year 1991, precisely 1000 years hence, that lease draws to its conclusion."

"Headmaster, the lease governing the tenure of Hogwarts has expired!" Dracula's lips curved into a faint smile, his gaze fixed upon Dumbledore. "Surely you don't want the students of Hogwarts to be expelled?"

A moment of astonishment appeared on Dumbledore's face, and his composure wavered. He adjusted his glasses, carefully took the parchment, and examined it closely.

From Dumbledore's perspective, he could discern the magical fluctuations on the parchment, originating from the same source as the castle itself. He also noticed the magical imprints left by the four founders, leaving no room for doubt regarding its authenticity.

Recalling Dracula's birth year and his legendary connection with Slytherin, Dumbledore had to acknowledge the legitimacy of the title deed.

"Mr. Dracula, I have heard that you were good friends with the four founders," Dumbledore spoke gently, his expression softening. After careful consideration, he continued, "Hogwarts is the result of their painstaking efforts. You shouldn't simply take it back without reason."

Dracula reclined in his chair, a playful glint in his eyes as a chuckle escaped his lips. "It depends on your performance," He replied, a note of amusement underlying his words. "Should you provide something truly captivating, perhaps I will consider concluding this matter when I find myself in a pleasant mood. At a later time, of course."

"That seems quite straightforward," Dumbledore sighed with relief. He retrieved an appointment letter from the table, which he had prepared long ago. "We currently have an opening for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor," he stated, his voice steady. "Due to various unforeseen circumstances, I believe it might pique Mr. Dracula's interest."