

In London in the 1990s, Harry was thrown into the garden of No. 13 Privet Drive by his cousin. In fear, he saw the evil wizard who was rumoured in the neighborhood to do all kinds of evil. "Kid, do you know how precious the Moon Spirit Flower is?" "From today on, use your life to atone for your sins." As a result, Harry was forced to sign an unequal labour contract. But gradually, he discovered that the wizard was not that scary. He had a cat head formed by a curse. There was Lucifer, a talking stove, and a broom that automatically swept the floor. What’s more, the cabin looks like it’s just a two-story building, but it’s actually a huge moving castle! ! A year later, in the winter at Hogwarts, when Professor McGonagall was collecting Christmas homecoming forms, Harry resolutely submitted the application. "I am going home for the holidays!" It's a translation. Raw name : 霍格沃茨:移动城堡的猫巫师

The_Dream_Wanderer · Book&Literature
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100 Chs

CH 82 : New Spell

At noon the next day, Felix was still sitting quietly in the office. Cedric walked in and whispered, "Sir, there is a painting outside saying that I have something to ask you."

Felix nodded. "Okay, thank you, Cedric."

He stood up and walked out of the reading room. In the corridor, Sindel waved to him.

When she got closer, she put her hand to her mouth and whispered, "Principal Dumbledore wants you to go to his office. The password is cockroach pile."

"Excuse me, thank you."

After that, he walked downstairs.

After a few months, Dumbledore contacted him this time, and it was probably Quirrell who took action.


When he arrived at Dumbledore's office, it was still the same as before, except that the huge mirror had disappeared. Felix didn't know where Dumbledore had taken it.

"Have you had lunch?" Dumbledore was not in a hurry to get down to business.

"I have eaten," Felix said as he sat down. The chair in Dumbledore's office was not that comfortable, at least not as comfortable as his own sofa.

"I think you really need to install a microphone in your office. Sometimes it's quite troublesome to contact you," Dumbledore said.

"I don't mind having a phone line," Felix waved his hand.

"No need, the portraits are quite convenient," Dumbledore said, looking at the rows of portraits of the principal hanging in front of him. The principals of Hogwarts were mostly famous people of their time.

"Some of their portraits are connected to St. Mungo's, and some are connected to the Ministry of Magic," Dumbledore explained.

"And they serve you?"

Dumbledore just smiled and did not answer directly.

Felix also smiled. There was no doubt that they would serve Dumbledore.

Because this old guy definitely didn't want others to monitor him through his portrait.

"This office has a small spell that can prevent other portraits from entering at will. If you don't mind, you can set one in your own office."

Felix remembered the scene when Sindel brought him here for the first time. At that time, the happy girl said downstairs that he needed to come up and apply...

"Okay, I will do it when I have time. Let's talk about business," Felix nodded and said.

"Take a look at this," Dumbledore said, handing him the letter from the Ministry of Magic.

Felix took it and glanced at it. The text on the letter was very standardized, as if written by a machine. The specific content was that he was suspected to be related to the Halloween troll incident at Hogwarts.

The suspected reasons were the Knockturn Alley incident in 1990 and the unidentified wizard flying incident over London.

"Oh, didn't you say that you asked your friends at the Ministry of Magic to eliminate this matter?" Felix put away the letter and looked at the face that was always unfazed.

"It seems that someone dug out the file," Dumbledore said. "This is a targeted investigation. They just grabbed some unjust cases that happened in the past and put them on your head.

And coincidentally...you were indeed responsible for those cases!"

"Ahem..." Felix waved his hand. "It doesn't matter, we won't talk about this. I didn't expect that Riddle would have so much energy."

Dumbledore explained, "Riddle had many henchmen back then. After his downfall, they all claimed they were under the Imperius Curse, thus evading reckoning.

Most of these people are well-known in the magical world, and it is too easy for them to promote some small investigations."

"Okay, this is Quirrell's move to expel me from Hogwarts, what about you?"

"Me too," Dumbledore nodded. "Quirrell borrowed the help of others to report the existence of the three-headed dog in Hogwarts. Coupled with the troll incident, the Ministry of Magic needs to re-investigate whether I, as principal, am fit for duty."

"These methods are really not very clever," Felix shook his head. "When will they come?"

"It should be today. And after what happened last night, the little dragon should also be exposed, and Riddle won't mind causing me more trouble," Dumbledore said.

As he was talking, a painting on the wall suddenly spoke, "Dumbledore, there is someone downstairs who wants to find you."

"Who?" Dumbledore inquired.

"Hagrid and Harry Potter," said the man in the painting.

"Give them the password," Dumbledore nodded.

The conversation between the two ended there. Not long after, two figures, one large and one small, entered the room. Hagrid almost burst through the door and slammed his hand on the table: "Sir, it's Quirrell! It's Quirrell who wants to steal the Sorcerer's Stone!"

"Why do you say that?" Dumbledore asked, intrigued.

"Harry said so!" Hagrid pointed to Harry standing beside him.

It was then that Hagrid noticed Felix beside him.

"Oh, Felix. You're here too," he greeted casually.

"Good afternoon, Hagrid," Felix smiled and nodded, then acknowledged Harry's surprised gaze with a slight nod.

"Uncle Felix, good afternoon," Harry responded, then turned to Dumbledore. "Principal Dumbledore, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon. It seems you must have something very important to discuss with me. Let's hear it."

"That... that thing," Hagrid began hesitantly, eyeing Felix with uncertainty.

Seeing Hagrid's hesitation, Felix sighed inwardly...

You just blurted everything out as soon as you came in. Why are you concerned about confidentiality now?!

"You can trust Felix; he's a reliable ally and is also involved in the plan," Dumbledore reassured with a wry smile.

"Oh, I see," Hagrid laughed, then proceeded to recount the events of the previous night.

Dumbledore nodded, retrieved a handful of candies, and distributed them to everyone. "So, why do you suspect Professor Quirrell?"

Harry stepped forward and detailed the scars and his speculations one by one.

Upon hearing Harry's explanation, Felix couldn't help but smirk and cast a disdainful glance at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore did his best to avoid Felix's gaze but nodded, saying, "I understand, thank you, Hagrid. As for the issue with the unicorns, Hagrid, you can inquire with Pomona or Severus. I believe they may possess magical remedies to alleviate the unicorns' pain."

"Really?!" Hagrid exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with joy.

"Of course," Dumbledore confirmed. "You may leave now."

"Okay, Harry, let's go then," Hagrid said, rising from his seat.

"Felix, you go ahead. I think there's something I need to discuss with Harry," Felix said, standing up.

"Alright," Hagrid nodded, bidding farewell to everyone before eagerly leaving Dumbledore's office.

Once Hagrid departed, Harry looked at Felix with confusion. "Uncle Felix, is there something else we need to do?"

"Felix," he corrected, "The Ministry of Magic somehow knows about the fire dragon's existence. Perhaps we should conceal it for the time being."

"What?!" Harry exclaimed in surprise. "How do they know?"

Felix smiled but remained silent.

"I'll teach you a new spell that could be useful here," Felix added.