
Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline

(Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline) This article is also known as [After Nirvana, I became a child again! ], also known as [My Elegant Life at Hogwarts! 】 Peter York, reborn in 1980s London, gets a super gene fusion device! Start by merging Phoenix’s genes to gain immortality! Don’t be afraid of Avada’s life! Integrate the genes of the invisible beasts to gain the ability of foreknowledge and invisibility! Integrate the genes of the bird and snake to gain the ability to be as big as you want! Integrate the genes of the basilisk, and gain the ability to die if you look directly, and become petrified if you look at it! One day, Peter York was besieged by the Death Eaters. With Mandela* genes, he sang directly on the spot! Immediately, everyone was shocked by the sound of death! Daily Prophet: “Peter York is a new generation of magic gods after Merlin! His abilities are beyond even the mysterious man! He is the future hope of the magic world!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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612 Chs

Chapter 583

Chapter 583: Death Eaters Attack the Ministry of Magic! Cedric and Alan's battle!!

Receiving Cedric's rescue news, Peter's eyebrows furrowed, he looked at the black and oppressive weather outside, only felt that the situation was getting more and more complicated, Scrimgeour died too early, and now I am afraid that it is chaos.

He didn't have much time to think about it now, he didn't care if the Ministry of Magic fell or not, but his two companions, Cedric and Alan, were working at the Ministry of Magic, and he was definitely going to save it.

So he directly summoned the Patronus to leave a message for Dumbledore, and disappeared into the office in an instant.

At the same time, outside the office door, a figure quietly hidden in the corner of the wall also quietly left there, only a conspicuous pale blond hair accidentally revealed in the firelight.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Magic is in chaos and panic, Minister Scrimgeour is suddenly murdered, and the Death Eaters attack the Ministry in a big way.

And many high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Magic seemed to have received the news in advance, and invariably took leave in advance to leave the Ministry of Magic, or simply hid directly.

Only Amelia Burns, the head of the Ministry of Magic's Law Enforcement Division, hastily led a portion of the Aurors and strikers who remained at the Ministry of Magic to resist.

However, due to the disparity in numbers and unequal combat power, he retreated and stayed on the floor of the Law Enforcement Division to fight fiercely against the Death Eaters.

As a Ministry of Magic official, Amelia Burns called on all the Ministry of Magic to fight the Death Eaters, but apparently it did not have much effect, and many Ministry of Magic staff were at an ordinary level of magic, and they were frightened and fled in panic, not even having the courage to resist the Death Eaters.

Swarm into the teleportation fireplace or hide in the office shivering.

However, Cedric and Alan responded positively to Amelia Burns' call and joined other young colleagues in the fight against the Death Eaters.

And because the magic level of the two is good, even stronger than the Aurors, they have gradually become the main force of the resistance team, and they are on the front line of the battle and fierce battle with the enemy.

But in the face of more and more Death Eaters, the two also felt more and more bad.

Amelia Burns cut off the Floo net in advance to delay the arrival of the Death Eaters, but the Death Eaters had already prepared, and groups of ten appeared in the halls of the Ministry of Magic with their portkeys.

In a short time, thousands of Death Eaters appeared in the Ministry of Magic.

Laughing maniacally and wantonly destroying everywhere.

"Damn, where did these Death Eaters get so many portkeys? And it's all still straight to the Ministry of Magic? "

After fighting off one Death Eater, Cedric cursed in annoyance as he watched more and more Death Eaters.

After almost a year at the Ministry of Magic, Cedric seemed to have matured considerably, cooperating with Alan in attacking the Death Eaters and rescuing colleagues who were fighting with them from time to time.

"Hmph, the Ministry of Magic has been infiltrated into a sieve! It's not a strange thing to get these portkeys. "

Alan said to Cedric as he fought, "Haven't you noticed that there are a lot of people on leave today, who obviously knew about the Death Eaters' attack on the Ministry of Magic for a long time, so they dodged early." "

"Are they on the side of the Death Eaters?!"

Cedric asked in disbelief, shocked and angry.

"Not really, but don't forget that the Death Eaters are almost all pure-bloods, and it's not hard to know the news in advance. And although we are also purebloods, because we chose Dumbledore's side, they have already drawn us out of the range. "

Alan snorted coldly, "These guys are all wall grass, they just need to stand on the sidelines and watch quietly, as long as they wait for which side has signs of victory, they will immediately jump into the opposing camp and earn the maximum benefit."

And apparently, a victory on Voldemort's side would guarantee them the highest benefits, so they would love to see the Ministry of Magic occupied by the Death Eaters. Even willing to provide some help, those portkeys are obviously their handiwork. Without the grant of the Ministry of Magic's high-level, it would not have been possible to make so many door keys that went straight to the Ministry of Magic. "

"There are more and more Death Eaters, and if we don't come to the reinforcements, I'm afraid we won't even be able to hold this floor!"

Cedric dodged a deadly spell and said worriedly, "I just sent Peter a letter asking for help, but I wonder if he is in the UK now?" He seems to have been abroad lately, and I don't know if my patronus can go to him. "

"I don't know where these Death Eaters came from? Hasn't Peter already solved a lot of Death Eaters before? Where did that guy find so many new members, and the strength is not weak, it feels more powerful than those Aurors in the Aurors. "

"The Department of Magical Transportation has previously discovered that a large number of wizards have entered illegally from abroad, and it seems that these are these people. Their accents are not local, but very similar to those on the American side. "

Alan directly unleashed a black spell to knock out the Death Eaters who were attacking Cedric while answering Peter's question.

He frowned, looked at the steady stream of Death Eaters, and said to Cedric, "If there are no reinforcements yet, we'll break through together later and try to get out of here." "

The resistance team organized by Amelia Burns was not strong, under the continuous attacks of the Death Eaters, the few Aurors and strikers were quickly defeated by the Death Eaters, only Burns and a few slightly stronger Aurors, as well as Cedric and Allen were still fighting.

Cedric and Alan's excellent performance could not only amaze their own side, but also attracted the attention of the Death Eaters.

One of the Death Eaters, after taking a closer look at the two, his eyes lit up, and he said happily to the leader on the side, "I know them, they are Peter York's best friends." The host said that as long as you catch Peter York's relatives and friends, there will be a reward! "

"Oh, that's really good news."

The leading Death Eater looked at the two people who were fighting the Death Eaters, his eyes flashed a malicious cold light, and he said with a sly smile: "A few more people, arrest them for me." As long as it is alive, it doesn't matter if you lack arms or legs! "