
Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline

(Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline) This article is also known as [After Nirvana, I became a child again! ], also known as [My Elegant Life at Hogwarts! 】 Peter York, reborn in 1980s London, gets a super gene fusion device! Start by merging Phoenix’s genes to gain immortality! Don’t be afraid of Avada’s life! Integrate the genes of the invisible beasts to gain the ability of foreknowledge and invisibility! Integrate the genes of the bird and snake to gain the ability to be as big as you want! Integrate the genes of the basilisk, and gain the ability to die if you look directly, and become petrified if you look at it! One day, Peter York was besieged by the Death Eaters. With Mandela* genes, he sang directly on the spot! Immediately, everyone was shocked by the sound of death! Daily Prophet: “Peter York is a new generation of magic gods after Merlin! His abilities are beyond even the mysterious man! He is the future hope of the magic world!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 83

Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline Chapter 83

Leaving the Potions Office, Peter went to the Great Hall to eat first, the time of the club was at seven o'clock in the evening, it was now half past six, and if he was not in a hurry, he would be late, and he would be afraid that he would leave a bad impression!

As soon as he arrived at the long Slytherin table, many people took the initiative to greet him, and some people greeted him kindly!

Peter sat down next to Allen in some surprise, today's dish was Italian, Peter divided a piece of pizza, a macaroni, and a grilled fish from a large plate, and quickly ate it.

Alan saw the roommate's surprised expression and smiled and asked, "Don't you feel that the people of Slytherin today are different from you in the past?" "

Peter nodded as he ate.

"That's because they saw your strength and talent in the duel!" Alan said sharply, "Although Slytherin pays attention to blood, the most important thing is strength!" Whether you carry the sneak attack of black magic or reverse the situation with wandless magic, they will feel that you are a very worthy object! That's why they have such a change of attitude! "

Peter realized that he had no problem with this kind of behavior, because many people would do it. Since they wanted to make friends with themselves, of course he would not refuse, although he would not regard these people as real friends, but at least they were better than the enemy.

Prefect Chris Jones came up to Peter and smiled and said, "Congratulations on entering the Spell Club, Flitwick should have told you that I am also a member of the club, and that the club time is held at the Ravenclaw Public Library at seven o'clock, do you need me to wait for you?" "

Peter swallowed the food in his mouth before saying, "Thank you, Senior Jones!" You don't have to wait for me, I'll have a while to go, you go first! "

Chris Jones bowed his head and said kindly, "You can call me Chris, there are only two Slytherin students in the club, and we will have to take care of each other in the future!"

By the way, Ravenclaw doesn't have a secret language, so if you want to go in, you have to answer the question on the door panel, and if you answer correctly, you will be allowed to enter! You should get it right easily. Don't worry if you don't answer correctly, just wait and you can come in with the Ravenclaw students. "

"Thank you, Chris! I'll remember. Peter said gratefully, in fact, he already knew this, but since it was someone else's kindness, it was a good thing to continue.

Prefect Chris Jones walked away satisfied.

Alan White looked at Peter with a look of envy and said, "Spell Club, if you don't say it, I didn't know this club existed!" Professor Flitwick only invited you and Chris Jones, and obviously this is a club that only people with high magic talent can enter! Tell me when you come back, I don't even know what's inside Ravenclaw. "

Peter promised Alan, he looked at the time a little tight, and quickly accelerated the speed of eating, but the habit he had developed for a long time made him still look elegant at this time, and he could not see the look of anxiety at half a point.

After settling the food, Peter quickly grabbed his school bag and rushed to the Ravenclaw Tower. Hurry up and hurry to the top of the tower. He walked to a gate with an eagle-shaped bronze door knocker, picked up the door knocker and knocked.

Then a gentle female voice came out of the bronze door knocker and asked, "Was there a phoenix first, or a flame first?" "

When Peter heard this question, he raised an eyebrow randomly and replied, "The two are cyclical, there is no starting point!" "

"Makes sense!" The gentle voice sounded again, and the door opened.

Peter guessed that this voice should be the voice of Rowena Ravenclaw, it was really good!

Coming to the lounge, unlike the Slytherin green and silver decorations, blue and bronze are the main colors, and silk draperies of these two colors hang on the walls. The dome ceiling is painted with stars, and the dark blue carpet below is also covered with stars, corresponding to each other.

Tables, chairs and bookcases were all around. And next to the door leading to the dormitory, stands a statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, made of white marble. The statue is very beautiful, wearing a crown on its head with the inscription "Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind!" "

Peter bowed respectfully to Lady Ravenclaw, who carried out her thoughts, did not set up a secret language, and as long as he could answer the questions she had set, Ravenclaw would welcome anyone!

"Glad you recognized Ms. Ravenclaw," professor Flitwick's voice rang out from behind Peter.

Peter turned and looked at Flitwick in surprise, "Professor Flitwick, when did you come?" I didn't even notice you! "

Flitwick looked at Peter with a look of satisfaction, then looked at the statue behind Peter and sighed, "You were the first person I saw to bow to Lady Ravenclaw!" As soon as many people arrive in the lounge, their eyes will be attracted by the surrounding scenery, so they do not notice a single line! "

Peter looked at Professor Flitwick, who was only up to his waist, and said with a calm face, "I agree with Rowena Ravenclaw's statement that "superior wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind." Because whether in the Muggle world or the wizarding world, only knowledge will not leave you! Human beings rely on superior human wisdom to stand above all things!

Even in the wizarding world, many magical beasts are more powerful than wizards, but in the end, it is wizards who stand at the top! Because we have created a lot of magic with wisdom learning. And the wisdom of the people needs the continuous supply of knowledge! "

Hearing Peter's words, Professor Flitwick applauded happily and said with a look of regret: "It is a pity that you are not a student of our college!" ~ Your insight, which many Ravenclaw students have never grasped, have been blindly immersed in the book but have never tried to gain anything, becoming nerds in the eyes of other colleges. But forget that Ravenclaw's meaning is "greedy raven"! It's an endless quest for knowledge! Instead of holding a book or two. "

Peter smiled and reassured, "Since Ms. Ravenclaw has set the lounge door to ask questions, it means that she welcomes all people with wisdom and does not care what kind of college it is!" I'm not a student at Ravenclaw House, but I'm still a member of Hogwarts and your student! "

After Flitwick listened, he smiled and said relievedly, "You're right! Although many people say that Lady Hufflepuff is the kindest and willing to accept many wizards that other houses do not accept. But Ms. Ravenclaw is no exception, and she welcomes anyone who seeks knowledge and wisdom! "

"Let's go, the other students should have arrived, and we'll go to the library that belongs exclusively to Ravenclaw!" Flitwick led Peter to a small curved vaulted door opposite the window and said to him triumphantly, "Many people do not know that our academy has a private library, which is small in size but has a collection comparable to the Hogwarts Library!" "

Inside the small door is a library the size of a lounge space! Although there is no large library here, many books are densely stacked together, and books basically occupy half of the space! It seems a bit crowded.

Many Of Ravenclaw's students, standing quietly in the aisle, picked out the books they wanted to read, and then sat silently on the long table by the wall and read them.