
Hogwarts : I Have the Holy Father System

"DROPPED DROPPED IF YOU WANT TO READ PLEASE READ AT https://novelsemperor.com/series/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system There translation is not good but it is readable i guess ? Due to some issues I have to drop it , °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Sorry but , as you know this is. Chinese fanfic and I was just translating it and Due to some circumstances I will have to drop it , If you want to read you can try other sites that have translated this fanfic Although translation is very bad you can read it at - https://www.fannovel.com/novel/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system.html OR https://novelsemperor.com/series/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system#google_vignette Or if you want raw - https://wap.faloo.com/1159066.html http://m.14sw.net/book/79223/ . Thanks for reading so far and hope you all stay happy.

One_For_None · Book&Literature
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90 Chs

Chapter 68 Advises You to Hurry Up!!

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"Oh, well, I'm used to their rudeness, who made me a stinky mud seed!" Hermione wiped her tears sadly. She suffered a lot of ridicule on her first day in the wizarding world.

Her dad was also nearly killed. Thankfully, Darren saved them. And Dumbledore assured her that she would make her father forget what had happened that day before she could come to Hogwarts for school.

After coming to school, she studied hard every day to earn grades. She just wanted to tell others that she was no worse than anyone. It's just that the more she continues to study in this school, the more sad she feels. In terms of learning, she is no better than Darren.

In terms of popularity, she is no better than Harry. In terms of likability, she can't even compare to Ron. If she hadn't been able to see Darren every day, she would have really wanted to drop out of school sometimes.

[Ding, sensing that there is a scene of the Holy Father system playing around the host, now releases a temporary task: to comfort Hermione and let her temporarily dispel the idea of dropping out of school.] ]

[Ding, after the task is completed, get a versatile pen (you can use any pen to write any font you want), will the host take the task?] ]

[Pick up!] ]

Darren also did not expect that Hermione would have the idea of dropping out of school. So he laughed softly. Pulling Hermione to sit on the grass.

"Well, Harry's mother and I are also hemp wizards... Yes, don't look at me like that, in school history there is only mention that our mom was a great witch, not that she came from a Muggle family. And Harry and I both grew up in the Muggle world, and Harry was put in my aunt's house by Headmaster Dumbledore.

So, Hermione, you're not worse than us, you're great. In fact, I am not afraid to tell you that before coming to this school, I did not even read books. So, why do you feel sad because of such a little setback? You see I was assigned to Slytherin and ostracized by everyone, but I was not happy every day?" Darren smiled softly.

Hermione's tears gradually stopped. She looked at Darren and smiled sheepishly. "Oh, I'm sorry Darren, I asked you to mention your sad thing, maybe you're too much of a little angel..." Hermione said sheepishly. He realized that he was sitting with Darren at this time. The face gradually becomes red.

"Me, I went first thank you for your comfort!"

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and getting the Changeable Pen Edge]

Changeable Pen Edge: Child, is it okay to change your font? The system can't bear to look at it anymore! Ah this... Darren recalled his English. Feel... Okay? Although not as good as Dumbledore's snare font, it is also a school of its own. Cough. Change it. It's a big deal that he does the way he does word practice. With his genius, it can change in a day, not an exaggeration, right?

However, this time only temporarily dispel the idea that Hermione wants to quit school, and this girl should still need an adventure similar to the original book to really study at Hogwarts. He didn't have to worry about that.

The plot will move this forward. Darren patted the weeds on his body and stood up slowly. At this time, the students began to walk towards Hogwarts Castle one after another. He quickly followed.

Back at the castle, he saw Malfoy and Harry arguing again. He leaned over to hear them dueling at midnight.

"No, Malfoy, what the hell are you doing?" If you get caught in the middle of the night duel, you will probably be dropped out of school! " Darren said eagerly.

Malfoy snorted, and instead of ignoring Darren, he looked at Crab next to him and said with a high spirit, "Just Crab as my assistant, Harry Potter, if you're still a man, duel with me in the middle of the night. Don't think about calling Darren, you won't just hide behind Darren and wait for him to protect you, right? " Darren opened his mouth and tried to refute him, but Harry stood up very angrily.

"Of course I won't just hide behind Darren, he's my brother, I'll protect him later, I don't need you to worry about it!"

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you over there for a minute!"

"Well, we'll meet tonight at twelve o'clock in the prize room, where doors are never locked!" Malfoy raised an eyebrow at Harry. He turned to see Darren and grabbed him and headed for Slytherin.

"Hurry, go back to dinner, if you don't go again, you know the consequences!" It's Slytherin dinner time, and if Darren doesn't go, does he still want to punish him?

"No, I still have to talk to my brother!" Darren refuses Malfoy's tug and wants to stay here.

"Let go

"Let go of Darren!"

Darren immediately wanted to run back to Harry's side. Who knew a hand had grabbed his clothes.

It was a slender, white palm. The owner of the palm is a girl. Harry noticed that it was the cold girl who often sat with Darren.

"I'm a first-year Slytherin prefect, so it's okay to take our people, right?" Kassandra smirked and looked at Harry Potter.

Harry frowned; he was a little upset. What's wrong with Darren sitting here in Gryffindor? Why did you have to take him away?

"Well, then we'll have to ask our little Potter, come, little Potter, tell your brother, what will happen if you stay here for dinner?" Kassandra looked at Darren.

Darren shook his head pleadingly. Apparently, he didn't want Harry to know what he had accepted. Kassandra's eyes were cold for a moment, and then she said unhappily: "Then you must quickly explain it to him, and then come here, otherwise you will know the consequences!"

If it weren't for Darren Porter's thanking everyone in Slytherin after he had been drilled and slashed, and begging them not to spread the news. Otherwise, Harry Potter's punishment of Darren would spread throughout Hogwarts!

As a Kassandra who likes to dislike others, her first reaction was to spread the word.

Caused a dispute between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Who knew that Darren would do that, disrupting all her arrangements.



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