
Hogwarts: The Cat Wizard of the Moving Castle

In 1990s London, Harry was thrown into the flower bed of Number 13 Privet Drive by his cousin. In fear, he encountered the evil wizard rumored to be up to no good in the neighborhood. "Kid, do you know how precious Moon Spirit Flowers are? Starting today, use your whole life to atone." So, Harry was forced to sign an unequal labor contract. But gradually, he discovered that this wizard wasn't as terrifying as he seemed. He claimed to be an old being cursed to stay there, with a talking fireplace named Lucifer, a broom that swept automatically, and, surprisingly, the small house's exterior looked like just two stories, but in reality, it was a massive moving castle! A year later, during Hogwarts' winter, when Professor McGonagall collected Christmas holiday return forms, Harry decisively submitted his application. "I, Harry Potter, will be going home for the holidays." Disclaimer Just found this fun novel in Qidian. This is a translated fanfic. This is unprofit translation, will take this down if author wants to. I thought it would fun to share it with you guys. No specific release dates. Will upload once free or off work. MTL btw

Parasyte32 · Book&Literature
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32 Chs

Chapter 20: The Granger Family

Chapter 20: The Granger Family

The girl, a bit sulky, pulled her parents towards the two of them. As they reached the Leaky Cauldron, she released their hands and pointed to the entrance.

"See, right there! You still don't believe."

After speaking, a smug expression appeared on her face. Actions speak louder than words; now she could prove she wasn't lying!

However, what the little girl didn't expect was that her parents exchanged a glance and said helplessly, "Hermione, take a closer look; that's a bookstore."

"A bookstore?"

Hermione looked up, and the bookstore was clearly next to the pub.

"No, I mean the pub to the right of the bookstore." Hermione clarified.

"To the right of the bookstore is a record store... Oh, wait, is that the live recording of Queen's Save Life Concert?" The man walked a few steps forward, wanting to confirm.

Moon also glanced and, surprisingly, it was indeed Queen's vinyl record.

Saying that, the two men, without agreement, walked to the window of the record store. Moon suddenly thought of the gramophone Harry fixed, wondering if it could be used...

"Dad, it's right next to you, the Leaky Cauldron!" The little girl called Hermione walked up, holding her dad's hand, pointing to the sign of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Good girl, stop playing around." The man patted Hermione's fuzzy head, "How about we go to the bookstore?"

Hermione was extremely aggrieved now; it was right in front of them. Why did her parents pretend not to see it, making her look like a girl who likes to lie...

If it was a joke, it was too much!

"What she said is true."

Suddenly, a somewhat childish voice sounded next to Hermione. A boy, wearing loose clothes and a headscarf, stood not far away.

"Kid? What are you saying?" The man looked puzzled.

At this point, Moon finally took his eyes off the showcase and looked at the couple next to him. Then, he glanced at the tearful girl next to them.

"Yes, your daughter didn't lie." Moon also nodded, looking at Hermione and comforting her, "Miss, you didn't see it wrong; there is indeed a pub right next to the bookstore and record store in between."

"I told you!" Hermione jumped up happily, holding her dad's hand.

"Sir, please don't indulge the little girl's nonsense." The man frowned, somewhat displeased.

If it weren't for the extraordinary demeanor and attire of the guy in front of him, he would have defined the other party as a lunatic.

Moon waved his hand, looked at Hermione, and said, "The only way to solve this problem is for you to take them inside."

Harry also stood on the side and looked at Hermione, "Let me take you inside. Once you're in, everything will be clear."

Having read so many books, Harry had a certain understanding of many magical establishments' "anti-Muggle spells." He said, "This pub is enchanted; ordinary people can't see it."

"Enchantment?" The man was a bit confused, but the next moment, he felt himself being pulled forward again.

Hermione was furious, extremely furious. She had to drag her parents inside to show them that there was indeed a pub here. Otherwise, no matter what she said, they wouldn't believe it.

As for the enchantment... sorry, she didn't hear it at all. Right now, all she could think about was making her parents see that she hadn't lied.

With Harry in the lead, he pushed open the wooden fence of the pub, taking the initiative. The two adults were helplessly dragged toward the Leaky Cauldron.

However, what they didn't expect was that as they approached the gap between the bookstore and the record store, the air seemed to distort.

An old and dilapidated shop door, like an animal charging at them, quickly enlarged and approached them.


The surrounding sounds suddenly stopped, and it seemed as if they had broken through some thin film. The next moment, various rustling sounds filled their ears.

When they opened their eyes again, they found themselves in a dark and dirty place. In the gloomy surroundings, the pub was surrounded by shadowy figures. They were conversing with each other, but shortly after, people noticed the newcomers, and the voices quieted down.

"What is this..." The man pulled his wife and child closer, looking around warily.

"Don't be nervous; welcome to the wizarding world." Behind them, Moon's voice sounded. He patted the man's shoulder and said, "Wizards?"

The man looked at Moon, then at his daughter.

Hermione was also a bit startled; this place didn't seem like a good one.

Harry looked at Hermione and reassured her, "Don't worry, even though it looks... a bit scary here, just walk through, and the entrance is right behind."

"Entrance?" Hermione was puzzled.

"The entrance to Diagon Alley, a commercial street for wizards." Harry explained, "You're a wizard, just like me."

"Yes, I think your daughter is a witch, so she can see the Leaky Cauldron." Moon nodded.

The man's head was a bit dizzy; wizards... this was too surreal, but now the reality was in front of him. He tightly held his wife's hand to ease his tension.

Moon looked at Harry and said, "Kid, we need to go." Then he walked towards the back door of the pub.

Arriving in the backyard, Moon took out his wand, counting the bricks. A voice came from behind, "Sir, please wait."

Moon turned around to see the Granger family—Hermione, her parents—approaching.

He was a bit surprised, "I thought you might choose to go back to Charing Cross, considering the news just now may be hard to digest..."

The man walked quickly, his expression intertwined, seemingly organizing his words. He said, "It should have been like that, after all, it's too... sorry, I don't know how to say it. But I still want to ask you some questions, about the child!"

After saying that, he approached and extended his hand for a self-introduction, "I'm Chris Granger. This is my wife, Martha, and our daughter, Hermione Granger."

So, it was because of the child that he wanted to learn more...

Moon quickly understood the man's thoughts, shook hands with him, and said, "I'm Moon Jones, and this is Pete."

"Pete?" Harry pointed to himself, "I... uh, yes, I'm Pete."

Harry hadn't forgotten that his name appeared in several books, so he also thought it was right not to mention his name in Diagon Alley. But, Uncle Moon, are you sure this name wasn't something you came up with on the spot?

"Hello, I'm Hermione." Hermione also took the initiative to shake hands with Harry. Then she noticed the small wooden stick in Moon's hand.

"Is this a wand in your hand?" She curiously asked.

Moon lightly tapped the bricks twice with his wand and nodded, "Yes."

At the same time, with the rotation of the wall bricks, a cobbled path appeared in front of them.

The bustling sounds, along with the hooting of owls and other animal calls, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Harry couldn't wait to introduce, "This is Diagon Alley!"