
Hogwarts: The Unscientific Wizard

Andy Collins insists Hogwarts is a cursed school. A centenarian lives in solitude, an elderly cat lady's marriage has broken off, a middle-aged man with a hook nose is heartbroken in love, a half-giant lives in a cramped hut and a glass beauty has a daily hangover. Andy Collins lists them all, and it seems that every single professor at Hogwarts is on the list of bachelors! The entire Faculty! Andy Collins had no great ambitions and just wanted to study 'Magical Magic' in peace. To have a happy life as a Professor at the school after graduation, Andy Collins decided to break the curse and spend seven years of school life solving the personal problems of the professors as a part-time gig. First, let's start with a blind date. PS: Mc only watched 1st Harry Potter Film. === Author: soda bottle cap === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.pro/book/52880.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Book&Literature
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Chapter 45 Return Professor Quirrell to Us

After talking to Dumbledore, it definitely strengthened Andy's heart to pursue magic.

Those conversations, though seemingly unrelated to magic, pointed Andy in a direction.

We learn magic, we use magic, we utilize magic. But we ultimately return to the very essence of all magic - magic.

Wizards age and die, but as long as they want to live, magic can make their bodies 'look' healthy and have the ability to move around freely.

This is certainly another proof that mind power can influence magic.

Coupled with the fact that Obscurus - the product of a fusion of dark emotions and magical power.

All of this seemed to prove to Andy that the fusion of mind power and magic power would be the ultimate answer to magic.


"What do I have to do?"

Andy's magic power had become more and more stable, and the experience of two lifetimes had made it so that Andy's emotions rarely went up and down.


Andy went to sleep as soon as he pulled the covers over his head!

This problem was unsolvable in a short period.

But the wisdom of magic inherited for thousands of years at Hogwarts, and the systems Andy himself possessed, there would always be one that could help Andy solve this problem.


The next day, September 16th, Monday.

Right after arriving at the Great Hall, Andy saw that the faculty table was already full of people, even Dumbledore had already come to the great hall early.

The great hall was quiet, and the young wizards were absent-mindedly eating their breakfast and glancing over to the faculty table from time to time.

At Hogwarts, except for some major holidays, and the opening banquet, professors usually would not come to the great hall to eat.

The house elves would thoughtfully deliver the professors' three meals a day to their offices.

Today is just another ordinary day, but the professors and the Headmaster of Hogwarts are all gathered in the Great Hall, which obviously means that something big is about to be announced.

The young wizards had already guessed the answer.

And Quirrell, who had also guessed the answer, was currently sitting in a corner sprawled out, silently waiting to die.

"Let's eat first." Hermione seemed to sense the atmosphere in the Great Hall as well and spoke in a thin voice.

Walking over to the Ravenclaw long table, Andy realized that many of the younger wizards had already finished their meals, but were still reluctant to leave.

Apparently, they didn't want to miss this final scene either.

This was the result of the joint efforts of all the young wizards in the whole school.

When all the young wizards finished their breakfast, Dumbledore got up and walked to the dais, he looked around the room and all the young wizards also focused their eyes on Dumbledore.

The great hall became silent at this moment.


Dumbledore announced, "Our Professor Quirrell is about to leave us for some personal reasons, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor will arrive at the beginning of October..."


"We made it! Bravo!"

"This is a victory for all of us!"


Cheers erupted in the Great Hall, and all the young wizards were thrilled. Especially on the Slytherin side, this matter was led by their Slytherins, this was their victory.

Andy saw that Malfoy had been surrounded by Slytherin students and thrown into the air to cheer.

No one would care about Quirrell, the one cowering in the corner, quietly waiting to die.   


The young wizards cheered for a while before Dumbledore used a sound-amplifying charm to stop the noise.

He continued, "Until your new professor arrives, the first to third-year Defense Against the Dark Arts class will be taught by - Professor Severus Snape, substituting."


The Great Hall quieted instantly.

"Give us back, Professor Quirrell!" An angry growl came from the Gryffindor side, which sounded like Fred, or maybe George.

"We can have Professor McGonagall, or maybe Professor Flitwick, as a substitute!" It was Harry's voice.

Andy felt that a few of them weren't going to have a very good week.

The young Gryffindor wizard adamantly opposed the matter, and the great hall was noisy again.

Andy looked around, pulled Hermione to cover himself, cleared his throat again to change his voice, moved slightly toward the Gryffindor side and then shouted, "Make Professor McGonagall a Headmistress!"


At these words, the great hall first erupted in an uproar, then instantly fell silent.

The young wizards of the three houses all looked in Gryffindor's direction as if they wanted to see which young wizard was actually so brave as to dare to rebel in front of Dumbledore.

Professor McGonagall's face was also dark as she glared fiercely at George and Fred - although she hadn't seen who had shouted those words, she highly suspected George and Fred.

Hermione grabbed Andy's waist hard.

The young witch pursed her lips and glared at Andy as she contemplated whether or not to hand Andy over and forget about it.


Dumbledore used the amplifying charm again as he made arrangements for substitutions for the other years before saying, "Alright boys, it's time for you to get to class."

Snape's substitutions were clearly a done deal, and it was then that the Gryffindors reacted - what on earth had they just done?

George and Fred were as devastated as they could be, and Harry was so pale that it seemed like he might not live to see the end of the day.

There was another man, who was now equally devastated, so pale that he couldn't even stand up anymore.

Quirinus Quirrell!

He was leaning against the corner, his head lowered in resignation and snivelling, his body couldn't stop trembling, as if he sensed some kind of great fear, as if he was going to die in the next second.

Hermione was a little uncomfortable, "Shall we go comfort Professor Quirrell?"


Andy quickly stopped, "Professor Dumbledore will comfort him, we don't need to do anything."

Hermione glared at Andy, "It's not all because of you?"

"There are so many poor people in this world, we can't help everyone."

Andy comforted, "We have to trust Headmaster Dumbledore, he's probably already found a job for Quirrell."

The name Dumbledore was very calming, and hearing Andy say that, Hermione stopped worrying unnecessarily.

"Let's go!"

Andy shrugged, "We're going to have two Potions classes in a row with Hufflepuff in the morning, and I think Professor Snape might not be in a good mood as well, why don't we go comfort Professor Snape?"

Upon hearing this, Hermione was also indignant, "The Gryffindors have gone too far! Professor Snape may be a bit harsh, but he's very knowledgeable and takes his classes very seriously, how can they speak like that!"

"That's right!" Andy nodded his head repeatedly in agreement.

Today's Snape had clearly transformed into Super Snape, and Andy didn't think the day would be over until he brought the Gryffindor's points into the negative.

But in Hermione's eyes, today's Snape was probably just more strictly responsible!

During the boiling of the potion, Snape was covered in a black aura, running around non-stop for two consecutive classes and pointing out the young wizard's wrong manoeuvres in a harsh tone.

It was close to spitting in their faces and calling them troll-brained.


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