
Hogwarts: Start with A Divorce

Traveling to the Harry Potter world, the marriage was broken off by the Parkinson family at the beginning. Braun originally wanted to roar, when he found himself to be a squib in the Harry Potter world? Fortunately, the wizard simulator awakens at this time. DISCLAIMER This is a translation/modified novel from MTL and i do not own the story or the characters or the image. I found this to be an interesting and enjoyable read and corrected the grammar and brushed it up a bit and shared for others to enjoy. All credits for the image and the novel and the characters belong to the respective owners. I do not own or claim ownership over anything.

DarkGod07 · Book&Literature
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58 Chs

Chapter 37: Returning Home

"Of course! Please wait here while i will go there and personally escort your father here."

The clerk also admired this knowledgeable little wizard.

After a few words to one of the clerks who had just carried a broom, the somewhat skinny clerk hurried to the Leaky Cauldron bar.

"No need to go to the bar looking for us! We are here. "

Albert Foley and Arthur Weasley walked through the crowd and came to their side.


Braun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Mr. Foley.

"Ron, return the broom to little Braun!

It's not too early and your mother must be anxious by now, we should start heading back. "

Watching his son stroke the broom like a whoremonger addicted to a coquettish prostitute, while also making weird noises from time to time, Arthur Weasley couldn't help but blacken his face.

Several of his children have already started to make a living.

The twins with their talent in potions and Percy with his grades and capability to become an auror at the Ministry of Magi are also guaranteed to be able to take care of themselves. 

Even though his youngest daughter is still very young, but her wit can still be seen.

Only this son of his worries him greatly.

If it weren't for that red hair, Arthur would doubt that someone switched the baby at birth and stole his original son.

He even thought back to the day multiple time to check if he had accidentally picked up the wrong one at St. Mungo's Hospital.

Ron reluctantly handed the broom back to Braun.

However, after thinking of the poster that he got and the ten gold galleons, his mood instantly became happy.

Braun eats meat and makes sure to share the soup with him.

It was perfect!

"Alas, Braun is just my cousin.

If only he were my own brother.

I would prefer him over any of those j*rks. "

Ron couldn't help but think in his heart.

But then again no one know what he thought of and all of a sudden his eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Well done! My son! "

Mr. Foley said happily.

He didn't care much about money and brooms.

After all, these are all insignificant in his eyes.

What he cares about is Braun's proficiency when it comes to the knowledge on potions.

What impressed him today was that calm and collected attitude and not getting arrogant or conceited over winning.

He was humble from the start to the end and at the same time did not let others walk over him. He didn't hesitate to share with people by his side and at the same time did not feign generosity.

These things are the most important things in his opinion.

"Ron, when will you be like your cousin Braun?"

Arthur Weasley first looked at Mr. Foley with envy.

Then he decided he was going to be strict with Ron.

In the past, he always showed off his children and their accomplishments to Albert.

Unexpectedly, today he was shown up by his nephew, who he always thought was completely ordinary in the past.

In particular, there is also the deciding factor of his own son on the scene to make a comparison.

"Okay, okay, let's go.

Millie and Mrs. Weasley should be very anxious by now. We have kept them waiting without any news for almost an hour. "

Mr. Foley hurriedly rallied the trio.

Hearing Albert, Arthur swallowed the words he wanted to say to Ron.

He just glared at Ron with his eyes planning the rest of Ron's life until he enters Hogwarts.

"Why did you come back so late?"

Molly said to her husband with some complaint. She was startled when she saw how disheveled her son looked.

"Oh my God! Ron What's wrong with your face? "

Ron waved at his mother nonchalantly saying he was fine and then excitedly began to tell Braun's great achievements today:

"Mom! You don't see it.

Braun was awesome! He answered all those questions about these plants and potions! "

Molly listened to Ron's upside-down narrative. 

She then covered his mouth in surprise when she finally pieced together the actual events that took place.

Millie also looked at her son in shock.

Although she heard her husband say how amazing Braun's talent was, she never paid much attention.

In her opinion, as long as her son is not a squib and can live with her, she was happy.

For her, It is enough for her family to live together in peace.

She doesn't care about whatever happens in the wizarding world, or about revitalizing the Foley family.

In her opinion, everything is far less important than the happiness of her husband and son.

Who would have thought that her once shy and timid son could bring such a big surprise to them.

"Millie! Now you can rest assured about Braun! "Molly Weasley said to her sister with a cheerful look.

The two sisters exchanged a few more pleasantries.

Only after a long time did they say goodbye to each other and prepared to leave.

" Braun! See you next time!

If you have time, remember to come to my house to play!

We can catch gnomes and stingers together. "

Ron reluctantly decided to leave, not before invited his cousin to his home.

"Okay, I will."

Braun also said to Ron very solemnly.

To be honest, he is indeed somewhat interested in the Burrow he had seen in the movie.

Especially the strange building that resembles Hal's mobile castle.

Owning a home castle though is kind of cool.

But there is no fantasy transformation ability in Ron's house.

There are also gnomes and stingers that he has never seen before, nor were they shown in the movies

It also intrigued him.

The Foley family watched as the Weasleys use Floo powder to leave.

They also said goodbye to old Tom and came to their carriage.

As soon as they got into the carriage, Mr. Foley finally couldn't continue to contain his laughter.