
Hogwarts : I Have the Holy Father System

"DROPPED DROPPED IF YOU WANT TO READ PLEASE READ AT https://novelsemperor.com/series/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system There translation is not good but it is readable i guess ? Due to some issues I have to drop it , °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Sorry but , as you know this is. Chinese fanfic and I was just translating it and Due to some circumstances I will have to drop it , If you want to read you can try other sites that have translated this fanfic Although translation is very bad you can read it at - https://www.fannovel.com/novel/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system.html OR https://novelsemperor.com/series/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system#google_vignette Or if you want raw - https://wap.faloo.com/1159066.html http://m.14sw.net/book/79223/ . Thanks for reading so far and hope you all stay happy.

One_For_None · Book&Literature
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90 Chs

CHAPTER-52 Transfiguration

Late at night, Snape found himself alone in his dimly lit office, the flickering candlelight casting shadows on the walls.

His quill, poised over a parchment, danced swiftly as he crafted a letter addressed to Lucius Malfoy.

The ink flowed with the weight of information, detailing an incident involving Malfoy's son, Draco, and the subsequent shattering of an amulet during a confrontation with Darren Porter, the younger brother of Harry Potter.

"To Lucius Malfoy:

Your son Draco has engaged in a confrontation with Harry Potter's younger brother, Darren Porter, resulting in the destruction of a valuable amulet. Though Draco emerged unharmed, the symbolism of this event cannot be ignored. I felt it necessary to bring this matter to your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Severus Snape"


Sealing the letter, Snape dispatched it with an owl, the creature disappearing into the night.

Yet, something gnawed at Snape, urging him to take further action. He retrieved another piece of parchment, his quill dancing once more.

"Darren Porter used Obscurus to shatter Malfoy's amulet today. Although Draco was unharmed, I have written to inform Lucius. Additionally, the Slytherin freshman prefect is Cassandra Vole. Should her extraordinary interest in Potter be a cause for concern?

-Severus Snape"

The second note met the flames of Snape's fireplace, consumed by the fire's hungry dance.

Meanwhile, in the principal's office, an aged hand intercepted the note. Unfolding it, the headmaster read the revelation:- "Darren Porter had used Obscurus to shatter Malfoy's amulet, and Snape had written to inform Lucius. Additionally, Cassandra Vole, a Slytherin freshman prefect, was mentioned, raising questions about her peculiar interest in Potter".

A thoughtful silence enveloped the room before the old hand lightly tapped the note with a wand. The words transformed into a different script.

"Snares are snares.

My dear Severus,

There is no need for such concern. The Vole family's children are known to me, and having Cassandra by Darren's side may be a positive influence. However, my attention is drawn to Darren's Obscurus, a potential source of great trouble for the child. And let it be known, Harry's actions are but those of a small child's innocent mistake.

Good night,

Albus Dumbledore"

Snape received the reply, and the memory of the boy's pale cheeks elicited a disdainful snort.

With a spark from his wand, he ignited the note.


Life at Hogwarts unfolded with its own peculiar charm, especially for Darren under the guidance of his responsible prefect.

She memorized every route, leading the new Slytherin students through the castle's mysteries. Unlike other houses, tardiness was a rare occurrence.

The first lesson of the day awaited them in Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class, shared with Gryffindor.

As the Slytherin freshmen entered the classroom, a tabby cat crouched on the podium, reminding Darren of Gryffindor's initiation.

His curiosity piqued, Darren reached out to touch the cat's head, a moment of whimsy interrupted by Draco Malfoy's insolent voice.

"Ha, let me see what our little Darren is doing, touching the head of an ugly cat. It's truly foolish of you!"


Darren turned around, a hint of anger in his eyes, facing Draco Malfoy, who seemed more audacious than usual.

The confrontation unfolded, revealing the dynamics of power and courage within Hogwarts.

In the midst of their exchange, a magical task presented itself, and Darren found himself entangled in a scene orchestrated by the enigmatic Holy Father system.

Malfoy, with his wand drawn, hugged the tabby cat, setting the stage for an unexpected challenge.

[Ding, sensing that there is a scene played by the Holy Father system around the host, is now releasing a temporary task:]

After Malfoy take out his wand, go forward and hug the tabby cat, exposing your back.

And say: How can you do this? ]

[Ding, after the mission is completed, get the eyes of Professor McGonagall, will the host receive the task?] ]


Professor McGonagall's gaze?

What is this thing?

Darren tilted his head in disbelief, but immediately let go of the question.


If you don't pick it up, the task is missed.

He had already seen Malfoy pull out his wand.

Darren hurriedly pounced on the tabby cat, turned his back on Malfoy, hugged the tabby cat, and shouted angrily in his mouth

"What are you doing? How can you do this? "

Darren's face was flushed, and he actually had no idea what Malfoy was doing with his wand.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and getting Professor McGonagall's eyes].

Professor McGonagall's gaze: Where Professor McGonagall is looking, your good fortune is +10


And this reward?

Darren excitedly accepted the reward.

Just as he was about to look back at what Malfoy had done, he saw a black cobra facing him.

"Potter, are you afraid?"

Malfoy was triumphant.

Darren opened his mouth and almost laughed.


Don't say that he can speak snake language, just say that Professor McGonagall in front of him, how can he watch him being bitten by a snake?

Sure enough, the next second, the tabby cat that Darren was holding gently pushed her away, and her figure instantly lengthened.

She took out her wand and nodded at the cobra, and the cobra turned into a green smoke and disappeared.

"Well, Mr. Malfoy, with the intention of attacking the Professor, Slytherin withheld thirty points, and additionally, confinement, for a month!"


take care, and please vote for my work and add to collection as it really motivates me , 
