
Hogwarts : I Have the Holy Father System

"DROPPED DROPPED IF YOU WANT TO READ PLEASE READ AT https://novelsemperor.com/series/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system There translation is not good but it is readable i guess ? Due to some issues I have to drop it , °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Sorry but , as you know this is. Chinese fanfic and I was just translating it and Due to some circumstances I will have to drop it , If you want to read you can try other sites that have translated this fanfic Although translation is very bad you can read it at - https://www.fannovel.com/novel/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system.html OR https://novelsemperor.com/series/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system#google_vignette Or if you want raw - https://wap.faloo.com/1159066.html http://m.14sw.net/book/79223/ . Thanks for reading so far and hope you all stay happy.

One_For_None · Book&Literature
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90 Chs

Chapter 16 The Potter Family

The boy turned his head softly, as if he wanted to say something, but he still did not open his mouth.

The big green eyes gradually became unbearable.

He must have been freaked out just now, right?

But his strong, brave, and kind qualities made him fearless of those fears.

Hermione thought with a sigh.

How can there be such a kind person in this world?

If she hadn't been a little far from Darren, and there were many people in the middle of cleaning up Mundungus, she would have run to the boy to comfort him by this time.

Such a kind boy, she decided, in the next seven years, she must take good care of him, can not let him be bullied.

[Ding, sensing the room for the Holy Father system to play, now release a temporary mission, walk over to Mundungus, and in a tone of please, please, please, and ask everyone not to hit Mundungus again.] ]

[Ding, after the mission completes the memory ability of Hermione Granger, will the host receive the task?] ]


Hermione Granger?

This girl is here?

Darren looked around curiously.

I don't know if this girl looks like the movie version or the novel version?

You must know that the movie version is very beautiful!

Darren looked around in small motions and didn't find Hermione.

After all, there were too many people around, and he couldn't ignore the image and twist his head like a fool in this scene.

Moreover, he also needs to complete the last temporary task of the day.

So he trotted quickly to the vicinity of Mundungus and said with some embarrassment:

"I'm sorry, but I seem to have heard him say that he knew Professor Dumbledore, so can I bring him to Dumbledore?"

Maybe he was really joking with me that we couldn't just bully a good guy or spare a bad guy and give him over to Mr. Dumbledore, okay? "

Darren "well-behaved" raised his head, revealing his cute white face.

The watery eyes, the hearts of the people who see them are melted.

This child is not only kind but also very sensible.

Look at Darren, and then at Mundungus, some people feel like their fists are hard again.

This bully child does not say, character is not good, all day long stealing.

These people present also knew Mundungus, but none of them were willing to help Mundungus explain, which shows Mundungus's usual personality.

"If Mr. Darren is willing, then Paggie can bring this guy to Dumbledore."

Paggie smiled and stood in front of Darren.

His tone was very gentle, and looking at Darren's gaze made Darren always feel that it was the feeling of an elder looking at a junior.

So what happened to this house-elf?

Is it difficult to treat him as a son?

Cough, it shouldn't be, Lily won't cheat on a house-elf.

Besides, Harry's resemblance to James also represents Lily's loyalty.

Or is this the Potters' undead house-elves?

But the original book did not mention this house-elf at all, which really made him clueless.

But there should be no problem; the house-elf wants to harm an ordinary student, it is very simple.

Especially now that he is a simple to stupid, kind enough to be a holy father, and a student who has not yet entered the school.

From the outside, he has no combat effectiveness at all.

These thoughts flashed through Darren's eyes, and he looked at Paige's eyes without the slightest change, still the same trust and innocence.

Paggie was very relieved to see it.

Worthy of being a little host.

Paggie is the last house-elf in the Potter family's old home.

It was already very old, so when James and Lily lived outside, they didn't take it with them, only let it take care of the old house.

If nothing else, Paggie would have died in the Potters' old mansion.

Because James and Lily did not leave portraits before they died, it is impossible for others to know the exact location of the Potter family's old home.

Even Harry, not surprisingly, could not find the Potter family house in this life.

Just a few days ago.

The portrait of the first Lady Potter of the Potter family, sensing a phoenix breath, also appeared on the descendants of the Potter family, sending him out to inquire about the situation.

With this question, I realized that so many things had happened over the years.

Master Jaime and Lady Lily had passed away, leaving only the two little masters outside.

The first thing it found was Dumbledore, who spoke of his suspicions.

He thought the Phoenix breath might be because of Darren.

Darren was still asleep in the school infirmary, so he went to Harry again.

Young Master Harry was startled by it, and also alarmed Petunia's family, and almost quarreled.

However, Paggie still understood the situation, and then returned to the Potter old house and reported the situation to the family's ancestor portrait.

After discussion, everyone agreed that Young Master Harry, who was protected by Lily's Blood Curse compared to having the status of a savior.

Little Young Master Darren may need its protection even more.

As a result, Little Young Master Darren became its little master.

At first, it didn't understand why Young Master Harry had such a miserable life, and why didn't the Patriarch send it to protect Young Master Harry?

It wasn't until it saw Young Master Darren that it knew that Young Master Darren would need it more than Young Master Harry.

Darren the little host was so kind.

He was like the patriarch of the Potter family.

Kind, brave, not afraid to be strong.

Their eyes were tough, and no one was more like the ancestors of the Potter family than the little master of Darren.

Paige couldn't help but marvel.

I quietly pressed the video recorder around my waist again.

The idea of this video recorder leads to the Potter family's old house, as long as it turns on the videotape, the Potter ancestors of the old house can also see what it sees.

The only trouble is that this recorder needs to be pressed from time to time, otherwise, its signal will be interrupted.

Fortunately, Paige is a house-elf and it doesn't feel tired.

It just hurts its little master.

Its little owner grew up from small to large, because of such excellent quality, must have suffered a lot.

It must take good care of the little host Darren!


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