
Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline

(Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline) This article is also known as [After Nirvana, I became a child again! ], also known as [My Elegant Life at Hogwarts! 】 Peter York, reborn in 1980s London, gets a super gene fusion device! Start by merging Phoenix’s genes to gain immortality! Don’t be afraid of Avada’s life! Integrate the genes of the invisible beasts to gain the ability of foreknowledge and invisibility! Integrate the genes of the bird and snake to gain the ability to be as big as you want! Integrate the genes of the basilisk, and gain the ability to die if you look directly, and become petrified if you look at it! One day, Peter York was besieged by the Death Eaters. With Mandela* genes, he sang directly on the spot! Immediately, everyone was shocked by the sound of death! Daily Prophet: “Peter York is a new generation of magic gods after Merlin! His abilities are beyond even the mysterious man! He is the future hope of the magic world!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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612 Chs

Chapter 327

Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline Chapter 327

Chapter 327 Deadly Voice, Animagus!!

"Is it confirmed that the Mandrake gene is fused?"

The system prompts.


"Fusion is starting later please!"

Immediately a warm current gushed out of Peter's body, rushing to Peter's throat, transforming the structure of his throat.

Peter only felt an itch in his throat, and then nothing unusual appeared.

"The system is ready?"

Peter asked doubtfully.

"The fusion is complete, and the host gets the sound of death!" As long as the host turns on the skill, your voice can easily take someone else's life! Please use with caution! At the same time, the host is immune to the cries of mandrake grass, and saliva can also be decontaminated, especially the petrified eye of the host itself, only the host's own saliva can be lifted! "

The system says.

When Peter listened to the explanation of the system, he was very satisfied, and he had one more means of attack, and in the future, he could take advantage of the fact that the enemy did not react, and he could directly attack the enemy with his voice!

As for the latter one, Peter's expression is a little awkward, and he uses his own saliva to lift the petrification? Can this operation also come out?

Now that he had achieved his goal, Peter would not stay here much longer, so he took a leaf of Mandela's grass and put it in a bottle, then walked out of the greenhouse again, locked the door and went to professor Sprout's greenhouse

"Professor, I've got the mandela blades."

Peter smiled and returned the key to her and showed the glass bottle in his hand.

Professor Sprout looked at the leaf in his hand and smiled, "You can get it, although I have no doubts about your Transfiguration level, but it is not an easy task to cultivate an Animagus, in addition to strength, luck is also very important!" "

"I just tried it and didn't expect much!"

Peter smiled and shook his head, saying that he would not be attached to it.

To become an Animagus, you first need to keep a leaf of Mandraya grass in your mouth for a whole month, and you can't swallow or spit out the leaf under any circumstances, or you have to start over.

Then, at the second full moon, put the leaves soaked in their saliva into a small transparent bottle and let it receive pure moonlight, but if it happens to be cloudy that night, you must find another leaf to start over!

Then add to the vial a hair of his own, a silver teaspoon of dew (which must be collected from a place where there has been no sunlight or human contact for seven days) and a ghost-faced chrysalis. The mixture is then left in a quiet, dark place, making sure it is not spied on and disturbed until the next storm strikes.

While waiting for the storm to come, perform the following action at each sunrise and sunset: point the tip of the wand at your heart and chant the mantra: "Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagos." "

Then the process of waiting for a storm can be as long as weeks, months, or even years. During this time, the transparent bottle must remain completely undisturbed and unsurpassed by the sun, and eye pollution will lead to the worst mutations!

At the same time, you must resist the temptation to check the potion in the transparent bottle before the lightning that accompanies the storm appears. If you insist on repeating the mantra every day at sunset and sunrise, you will feel another heartbeat the moment the tip of a wand touches your chest. And the process of chanting this mantra cannot be missing any time, nor can it be wrong!

When the storm comes, at the moment of lightning flash, the potion in the transparent bottle will turn blood red, and the potion at this time is the potion that can really make people turn into Animagus.

When completing all of the above steps, none of the steps can be wrong, otherwise you will abandon your previous efforts and must start all over again!

This is why, throughout the twentieth century, the Ministry of Magic had only seven registered seven Animagus.

This is also the reason why Professor Sprout, although he was confident in Peter's strength, did not have hope for him to practice The Animagus.

Of course, Peter himself knew it, so he did not choose to practice the Animagus, after all, the results of hard work were only able to become an ordinary animal, and it was still unknown.

It's not as good as Peter's own Bogart skill to deform the animals, and it can change whatever you want! There is no possibility of comparison at all!

After a moment of chilling with Professor Sprout, Peter resigned, and now that the first exam was nearing its end, he had to join his friends.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the auditorium, the fifth-grade students poured out from inside, and the expressions on their faces were different, some smiling, some frowning, and even a few crying students who were comforted by their peers.

However, as soon as these people saw the laid-back Peter, their faces were all complicated, and they couldn't fill the answers on the roll when they wanted to break their heads, and as a result, this guy handed in the papers in half an hour, which made them feel embarrassed!


Several of his companions came out together and waved happily at Peter.

Then the twins rushed over, hugged Peter happily, and excitedly said, "Peter thank you so much!" The × you gave us are basically hit! I think our exam paper score is at least E! "

"Be quiet! Fred George! Do you want everyone to know about this? "

Alan hurried to stop the two excited guys.

As soon as the twins saw the people around them, they quickly stopped their mouths, pulled Peter along, and walked quickly out of the castle.