
Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline

(Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline) This article is also known as [After Nirvana, I became a child again! ], also known as [My Elegant Life at Hogwarts! 】 Peter York, reborn in 1980s London, gets a super gene fusion device! Start by merging Phoenix’s genes to gain immortality! Don’t be afraid of Avada’s life! Integrate the genes of the invisible beasts to gain the ability of foreknowledge and invisibility! Integrate the genes of the bird and snake to gain the ability to be as big as you want! Integrate the genes of the basilisk, and gain the ability to die if you look directly, and become petrified if you look at it! One day, Peter York was besieged by the Death Eaters. With Mandela* genes, he sang directly on the spot! Immediately, everyone was shocked by the sound of death! Daily Prophet: “Peter York is a new generation of magic gods after Merlin! His abilities are beyond even the mysterious man! He is the future hope of the magic world!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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612 Chs

Chapter 535

Chapter 535 Dumbledore's Strategy, Dark Right Hand!!


Peter looked at Dumbledore doubtfully, "Don't you really want these Death Eaters to break into Hogwarts?" "

"Even if Voldemort is stupid, he knows that Hogwarts has both of us, and he has no chance."

Peter skimmed his lips and said, "Voldemort asked Draco Malfoy to kill you, obviously punishing the Malfoys, after all, even Voldemort himself was not sure that he could kill you, let alone an ordinary student who had not yet graduated." "

"So what if there were only one of us left at Hogwarts?"

Dumbledore said slowly, looking at the sparkling lake, "Because of the two of us, Voldemort has never dared to act arbitrarily. But over time, I am afraid that it will give the people of the wizarding world, especially the Ministry of Magic, a stable illusion, which will be very unfavorable to us! The giants of the north have been drawn in by Voldemort, werewolves and vampires have also chosen to cooperate with Voldemort, and the goblins are also ambiguous, swinging left and right. We need to get rid of Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes as soon as possible, and then destroy Voldemort before he grows stronger. "

"So what are you going to do?"

Peter asked curiously.

"Since Voldemort intends to have Mr. Malfoy kill me, why don't I fulfill him?"

Dumbledore smiled and said, "This will save a soul that is about to fall into darkness, and Voldemort will no longer have any scruples." "

"What do you mean?" Dumbledore, do you really want to die? "

Peter looked at Dumbledore with a strange look in his eyes, could it be that this old guy was still thinking of dying after he had saved his life?

Dumbledore understood Peter's meaning, smiled and shook his head, "You misunderstood, old man, I am still very sorry for my life." I just wanted to take this opportunity to fake my death and go into the dark. On the one hand, it can continue to search for the whereabouts of other Horcruxes, and on the other hand, Voldemort can let his guard down. After all, after only you are left, his pressure will definitely be greatly reduced, and he will certainly not hide it anymore. A venomous snake hiding in the shadows is dangerous, and once it is exposed to sunlight, it is no longer enough to be afraid. "

Then he looked at Peter and said apologetically, "Of course, when the time comes, your pressure will definitely increase, and Voldemort will target most of you, and he will find a way to kill you." Oh, forget that you can't die, but your situation will be tough. "

Peter looked at the old man and asked directly, "Then how are you going to convince Voldemort that you are dead?" Voldemort wasn't stupid, he would have believed so easily that you had been killed. "

"Then you need Peter's help."

Dumbledore smiled and said, "With your help, and some of my schemes, I will convince Voldemort that I am really dead…"

Listening to Dumbledore's plan, Peter also found things more interesting, and agreed to cooperate with Dumbledore's request.

The next day, at lunchtime, Peter noticed the change in Dumbledore's right hand for the first time, only to see that his entire right hand had become like coke, and he also carried a large ancient and ugly ring on his finger, and the black moving gems on it had a strong smell of black magic.

The first time he saw this, he almost jumped up from his seat, because the ring was exactly the same as the Resurrection Stone Ring that had been destroyed before, and even the black magic aura on it was the same!

"Dumbledore, what's going on?"

Peter asked incredulously, sensing that Dumbledore's right hand was injured, and it was still a very deadly black magic, but it seemed to be blocked in his right arm and did not spread throughout his body.

Dumbledore winked at Peter and signaled that it was all right.

Other professors and students who were close by also noticed Dumbledore's situation, especially Shlaghorn, the Potions Master, stared straight into Dumbledore's right hand with his small eyes, and then said with a worried face, "Dumbledore, are you injured?!" And it was a very serious injury! "

Then his eyes moved to the Eaststone ring, stared at it for a long time, frowned on his forehead, and said in surprise, "That ring is not…"

Dumbledore shook his sleeve, hiding his dark right hand in his sleeve, and then shrugged his shoulders with a look of surprise, "It is true that he is a little injured, and people are always a little dull when they are old. But don't worry, Severus has already cured most of me with the potion, and it won't affect my play. "

Snape's calm face and sneering with a mocking smile were an expression of attitude.

Slughorn fell silent, his eyes glancing at Dumbledore's hidden right hand, and occasionally seeing his coke-black fingers, and his expression looked even more uneasy.

The students below are whispering, discussing who has the ability to hurt Dumbledore? And in the Slytherin crowd.

Some of the students from the Death Eater family looked at each other silently for a few moments, then lowered their heads for lunch.

After lunch, Peter followed Dumbledore to the Headmaster's office, where he frowned and pulled up the sleeve of Dumbledore's right hand and asked, "What's going on with Dumbledore?" This doesn't seem to be a disguise, how can I sense that your whole arm is full of deadly curses? If you don't stop it, you'll be cursed to kill you right away! What the hell are you doing? "

Dumbledore was not angry at Peter's rude behavior, but instead smiled and said, "Don't really worry about me, Peter, it's just a disguise, it can't kill me." "

As he said this, he took out a phoenix feather from the drawer, and then clenched the feather in his right hand, and held the old wand in his left hand and continued to chant the incantation, only to see the phoenix feather emitting red light, and then the black magic on Dumbledore's right hand quickly merged into the feather, and the phoenix feather filled with the breath of black magic turned into ashes, and the dark right hand gradually faded from the appearance of the hand and returned to a healthy state.

"You see, isn't it all right?"

Dumbledore showed Peter a healthy right hand and said kindly.

Peter's expression slowed down, but he still frowned and said, "Do you need to fight like this?" Dumbledore? You are no longer in disguise, the curse of black magic is already eroding your vitality, even if it is not as strong as Voldemort's curse, but black magic is black magic after all, and if you apply it to yourself, you are damaging your body. Don't play yourself to death before Voldemort dies! "

"If it wasn't true, Voldemort wouldn't have believed it."

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Only if I show weakness will others think there is a chance to kill me." "

As he pointed his old wand at his right hand and chanted the spell, his right hand turned pitch black again, exuding a strong smell of black magic.

And it was not only eroding Dumbledore's vitality, making him grow old and emaciated a lot in an instant…