
Hogwarts Legacy

The story is about a guy named Draco Malfoy who has just entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It would seem that he is the same as everyone else, only he is subject to a great power, namely “Ancient Magic”. Let's watch as he gains control of his power, overcoming many difficulties and finding loyal friends and followers in the process...

Ratnik · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

As I approached one of the compartments, I opened the door and saw a rather interesting picture. There were the twins Fred and George, who were already familiar to me, and a dark girl who was obviously not British. And the interesting or rather funny thing was that the brothers were trying to throw up a suitcase, which, apparently, belonged to the girl, because the suitcase had a tag with the name "Angelina Johnson" on it, but their strength was not enough to throw it on the luggage rack.

- Hey, everybody. - I called out, making the trio aware of my presence.

Fred and George jumped up in surprise, causing the suitcase to fall on their heads, and the girl shrieked in fear.

- Hello, Draco!

- Hello, Draco!

The boys replied with glee and still put the suitcase on the ground to catch their breath.

- Do you need any help? - I asked, watching the sweat rolling down their faces.

- No, we'll be fine on our own. You can throw yours in for now. - The guys looked at each other, and there was a smile on their faces, anticipating my fiasco.

- Well, suit yourself. It's my job to offer. - I shrugged, then pulled out my wand and tapped my suitcase a couple times.

Immediately, my suitcase began to rise into the air, and then, in time with the movement of my wand, it settled neatly on the luggage rack.

I used a simple spell called Levioso. In my entire month of practice, I'd learned to use it and a couple other simple spells silently. Unfortunately, I couldn't do that with "Vingardium Levioso" and other mid-level spells that required a special swing. But I didn't despair, for even these achievements were incredible for someone who had just entered the school.

At that moment I realized that there was some strange silence in the compartment. When I looked at my neighbors, I saw them staring at me with their eyes wide open.

- What?" I raised my eyebrows, not understanding their reactions.

- You used magic just now, didn't you, Draco? - Fred asked.

- 'Well, yeah, what's the big deal? Can't you? There are many interesting and useful spells in school textbooks. For example, the one I used just now is 'Levioso'. - I looked at them strangely.

- Well, we didn't think of it. It was too lazy. - replied George, blushing a little. And his face, coupled with his red hair, started to look rather funny.

- Uh, Draco, right? - The girl turned to me at that moment.

- Yes," I nodded.

- My name is Angelina Johnson, nice to meet you. Um, could you help us throw our suitcases in?

- Sure, no problem! - I agreed, and then quickly threw in the girl's and twin brothers' suitcases.

As soon as I did that, the train horn whistled, and immediately after that the car, with a little jerk, began to slowly pick up speed.

We immediately settled into our seats. Fred and George on one side, and me and Angelina on the other.

- Listen, Draco, how did you use the spell anyway? You didn't cast it! - Fred, who had been whispering with George until now, turned to me.

I took my eyes off the houses and scenery outside the window and looked at my brothers.

- Silent spells. If you practice using spells often, you can eventually learn to use them without speaking. So far, I can only use a few light spells silently. The medium level spells are already failing me. - I frowned a little.


- Cool! And how long did you train to learn them? - George was intensely interested, and Angelina was also interested in watching our interaction.

- I spent the whole month of August practicing every day for a few hours.

- Crazy!" the brothers chorused.

- Hmm, I take it all those who don't waste time are crazy to you? To me, he's just a motivated guy. - Angelina chimed in.

- Hmm, what about you? Why didn't you at least learn "Levioso"? So it's not for you to criticize us! - George laughed, and the girl lowered her head in embarrassment. Apparently, George had hit the bullseye.

- By the way, Draco, we never found out what family you're from. - George spoke up.

- Haa, you would have found out anyway when we got to Hogwarts. Anyway, I hope your opinion of me won't change. I'll introduce myself again, my name is Draco Malfoy.

- WHAT?! - exclaimed the brothers in shock.

- What, is something wrong?

- Of course there is! Everything is wrong! We thought your family was all evil, but it's not!

- Hey, don't say that! Yes, my father can be tough sometimes, but he's not what you think he is. Although I don't understand why our fathers can't interact with each other calmly either. - I spoke slowly, and the twins nodded, agreeing with my words.

At that moment there was a knock on the door, and then a smiling woman came into the compartment, next to her was a cart with a lot of sweets.

- Would you guys like something to eat?

- Uh, no, thanks. - Everyone refused to buy anything, so the woman closed the door and went on her way, and we fell silent, each of us immersed in our own thoughts....



At some point in the journey, the train jerked, and I hit my head on the wall. It turned out that I had fallen asleep without realizing it. I looked out the window and saw that it was starting to get dark, and the sky was dark purple. The train was slowing down.

"We'll be pulling up to Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately." - at that moment the voice of the driver echoed throughout the train.

- At last!" exclaimed Fred and George, who, judging from their sleepy looks, had also just awakened. They were not the only ones who cheered. The excited voices of the students began to echo throughout the train, and they hurried out into the corridor. Our company decided not to stay inside the compartment, so we soon joined the others.

The train kept slowing down and slowing down and finally stopped. There was a terrible crowd in the corridor, which made me regret that I had left the compartment. But after a few minutes I found myself on a poorly lighted little platform. It was quite cold outside, which made me shiver. Many freshmen were wondering how to get to school, when suddenly a large lamp shook above our heads, followed by a loud voice.

- Freshmen! Freshman, everybody come here!

When I looked at the person who spoke, I was surprised by his enormous size. However, this was a magical world, so there was nothing supernatural about it.

- Okay, is everyone here? Then follow me! And watch your step! - The giant spoke again as a bunch of what appeared to be freshmen crowded around him, and then he started moving.

Slipping and stumbling, we followed the attendant down a narrow path that went sharply downward.

It was so dark that if it had not been for the light of the lamp in front, which served as a kind of beacon, many people would have been lost in this thick forest of dense trees.

- Just a few more seconds and you'll see Hogwarts! - shouted the giant ahead, and as if to confirm his words, the forest ended. A friendly exclamation of admiration came out of everyone's mouths.

We were standing on the shore of a large black lake, and on the other side of it, on top of a high cliff, stood a giant castle with huge windows that reflected the light of countless stars that had already appeared in the sky.

But I was impressed by something else. The castle was literally glowing, as if overflowing with magic, and the power of this magic was overwhelming. However, that glow quickly disappeared as if it had never existed at all.

- Hey, do you know why the castle stopped glowing? - I turned to the guy standing next to me.

- Glowing? What are you talking about? I didn't see any glow. - He asked in a perplexed tone.

- But it was there just now, and then it was gone..." I frowned, not understanding why the others didn't see the same thing.

- Heh, you probably just imagined it out of joy. Be calmer next time. - laughed the guy.

- Hmm, I guess... - I didn't want to prove anything to him, but I had this phenomenon firmly imprinted in my mind so that I could look for information about it later.


- Four men per boat, no more! - At that moment the giant commanded and pointed to a pile of small boats bobbing near the shore.

I found myself in one boat with three strange guys. Their faces were full of arrogance, which made me want to throw them into the cold surface of the lake at night to knock off all that arrogance.

- All set? Go on, then! - The giant's voice came again, and our flotilla glided down the lake.

The nearer we got to the cliff on which the castle stood, the more majestic it seemed.

- Get down! - shouted the giant when we were just under the cliff.

Everybody bent their heads, and the boats were in a thicket of ivy which concealed a huge cleft. Once past them, we entered a dark tunnel ending, apparently, just below the castle. Soon we docked at an underground wharf and disembarked on a stone platform.

The giant led us up the stone stairs, lighting the way with the same huge lamp. Soon we were all on the dew-damp lawn at the foot of the castle.

Another flight of stairs, and now we stood before a huge door, apparently made of oak.

- Is everyone here? - The giant looked at us carefully, and, making sure that everything was in order, raised his huge fist and knocked three times on the door of the castle....