
Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline

(Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline) This article is also known as [After Nirvana, I became a child again! ], also known as [My Elegant Life at Hogwarts! 】 Peter York, reborn in 1980s London, gets a super gene fusion device! Start by merging Phoenix’s genes to gain immortality! Don’t be afraid of Avada’s life! Integrate the genes of the invisible beasts to gain the ability of foreknowledge and invisibility! Integrate the genes of the bird and snake to gain the ability to be as big as you want! Integrate the genes of the basilisk, and gain the ability to die if you look directly, and become petrified if you look at it! One day, Peter York was besieged by the Death Eaters. With Mandela* genes, he sang directly on the spot! Immediately, everyone was shocked by the sound of death! Daily Prophet: “Peter York is a new generation of magic gods after Merlin! His abilities are beyond even the mysterious man! He is the future hope of the magic world!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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612 Chs

Chapter 294

Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline Chapter 294

Chapter 294 Visiting Longbottom Manor can save The Longbottons and?!!

At this time in the living room sat the old lady of Longbottom, Neville, and two middle-aged couples who were obviously husband and wife.

"Good afternoon, Old Lady Longbottom, long gone, looks good looking!"

Peter smiled and said to Augusta, the leader.

Old Lady Longbottom looked at Peter, a cold smile appeared on her face, and greeted her kindly, "You are not late, Peter, I said to let Algi pick you up, but I didn't expect you to be so stubborn as a child, and you insisted on coming by yourself!" It also turned such a big circle! "

"Where there is a guest, you still have to host the family, and personally go to the guest's house to pick up people!"

Peter shook his head and smiled.

Then he looked at the middle-aged couple on the side, smiled and said, "You are Neville's uncles and aunts, it is a pleasure to meet you!" "

The middle-aged woman smiled gently at Peter, while Algiron Barton, who was beside her, looked at Peter with surprise and said excitedly, "You just used the wandless magic, right, just wave your hand and get the dust away!" It's awesome! "

Algi looked a little out of his mind, his eyes constantly looking at Peter.

"Well, it's just a little trick, nothing great," Peter looked at Algi a little uncomfortably.

"Algi, be polite! Peter is our guest, don't ask east and west! "

Old Lady Longbottom looked solemnly at Algi.

Then he showed an embarrassed look to Peter and said, "Sorry Peter, Algi this guy is a little out of tune, a little disrespectful, you don't have to pay attention to him!" "

Peter looked at Algi, who had been trained by Mrs. Longbottom, and retracted back behind his wife.

Peter said amusedly, "Mr. Longbottom is very good, and he has a very similar personality to my two best companions, and there is no disrespect. "

Subsequently, under the warm reception of the old lady of Longbottom, Peter took up residence in the manor and opened the family's private collection to Peter for him to read.

For the generosity of the old lady of Longbottom, Peter, in addition to being grateful, took Neville with him and taught him at any time.

Peter was sensitive to magic fluctuations, so when teaching Neville, he could see at a glance what his problems were.

So Neville's magic progress in the past few days has been very fast, and he has quickly mastered the spells of the first and second grades.

Especially at dinner, after Neville successfully transformed his toad into a pocket watch in public, Aunt Ani happily gave Neville a kiss, and Uncle Algi picked up a chicken leg and put it on his plate.

Old Lady Longbottom did not say anything, but her eyes were full of smiles, and she looked lovingly at her grandson who was praised and blushed.

Peter, the creator of all this, was warmly welcomed by the Longbottom family.

"Except for your weapons!"

On the grass of Longbottom Manor, Neville pointed with his wand

The dummy on the other side read it out loud.

Only to see the weapon in the dummy's hand be thrown away in response.

"I succeeded! Peter, I really managed to cast the Disarming Curse! "

Neville said excitedly, his expression in disbelief.

Peter stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, smiled, and said, "Look, you just have a little less self-confidence, as long as you believe that you can do it, you are actually not worse than others!" "

"Thank you! Peter, I know I wouldn't have been able to do it without you! "

Neville looked at Peter gratefully. These days Peter explained the spell to him impatiently, and constantly encouraged him, so that he could make rapid progress.

"The most important thing is that you work hard enough!" I know you're practicing magic all these days, even in your bedroom. "

Peter looked at him approvingly and said.

"My brain is stupid, I can't always remember things, so I can only memorize it a few more times!"

Neville scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

Peter looked at Neville with some sympathy, forgetting that the Curse of Oblivion would cause damage to the mind, not to mention that Neville was only a year old at that time. But in order not to leave a psychological shadow on the child, Mrs. Longbotton can only endure the use of the forgetting spell, so that Neville can forget the memory of his parents' torture, resulting in his current poor memory.

Peter has turned on mind reading in order to teach Neville these days. He did not expect that this student whose grades were hovering on the pass was also very serious in school, just so as not to embarrass the Longbottom family.

But apparently the after-effects of the forgetting curse made him always unable to remember things, and for a long time he was considered a squib, which led to inner insecurity, and his grades naturally did not get better.

"Your wand should be changed, Neville, this wand is not yours, it does not listen to your orders at all, so your spells often do not come out."

Peter looked at neville and said with the wand in his hand.

"This is my dad's, my dad is an auror, and I want to use his wand to inherit his valor and not embarrass him!"

Neville said in a somewhat low mood.

"Your parents are heroes! Neville, your ability to enter Gryffindor shows that you are full of bravery inside, so you don't need to use a wand to prove anything! "

Peter comforted, "Besides, this is your father's wand, do you still want to take it for yourself?" So what will your dad use later? "

"My dad was lying in the hospital, and the therapist said they would have to lie in a hospital bed for the rest of their lives! His wand was no longer needed! "

Neville stroked his wand and said in frustration.

"Then if I say that I have the ability to cure your parents, do you believe it?"

Peter said quietly.


Neville jumped up in surprise, but then said in frustration, "Peter, don't joke, although you are very powerful, Dumbledore has also visited my parents and fathers, and even he is incompetent!" "

"Of course I can't compare with Dumbledore, but there is a specialization in the art industry, and your father's symptoms are that they are tortured by the drill heart curse to the point of mental breakdown, memory fragmentation, this is a problem of memory!" 」

Peter said confidently, "At this point we would also like to thank Professor Lockhart, who can be said to be a master in memory spells, and I just learned this skill from him, although it is not guaranteed that your parents will fully recover, but it should not be a problem for them to recover their sanity!" "

"Lockhart? Didn't Harry say he was a liar?! "

Neville still couldn't believe it.

"He is indeed a liar, and the experiences in his books are not his, but the memories of others that he stole!" But what kept him undiscovered for so many years was his remarkable ability in memory spells! "

Peter also sighed.

"Peter, I want to confirm to you again that what you said would cure my parents, is that true?"

Neville looked at him expectantly and hesitantly, and said with a frustrated look, "Our family has experienced it, many times hoped to be disappointed, and now Grandma has given up!" "

Peter nodded solemnly and said, "I've tried it many times, and it's a bit of a struggle, but it works!" "

Although Neville had some doubts about peter's "trial", he was still very excited and pulled Peter and ran home.

He was going to tell his family the good news.