
Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline

(Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline) This article is also known as [After Nirvana, I became a child again! ], also known as [My Elegant Life at Hogwarts! 】 Peter York, reborn in 1980s London, gets a super gene fusion device! Start by merging Phoenix’s genes to gain immortality! Don’t be afraid of Avada’s life! Integrate the genes of the invisible beasts to gain the ability of foreknowledge and invisibility! Integrate the genes of the bird and snake to gain the ability to be as big as you want! Integrate the genes of the basilisk, and gain the ability to die if you look directly, and become petrified if you look at it! One day, Peter York was besieged by the Death Eaters. With Mandela* genes, he sang directly on the spot! Immediately, everyone was shocked by the sound of death! Daily Prophet: “Peter York is a new generation of magic gods after Merlin! His abilities are beyond even the mysterious man! He is the future hope of the magic world!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 166

Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline Chapter 166

"Everyone has their own ambitions, and since Peter doesn't like Quidditch, we don't have to force him!" Cedric said gently.

"Or Cedric is reasonable, good flying talent, does not mean that you must join Quidditch!" Peter didn't understand the brain train of these people, was it that if he had good driving skills, he had to participate in a racing race?

A group of people followed the crowd and walked majestically into the castle auditorium.

The chair was almost full of professors, and there were no new professors joining this semester, so it was still the faces of those professors.

As for The Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor's Querinas Chiro, he is not actually a new professor. It was only from the original Muggle professor to the defense against the Dark Arts professorship.

However, Professor Quirrell still caused discussion among the students. In particular, his thickly wrapped turban really attracted the attention.

And his personality has changed greatly, when he used to teach Muggles, he was gentle and calm, and the wording was smooth. But now, he has become cowering, stuttering when he speaks, and he can't spit out a word for half a day.

"You say professor Quirrell encountered in the Albanian forest last semester to become like this?" There are students who are curious to express doubts.

"It is said that he encountered a vampire on the way to his adventure, almost died, and then it became like this!" A well-informed student, with a disdainful look on his face, said, "He was scared silly, and he always thought that the vampire would suddenly appear and bite him, so as soon as others approached him, he instantly avoided him, looking scared!" "

And his weird turban, which, according to Professor Quirrell, helped a Middle Eastern prince solve the zombies, which the prince gave him. But he can't even solve a vampire, can he solve the soul zombie? "

Listening to the discussion of his classmates, Peter secretly laughed.

He also didn't understand what this Professor Quirrell or Voldemort was thinking. I actually chose to start with this image!

This kind of act of pretending to be crazy and stupid may be able to deceive simple students. But for the old fritter professors, it was three hundred and two silver here.

A person who was good last semester suddenly became abnormal because of the attack of a vampire, and everyone knew that there were ghosts! And do you still want to steal the Philosopher's Stone from under Dumbledore's eyes?

Or is it that if a person has two souls on his head, will he become stupid? Peter guessed darkly.

But none of this mattered to him, he just had to sit quietly and watch Dumbledore and Voldemort fight.

Soon Professor McGonagall came down from his professor's seat and walked down the aisle out of the auditorium, supposedly the freshmen arriving.

It didn't take long for the auditorium door to open automatically.

Professor McGonagall led the new students in a row to the front of the auditorium, and then conjured up a high stool, holding the student list in one hand and the sorting hat in the other.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Peter recalled the scene when he first entered school.

Especially when I saw the familiar few people in the freshman group, I couldn't help but have a feeling of witnessing history with my own eyes.

When he read the first name "Hannah Abbott", Peter silently complained, "The protagonist of the flowing water, the iron Hannah Abbott!" ".

When Hermione Granger and Nave Longbottom were both sorted into Gryffindor. The Weasley twins, Jordan, and Cedric, all focused their attention on Peter, with a look of anticipation but still shock.

"Peter, are you really capable of prophecy?" Such two students who look at the impossible are actually all said to be in your mouth! Alan next to him stared straight at Peter, looking like he wanted to study him thoroughly.

"Do you want me to set up a crystal now, like Professor Trelawney, and prophesied your future?" Peter, of course, did not admit that he had the power to prophesy. In fact, what he inherited from the Invisible Beast was only the foreshadowing ability, not the prophecy of a given destiny.

"Forget it, I don't want to hear the prophecy that I'm going to die." As soon as Ellen heard him, he quickly shook his head in refusal.

"People are going to die, and dying early and dying late is death!" There's nothing to be afraid of! Peter said with a grin.

Alan glanced at him wordlessly.

"Harry Potter!"

When Professor Mack called out his name, there was silence all around. Many people's eyes are fixed on the newborn, the little boy with a nervous face and glasses, full of curiosity and expectation.

Harry Potter, sitting on a bench with a sorting hat, did not announce the outcome for a while, as if caught in an argument.

Peter knew that Harry Potter was destined to enter Gryffindor. As for the idea of making friends with him and then directing him to Slytherin, that is unrealistic.

Not to mention that the Potter family has been from Gryffindor for generations, even Dumbledore will not allow his Golden Boy to enter another academy.

So from the beginning, Peter wasn't going to have too much contact with Harry Potter. Of course, he will not choose to be an enemy of him, as long as he nods his head and has a good impression of each other.

And he doesn't want to be involved in the process of cultivating the savior, he has his own goals. Although Voldemort is indeed a big hidden danger at present.

But compared to the goal of fusing all the magic creature genes and achieving the highest achievement of magic. These are just obstacles on the way.

And he will have an endless life course in the future, and time is not too precious for him.

But it doesn't mean that he's a rebellious person. Peter had relatives, friends, and perhaps lovers in the future, and he would not allow others to hurt the people he cherished.

So he was doomed not to go with Voldemort, and of course it was impossible to say that he would fall to Dumbledore's side.

What he wants most is to be a figure in the middle that cannot be ignored! However, with his current strength, he could not realize such an idea, so he could only hold on to it first.

"Gryffindor!" Harry Potter on the bench finally had its home.

Suddenly, a deafening cheer erupted on the Gryffindor table. The Weasley twins were excitedly shouting "We have Harry Potter!" We have Harry Potter! "

"Hmm, there's nothing to be proud of, it's just a Potter!" A voice came from the Slytherin table, full of resentment.

Peter turned his head to see that it was Draco Malfoy, looking jealously at the long table opposite.

"Malfoy, does it sound like you and Potter have a conflict?" Peter said amusedly.

Of course, he knew that this arrogant little fart child originally wanted to make friends with others, but his bad habit of being pampered by his parents succeeded in making Harry Potter resent him for the first time.

Later on the train, he took the initiative to find Harry Potter and wanted to make friends, but his condescending appearance and mockery of Ron's poor family. Directly causing Harry Potter to resent him, it rose to the stage of disgust.

It can only be said that two people are "born a pair"!

Draco Malfoy looked at Peter, the corners of his mouth moved, but he did not speak, and turned his head to talk to the classmates on the side.

Peter shook his head amusedly, this little fart child who was spoiled by the family, sooner or later he would lose money.

Before dinner, Dumbledore announced that the corridor on the right side of the 3rd floor had become a forbidden place. Immediately aroused the curiosity of the students. Speculation about what is dangerous inside?

Peter looked at Dumbledore's smiling expression, momentarily speechless, and in the face of these curious students, such a loud announcement was like putting a plate of meat bones in the kennel, and then announcing that the puppies were not allowed to touch the bones!

This old man with bad eyes! Peter muttered silently.