
Hogwarts: I am Harry's eldest cousin

Becoming Harry's eldest cousin, designated as Muggle by the original author. Brother Xun has a good saying: "Merlin closes a door for you, and he will open a window for you." After getting a strange mage training system... Merlin opened the skylight above Dudley's head... Well, maybe Merlin had lifted the roof of Dudley house. Dudley Dursley: "Listen to me, it’s not what you think, I'm a spellcaster!" Under the moon, Dudley twisted his waist in a strange pose, and a BGM sounded behind him: "Okay, I have a showdown." I admit that wizards have limits, so I will no longer be a wizard! Potter! "System, if you keep doing this, I will learn seventy-two changes and become a Super Saiyan." Note: Brother Xun is an author of books for primary schools Author: Lord Berefeld *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong’s to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change.

dragonoid001 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 66: Challenge Accepted - Drink My Aguamenti!

While everyone else was surprised, Harry found it quite natural. Up to this point, he had never seen a cat that Dudley couldn't handle.

Dudley had a 100% 'critical damage' rate when it came to cats. Whether it was his technique for petting cats or his affinity for them, both were unlimited.

Any cat, without exception, would lie down to Dudley, exposing its belly.

As for Dudley talking to the cat, Harry found it normal. After all, he could talk to snakes, so Dudley talking to a cat wasn't strange at all.

Dudley's ability to talk to Mrs. Norris wasn't because he was a 'cat speaker' but rather due to his knowledge of magical creatures.

Mrs. Norris wasn't an ordinary cat; her lifespan was much longer than that of a regular cat. She had been with Filch for twenty years and showed no signs of aging.

She had a significant lineage of some magical creature, and Dudley could at least understand what she was saying.

After petting Mrs. Norris for a while, Dudley reached into the small bag at his waist and pulled out a small bottle.

In that instant, Mrs. Norris leaped up from the ground, her gaze fixed on the small bottle in Dudley's hand.

Inside were dried fish.

Perfectly delicious dried fish, as the magical data eye accurately displayed.

These were made by Dudley after brewing potion ingredients. He caught the fish on his way back from exercising in the Black Lake. Perhaps due to the proximity to the Forbidden Forest, the fish in the Black Lake had exceptionally tasty flesh.

Since there were very few cats in the castle, most of which were raised by Ravenclaw witches, Dudley, who was used to petting cats, felt uncomfortable until he met Mrs. Norris on his way back to the dormitory one night.

Most of the dried fish he made ended up in Mrs. Norris's stomach.

When Mrs. Norris was usually with Filch, she maintained a cold demeanor, but when filch wasn't around, she would act like she did just now.

Hmm? This description feels a bit off.

"All these dried fish are yours," Dudley said. "Tomorrow, I'll get you some fresh ones."

Dudley rubbed Mrs. Norris's head vigorously, and Mrs. Norris concentrated on savoring the incredibly delicious dried fish, finishing them quickly.

Satisfied, Mrs. Norris licked her paw to clean the remaining crumbs, then shook her body and meowed at Dudley.

"Let's go. Mrs. Norris says she'll lead us back without being discovered."

With Mrs. Norris as their little traitor guide, they could definitely avoid Filch.

The small wizards behind them exchanged glances. Had she been turned?

Dudley raised his eyebrows provocatively, looking around as if challenging someone.

He wanted to see who arranged all this, why they had to go to the fourth floor, and what else was planned for the road ahead.

Even if filch were to come out, Dudley was confident he could knock him out before he could react.

Yes, on a physical level.

With Mrs. Norris leading the way, the journey behind them was smooth, and the group quickly arrived at the entrance to Gryffindor's common room.

In Dudley's imagination, Filch, Peeves, and even Professor McGonagall were nowhere to be found. It seemed like the mysterious changes in the stairs, the sudden disappearance of the path under the stairs, and the sudden appearance of Mrs. Norris were just coincidences.

But Dudley didn't believe it. A series of coincidences coming together was no longer just a coincidence.

After watching Hermione and the others enter the common room, Dudley quickly returned to the Slytherin common room with Malfoy.

Similarly, nothing happened on the way back. It was even faster than their return to Gryffindor.

Dudley nodded thoughtfully, seemingly understanding something.

The next morning, as usual, Dudley got up early. Around the time he finished fifty sets of push-ups, thirty sets of barbell rows, twenty sets of squats, and fifteen sets of dumbbell chest presses, Harry and Malfoy arrived, followed closely by Hermione.

Even Ron came along.

"It's still early. Let's start with a warm-up," Dudley suggested.

Dudley's warm-up was high-intensity training for ordinary people.

Malfoy finished first, followed by Harry, and lastly, Hermione.

As for Ron?

Little Ronnie gave up before completing the first set.

"The rules of the match are one-on-one. You can use any means to knock down your opponent until they surrender, or I declare a winner. Any objections?"

Harry and Malfoy nodded, taking out their wands and staring at each other.

"Do we really have to fight? Wouldn't that be bad?" Hermione whispered softly. She wanted to mediate but didn't know how to do it.

"Between boys, there's no not fighting. If you don't like someone, you fight, and the problem is solved," Dudley shook his head.

The friendship between men was often forged through fists and kicks. A punch was proof of friendship.

"Don't worry, Hermione. The potions are enough," Dudley reassured her.

Hermione: 'Boys are really strange.'

What spells did first-year students at Hogwarts learn? At the moment, Professor Flitwick had only taught three spells.

Lumos, Alohomora (to open doors), and...

"Drink my Aguamenti!"

Malfoy took the lead, waving his wand at Harry.

First, a small spark emerged from the tip of his wand, and then a few drops of murky liquid dripped out, giving a feeling of urinary urgency.

For the current small wizards, smoothly casting magic was somewhat difficult.

Not everyone was like Hermione Granger.

Seeing Malfoy's futile attempt, Harry, naturally, wouldn't let go of this excellent opportunity. He also drew his wand and aimed it at Malfoy.

" Aguamenti!"

Harry's spell was slightly better than Malfoy's, but it was also very limited. His wand sprayed a thin stream of water, forming a graceful arc in the air, perfectly hitting Malfoy in the face.

Malfoy, not to be outdone, exerted more force and waved his wand again. This time, he finally sprayed water.

Also on Harry's face.

The magical skills of the two were evenly matched. Although Harry grew up with Dudley, he never actively practiced. Malfoy, although spending less time with Dudley, had been training for a while.

So, after a series of exchanges, both realized that this foolish approach wouldn't harm each other. They both gave up their wands and rushed at each other for hand-to-hand combat.

This was where the advantage of training came into play. Although Harry had grown up with Dudley, he had never actively trained. Malfoy, on the other hand, had practiced for a while.

So, after a series of exchanges, with both giving it their all in a scuffle, Malfoy won with a slight advantage.

From today on, Harry also joined Dudley's training regimen.

(End of this chapter)

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