
Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce

Traveling to the Harry Potter world, the marriage was broken off by the Parkinson family at the beginning. Braun originally wanted to roar, when he found himself to be a squib in the Harry Potter world? Fortunately, the wizard simulator awakens at this time. DISCLAIMER This is a translation/modified novel from MTL and i do not own the story or the characters or the image. I found this to be an interesting and enjoyable read and corrected the grammar and brushed it up a bit and shared for others to enjoy. All credits for the image and the novel and the characters belong to the respective owners. I do not own or claim ownership over anything.

DarkGod07 · Book&Literature
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58 Chs

Chapter 39: Merlin's Origin and Christmas

Percy's eyes flickered as he looked at the poster.

In his heart, he was thinking about how to get along with Braun.

Compared to the other brothers of the Weasley family, he is more utilitarian, like Ron.

He also has a feeling of inferiority about his family.

It's just that compared to Ron's lack of self confidence, he turned this inferiority complex into motivation to climb up.

This is also the reason why even though he later became Fudge's magical assistant and can still continue to follow the next Minister of Magic after Fudge's tragic fall.

"Ding dong! Ding dong! "

The magic clock on the wall rang non-stop, and the hands pointed to the sleeping position.

"Alright kids!

That's enough for today. It's late already and everyone needs to go to rest! "

Molly S. Weasley washed everyone's tableware and said to the crowd.

Ron had wanted to talk about the poster, but hearing Mrs. Weasley's words, he still obediently jumped off the couch and headed upstairs.

To get ready to go to bed.

To be honest, he was more afraid of his mother than his father.

"Mom, I still want to read a book."

Ginny coaxed her mom coquettishly after helping her with the dishes. The couple are still very fond of their little daughter.

"Okay, but just read for a while and get to bed early or you won't be able to get up on time again tomorrow.

We still have to decorate the house for Christmas. "


Ginny tilted her head and said sweetly.

Mrs. Weasley ordered a magic light for her by the fireplace etc.

Ginny was able to sit in a rocking chair by the fireplace and continued to read her book in peace tuning out the usual chaos that was taking place in the bedroom upstairs.

"Oh! Sh*t! Percy put your rat away. He almost bit me just now. "

Fred, who had just gotten into bed, felt something in his pants.

He was taken aback when he took it out.

Percy, who was lying on the other side, did not even bother to move.

"Scabbers doesn't bite, and Fred don't you remember that you gave him to Ron, now he's Ron's pet."

Ron, on the other hand was a little dissatisfied with using his brothers' old stuff for everything.

But he is also a bit happy to have a pet of his own.

" Ron! Your rat! "

Fred threw Scabbers onto Ron's bed.

"Hey, don't be cruel to him like that Fred, you are going to end up hurting him. Don't forget that he's already this old."

Ron picked up the Scabbers and said to Fred.

"Don't worry, he doesn't look that old anyway. He's like a strong middle aged guy. "

Fred said indifferently.

Ron knew he couldn't talk any sense into his brother and muttered a few incoherent words.

He then fell asleep holding Scabbers.

It's just he is still a child and children are unable to hold their strength most of the times.

The eyes of the rat were almost as if they were about to pop out of the sockets.

One can't help but worry about this rat.

A few hours ago, in the sky in a flying chariot pulled by abraxas,

"Dad, why do we wizards celebrate Christmas?

Isn't this a Muggle festival? "

"Braun, we don't celebrate Christmas.

Rather, it just coincides with the day to commemorate Merlin's birthday. "

"Merlin's birthday?"

Braun was a little confused.

In his past life Merlin was nothing more than a fictional character.

As King Arthur's advisor and magician, he helped King Arthur successfully register the capture of the English peninsula. He was a great king in English mythology and legend.

Foley's tone is respectful:

"Yes Merlin was a great wizard.

His mother was the daughter of a king who knew magic, and his father was either a devil or some kind of evil ghost named "Nightmare".

Merlin inherited his mother's kindness and his father's magical powers.

As a child, he showed his unique talent.

But alas, he eventually met his end by having his soul imprisoned in an oak tree by a banshee named Vivian.

In his honor, every year on his birthday, wizards cut oak in the hope of finding the oak tree where he was imprisoned and freeing his soul and allowing him to rest in peace.

Of course, with the passage of history, I don't know how Muggles miscommunicated the story. Now the oak has become a pine, and then there is also a jolly old man with a white beard.

This old man will ride on a chariot pulled by reindeers, come visiting bearing gifts to the children.

Coupled with the large number of Muggle-born wizards entering the wizarding world, the festival has continued like this for a few centuries now.

Similar to the reason on how Thanksgiving originally appeared in the wizarding world.

Okay son, the time for historical science is over.

We are home. " Albert then patted Braun on the head.

Mr. Foley went ahead to help his wife to get out of the carriage first and then helped his son out.

And then he himself had to go and bring these Abraxans back to the stables instead of ordering the house elves do it.