
Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline

(Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline) This article is also known as [After Nirvana, I became a child again! ], also known as [My Elegant Life at Hogwarts! 】 Peter York, reborn in 1980s London, gets a super gene fusion device! Start by merging Phoenix’s genes to gain immortality! Don’t be afraid of Avada’s life! Integrate the genes of the invisible beasts to gain the ability of foreknowledge and invisibility! Integrate the genes of the bird and snake to gain the ability to be as big as you want! Integrate the genes of the basilisk, and gain the ability to die if you look directly, and become petrified if you look at it! One day, Peter York was besieged by the Death Eaters. With Mandela* genes, he sang directly on the spot! Immediately, everyone was shocked by the sound of death! Daily Prophet: “Peter York is a new generation of magic gods after Merlin! His abilities are beyond even the mysterious man! He is the future hope of the magic world!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 308

Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline Chapter 308

Chapter 308 Destroy the Dementors! Unfinished buddies!!

On a viaduct somewhere in Scotland, over a train parked on a bridge.

A feathered snake that resembled a silver dragon was torturing and killing fleeing Dementors everywhere, almost one Dementor at a time.

And the other guardian spirits did not stop, they joined the battle, driving away the dementors who were fleeing in a hurry, not letting them escape, in the blink of an eye, the gray scene in the sky suddenly became clear, there was no longer half a Dementor, only six silver illusory guardian spirits with light remained, standing high in the sky, looking down at the surroundings!

Only the tattered cloak belonging to the Dementors, fluttering with the wind, proves the existence of the Dementors.

The students and Aurors in the train below were all in shock at the same time, and they didn't expect that the dementors who smelled of the wizards would be solved so easily.

Then the students in the carriage burst into cheers and applause, which resounded throughout the train, and everyone excitedly discussed what had just happened, and speculated who the patron saints who had just appeared were.

Everyone was very interested in the patron saint magic just now, and they wanted to learn this cool-looking magic right away.

Only the Aurors at the front of the car had a somewhat complicated face, they looked at the guardian spirits that gradually dissipated in mid-air, and listened to the cheers of the thundering in the carriage, and they were a little overwhelmed.

"Captain, why didn't we explain this to the Minister?" We lost more than fifty Dementors this time! All wiped out by Peter the kid! That's one-sixth of all Dementors! "

An Auror asked the leader of the Aurors.

"Oh, what else can you do, you heard Peter's boy's words, and looking at the cheers in the car now, we can't arrest him!" When he returned, he told the truth that the Dementors had rioted and were destroyed by Peter! "

The Auror, the leader, sighed and said. Then the opponent ordered, "Let the driver continue to drive, it has been delayed here long enough." "

At this time, inside Peter's carriage, a group of partners were also cheering excitedly, clapping and celebrating with each other.

"Yeah, it's so exciting! Did you see that my goat patron saint had a horn on top and slammed the Dementor into peter's patron saint's mouth, biting it in half! "

Alan said excitedly, "Originally I was a little dissatisfied with my patron saint, I originally wanted a snake-like patron saint, but now I think sheep are not bad!" "

"Although the patron saints of our Weasley brothers are only magpies, our patron saints can stack on each other!" The Dementors we encounter are all running around! Did you see the Dementors we opened just now? It was disgusting enough, like a rotting corpse, it disgusted me! "

George said excitedly, too.

"Speaking of which, Cedric's Badger Guardian is powerful, I didn't expect Said to look so gentle, but his Guardian Spirit is very fierce, chasing Dementors around. It is said that the patron saint is the reaction of the heart, I can't imagine that Syd your heart is so surging ah, lol...…"

Fred chuckled and teased, Derek.

"I didn't know the Patron saint would do this, I just let him attack the Dementor, and he stayed there!" That's how badgers are! "

Cedric was embarrassed and tried to explain to his partner the difference between the patron saint and himself.

"But speaking of which, our Neville is even better!" His lion patron saint stepped on the Dementors one by one, and there were at least ten Dementors in his hands! "

The twins walked up to Neville, who was blushing with excitement, and hugged him, showing off, "This is our Gryffindor warrior!" His record today is better than our seniors, applaud him! "

Everyone laughed and applauded for Neville, and the twins laughed and giggled and sang in the tunes of the eccentric sisters: "Neville is our jade!" "

Neville blushed and kept hiding from the two brothers.

Peter sat down and looked at the crowd with a smile before he reacted and cried out complainingly, "Hey! Don't forget me! I'm the most involved, how did you leave me behind! "

"You don't count! If we count you, how can we compare! "

The twins skimmed their lips and said, "You freak, even if your grades are better than ours, we can understand your strength!" But why is the patron saint so much bigger than us! Compared with your feathered snake patron saint, our guardian spirit is like a notch behind! "

"Yes, you can't count Peter the guy!" Our patron saints can only drive away dementors, but Peter's can kill them! If you count him, we haven't actually beaten one! After all, in the end, his patron saint is responsible for killing, we are only auxiliaries! "

Alan grinned in agreement.

"You guys! Is it my fault that people are too good? What a depraved world! "

Peter shook his head and said sadly.

"Listen to this guy, it's so infuriating! Is there such a Versailles! "

Alan laughed and scolded.

Neville sat on the sidelines, laughing and listening to their conversation, only to find the seniors so funny.

"But Why did your patron saint, Peter, speak?" Any tips? Can you teach me? "

Cedric asked curiously.

"This is Dumbledore's modified Patronus Spell, which can be used to transmit messages in time, and if two people are far apart, the Guardians can use the Guardians to pass messages from a distance in an emergency!"

Peter smiled and said, then took out the parchment that Neville had given him and handed it to Cedric, "I learned it from here, if you want to learn it, practice it according to the above, and ask me again where you don't understand." "

"Is this the parchment that Neville gave you just now?" So you just learned it?! "

Cedric asked in surprise.

Peter nodded and said indifferently, "I just looked at it when I was teaching the Neville Patronus Spell, Dumbledore's idea is very clever, he has incorporated the Guidance Charm and the Voice Charm into the Guardian Spirit Spell, and it just so happens that I am familiar with both spells, so it is very easy to learn." "

"Well, there's really no way to compare with you!" I'll learn these two spells before I learn this improved version of the Patronus Spell! "

Cedric said dejectedly.

"Cedric, don't compare yourself to this freak, or sooner or later you'll have to autize!"

Fred patted Cedric on the shoulder and grinned.

Cedric nodded, then looked at Peter expectantly and said, "Peter, your patron saint was able to kill the Dementors, how did you do it?" I've never heard of a patron saint being able to kill a Dementor! You're making history! "

Peter didn't hide it, and explained with a smile, "Actually, the principle is very simple, I just injected the light positive power of the guardian into the Dementor's body when the guardian bit the dementor!" The Dementor is a pure dark creature whose powers are in its body, like poison, and will kill its evenness. "