
Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma (Harry Potter)

Erwin traveled to the world of Harry Potter and awakened the card drawing system. Start with a phoenix as a pet. It’s nothing to accompany Qiu to play Quidditch, and go to the library with Hermione to read books. Or join Luna in the hunt for the Horned Snorer. During the summer vacation, you can also find your veela fiancée. Erwin thought this was his leisurely life in the wizarding world. However, his subordinates did not think so. Queen of Knockturn Alley: You are the god of the underground forces! Lockhart, Minister of Magic: England wizarding world, you are the uncrowned king! Many years later, after defeating the Dark Lord and joining forces with the White Demon Lord, Erwin, known as the Grey Demon Lord, shook his head helplessly. This is really not what I want!

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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505 Chs

Chapter 217

Chapter 217 In Terms Of Disappointment, The Ministry Of Magic Never Disappoints

The last days of the semester are the most relaxing time for all students.

No homework, no exams, not even classes.

There is knowledge for carefree indulgence and joy for the upcoming holidays.

Recently, Harry has changed a lot, and even the Patronus curse can be released smoothly.

He was now looking forward to the holiday, something he hadn't thought since he came to Hogwarts.

Ron's face was also smiling. In order to compensate for his loss of pet, Sirius wanted to give Ron a mouse all the time.

However, Ron strongly rejected it. Since he knew Banban's true identity, he now wants to vomit when he sees a mouse.

In the end, Sirius gave Ron an owl, which is also the most common pet among wizards, which made Ron happy for a long time.

At the final school year summary banquet, Dumbledore actually announced the ownership of the Academy Cup, and also announced the resignation of Professor Lupin~.

Lupin did not announce his identity as a werewolf. Many students still had a good impression of him, and many people expressed regret for this. After all, he is already a relatively reliable professor.

And when Dumbledore announced that next year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would be Sirius, the students were boiling again.

For the past month or so, Sirius has been a figure in the magic world.

His legendary experience also gave him countless small fans at Hogwarts.

Sirius, who looked like a handsome uncle, stood up and waved at the students of the four academies. He regained his youthful spirit.

"My classmates, believe me, from me next semester, you will definitely be able to learn what is called true Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

Seeing his flamboyant appearance, all the students present not only had no disgust, but applauded again for their face.

Snape, who was sitting on the other side of Dumbledore, had a stinky face the whole time.

On the train, Alvin was sitting in a box with a few girls, discussing the Quidditch World Cup.

"My mother made a reservation a long time ago. We want to travel there with Banya, so you can just go and play."

Hermione said with some pity that it wasn't that she couldn't watch Quidditch, but that she couldn't go with Alvin.

Alvin understands Hermione's difficulties. She only spends so much time with her parents every year, and Hermione will naturally not change her schedule because of the Quidditch World Cup.

"What about you, Luna?"

Looking at Luna who was flipping through a copy of The Quibbler, Alvin asked about her arrangement.

The little witch stayed for a long time before slowly shaking her head, "I should see my father's arrangement. 35

"Okay, then you can decide when the time comes.

"Me, me, me!" Astoria raised her hand excitedly, "I'll go with my mother, but she's definitely going to sit with those Ministry of Magic officials, and I'm going to your box.

Alvin nodded in agreement, he had already got a package for the top box, enough to accommodate a lot of people.

He is not very interested in the World Cup, but his interest in joining in the fun is not small.

Suddenly, the door of the box was pushed open.

"Alvin, I didn't bother you, did I? 35

Fred winked at Alvin and said, receiving a shudder from Alvin.

"If you have something to say, don't be funny."

Covering his head, Fred was not angry, and asked with a smile: "Have you received a notice from the Ministry of Magic that we are prohibited from using magic during the holidays?"

Everyone shook their heads, and Fred happily announced: "I think they forgot, guys, celebrate the first time we can cast spells in a carefree holiday! 35

Hermione looked forward, "If that's the case, I'll be able to preview the spells I'm going to learn next semester during the holidays.

Alvin rubbed his forehead, as expected of Hermione, even the Ministry of Magic's trick is to learn.

Soon, the Hogwarts Express reached its end, and a group of students quickly rushed to the platform after getting off the train. Obviously, they also realized that this year's Ministry of Magic had forgotten to do something.

However, as expected of the Ministry of Magic, when it comes to disappointment, he never disappoints.

When the students reached the exit, they were stopped by Ministry of Magic staff and watched as they signed the agreement.

As for Alvin, as a holder of the Merlin Medal and a member of the Wizengamot Mage Order, he still has some privileges.

A group of dejected students walked out of the train station, causing the parents who came to pick them up to think that they had failed the exam. This is the expression. Several parents have secretly decided to go home and treat their cubs to a meal of fried bamboo shoots. Meat.

・・・・For flowers・0

Just as Harry was about to say hello to Alvin and say goodbye, his Uncle Vernon showed up.

"Boy, hurry up, it's not easy for me to waste my precious time to pick you up, how dare you linger like this!"

Vernon's rude roar caused dissatisfaction among some people around him, but everyone didn't say anything, just looked at him with contempt.

Suddenly Vernon looked at Sirius standing beside Harry with some uncertainty, and said with some uncertainty.

"Are you the new neighbor?" Then he thought of something, "You moved here for this kid?

Sirius hated Vernon's attitude towards Harry, but after all, he had raised Harry for so many years, and he was not easy to attack.


He still introduced himself calmly and said: "I'm Harry's godfather! 35

"What godfather? Why haven't I heard of it for so many years?" Vernon said impatiently, but a little girl next to him helped him.

"Mom, that's Sirius!" The little girl said in a milky voice, with a little more crying in her voice.

"Let's run, Sirius is a murderer, will he kill us?"

Alvin refrained from laughing. Although many people now know that Sirius is innocent, there are still people who have not changed their minds.

The little girl's mother looked at Sirius apologetically and said to her daughter: "Tiffany, don't talk nonsense, Mr. Sirius has been released from Azkaban, and the Ministry of Magic says he does not kill.

At this time, Uncle Vernon was pale and trembling.

Murderer, jail, don't kill.

Why does this sound wrong?

No wonder I've never heard Harry mention this godfather before, it turns out he's been in the chant!

"You, hello, Mr. Sirius, everyone will be neighbors in the future, don't be impulsive when you have something to do. 35

Vernon swallowed and greeted Sirius cautiously, completely different from the arrogance just now.

The corner of Sirius's mouth twitched. He was about to explain when Vernon quickly said, "Since you are here, you don't need us to borrow Potter, so let's say goodbye first."

After he finished speaking, he ran away with his fat son in his hand.

Alvin couldn't take it any longer and laughed tenth.