
Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline

(Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline) This article is also known as [After Nirvana, I became a child again! ], also known as [My Elegant Life at Hogwarts! 】 Peter York, reborn in 1980s London, gets a super gene fusion device! Start by merging Phoenix’s genes to gain immortality! Don’t be afraid of Avada’s life! Integrate the genes of the invisible beasts to gain the ability of foreknowledge and invisibility! Integrate the genes of the bird and snake to gain the ability to be as big as you want! Integrate the genes of the basilisk, and gain the ability to die if you look directly, and become petrified if you look at it! One day, Peter York was besieged by the Death Eaters. With Mandela* genes, he sang directly on the spot! Immediately, everyone was shocked by the sound of death! Daily Prophet: “Peter York is a new generation of magic gods after Merlin! His abilities are beyond even the mysterious man! He is the future hope of the magic world!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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612 Chs

Chapter 115

Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline Chapter 115

"What's so terrible about ghosts, don't we see ghosts every day?" George sat directly on the ground and said with a frightened expression, "We were just exploring an old room on the third floor, and we just opened a broken cabinet and ran out of our mother!" She took the feather duster directly, chased after us, and said we were too naughty to separate me from Fred! "

"Yes, I don't know what the hell it is, but she looks so much like my mother that she even swears in exactly the same tone!" Fred also said with a palpitation, "She turned into a mother and told me that she was going to separate me from George and not be allowed to do pranks!" It was horrible! "

"That's Bogart! Being able to become the thing that people fear the most! Peter listened to the explanation, and then listened to what the two brothers were most afraid of, and couldn't help but laugh, "I didn't expect that the one you were most afraid of was Mrs. Weasley, if your mother knew, wouldn't she be angry and send you a roaring letter?" "

"No way, my mom would be happy to know that she was the one we were most afraid of!" After all, we are her most unconscious sons! The two brothers said in unison.

"In other words, this Bogart is really powerful, after becoming my mother, his appearance and tone are exactly the same, and the momentum of the curse is the same!" George exclaimed, "Fortunately, we knew that Mom couldn't be there, so we just closed the door and ran out!" "

"Of course, Bogart is something that defense against the Dark Arts was only learned in the third grade, and it can see through people's hearts and become the things that people are most afraid of!" And everything that comes out has a part of the power of the original object! It can be said that it is very powerful! Peter introduced that he remembered the Dementors that Bogart had conjured up, and still had the Ability of Dementors to absorb happy emotions! The Patronus Charm used by Lupin to train Harry Potter.

As soon as he said this, Peter was momentarily stunned, and then his eyes flashed with joy. He was worried about where to find the right magical animal for genetic fusion, and wouldn't that be delivered to the door!

Although Bogart can be repelled with a funny spell, his ability should not be underestimated! Although no wizard has ever known the true face of Bogart, its abilities have been analyzed by many wizards.

In fact, Bogart has two abilities, which have always been mind-reading ability, which is similar to the wizard's dementor, and it will first know what the other party is most afraid of through the ability to read minds! The second is the simulation ability that can become everything, it will become the thing that the other party is most afraid of, thus scaring off the enemy!

Such a kaleidoscopic and mind-reading Bogart has very powerful abilities, can be transformed into terrible things such as basilisks, dragons, dementors, etc., and can simulate some abilities! It's just that Bogart has no wisdom, only simple instincts, so that the wizard can find a way to deal with him.

The Funny Funny Spell is the most effective way to expel Bogart, the spell makes Bogart the most funny thing you think, and the more people there are, the easier Bogart is to deal with because it doesn't know what to become. And the way to kill Bogart is to laugh, laugh, and Bogart will explode into a thousand wisps of green smoke and disappear!

Although Bogett has such a big weakness, it is really useful to Peter, and after the fusion, these shortcomings may not be there.

So Peter couldn't wait to let the twins take him to see, and he decided to choose Bogart this time for genetic fusion!

"I really don't know what you're going to do with this thing?" Do you want to see what you're most afraid of? The three of them came to the door of the abandoned house on the third floor, and George complained that he didn't want to be chased and beaten by Bogart's mother.

"Peter, go in by yourself, we don't want to touch that thing!" We'll give you the wind! Fred followed.

Peter couldn't help but laugh as he watched the two of them die. Obviously, these two guys have just been beaten by Mrs. Weasley, who Bogart has become, and they all have psychological shadows!

Instead of forcing the two of them in, he taught them how to deal with Bogart, then opened the door and walked in, then closed the door.

The old room was an abandoned classroom, and Peter went straight to the wooden cabinet where Bogart was, wondering what he was most afraid of.

The wooden cabinet door suddenly opened from the inside, and out of it came a clean and beautiful adult, who walked to Peter with a smile, and the white clothes on his body suddenly began to ooze blood, and then said to him coldly: "This is not true, this is just a fantasy before we died!" There's no magic! "

Peter was stunned for a moment before he looked at the person in front of him with a complicated expression, he was the same as in his previous life! He muttered, "Turns out I'm most afraid of this, afraid that the world here is just a dream!" "

Immediately he laughed and directly reached out and shook the hand of Bai Xuan in front of him, "System, after fusing the Bogart gene, will Bogart's weakness be inherited by me?" "

"The host rests assured that when the system undergoes gene fusion, it will optimize the genes and there will be no weaknesses that you are worried about!" The system replied.

"That's good!" Peter was relieved and said directly, "System, give me the fusion of Bogart's genes!" "

"Select the magic creature Bogett Gene!" Genetic fusion is underway! The system prompted.

At the same time, the Bogett in front of Peter directly exploded into a cloud of green smoke and melted into Peter's body!

At this time, Peter's body suddenly gushed out a warm current, flowing into the limbs and five skeletons, and his whole body was warm, as if he was soaking in a hot spring!

After a while, it was directly prompted "Gene fusion complete!" "There are only 15 points left in the system!"

The genetic fusion was complete, and Peter looked at his body, and there was no other change in appearance.

But at this moment, the first time he found that his brain, as if it was installed with a signal receiver, received the thoughts of two people outside the door!

He knew very well that the Weasley brothers outside the door were not speaking, but he heard the thoughts of the two brothers in his head!

"It's been ten minutes, why hasn't there been any movement inside?" Was Peter stunned by what was inside? Should I go inside and have a look? George's thoughts clearly reached Peter's brain.

"There's no movement inside, do I want to take a look?" What if something goes wrong? Fred's voice also rang in Peter's head.

"Did I become a Dementor?!" Peter was surprised to say that he was now in a state much like a natural dementor, just like Newt Scamander's sister-in-law, Queenie Goldstein, who could detect other people's thoughts without chanting a spell!

Having mind-reading skills has made Peter very satisfied. It's just that he hopes that his dementors are self-controlled, otherwise it would be painful to be able to hear other people's thoughts all the time!

So he tried to keep it in his head, trying to turn off this ability to read minds. As a result, he didn't expect to really succeed, and his brain was like opening the window of the house, closing the window again, and he couldn't hear the outside sound!

He tried to turn on mind reading again, and he managed to hear the twin brothers outside the door!

Peter was very happy to gain self-controlled mind-reading skills, and in the future, as long as he was not a person who practiced brain occlusion, he wanted to confirm the thoughts of others, and he could easily do it!

After trying his first mind-reading skill, he wanted to try Bogart's transfiguration skill, which was what he was most looking forward to.