
Hogwarts: I am Harry's eldest cousin

Becoming Harry's eldest cousin, designated as Muggle by the original author. Brother Xun has a good saying: "Merlin closes a door for you, and he will open a window for you." After getting a strange mage training system... Merlin opened the skylight above Dudley's head... Well, maybe Merlin had lifted the roof of Dudley house. Dudley Dursley: "Listen to me, it’s not what you think, I'm a spellcaster!" Under the moon, Dudley twisted his waist in a strange pose, and a BGM sounded behind him: "Okay, I have a showdown." I admit that wizards have limits, so I will no longer be a wizard! Potter! "System, if you keep doing this, I will learn seventy-two changes and become a Super Saiyan." Note: Brother Xun is an author of books for primary schools Author: Lord Berefeld *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong’s to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change.

dragonoid001 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 30: Nice to Meet You!

The interior of Gringotts was much more spacious than it appeared from the outside. Obviously, it had been enchanted with an undetectable extension charm. This charm was incredibly convenient, and the hall was filled with countless doors leading to various places. Hundreds of goblins were busy at the counters, examining gems, coins, and rare items with scales, magnifying glasses, and other tools.

Under Professor McGonagall's guidance, they approached one of the counters. "Please exchange some Galleons for these gentlemen."

The goblin at the counter, initially wearing a look of impatience, immediately put on a fake smile upon seeing Professor McGonagall. "Hello, Professor McGonagall. Are these new students for Hogwarts?"

Seeing her nod, the goblin turned to Vernon, and the fake smile vanished, replaced by his original impatience. "How much do you want to exchange?"

Vernon asked cautiously, "What's the exchange rate?"

The goblin impatiently glanced at Vernon but still answered, "Five pounds for one Galleon."

Vernon visibly relaxed and boldly said, "Give me a thousand."

"Sorry, sir," the goblin sneered, "Hogwarts students can only exchange once a year, and the limit is 100 Galleons per exchange."

"Fine, then make it 200 Galleons," Vernon muttered.

He handed over £1,000 and two bags of gold coins—one for Harry and one for Dudley.

Meanwhile, Mr. Granger exchanged a hundred Galleons for Hermione.

As they were about to leave, Professor McGonagall said, "Wait, we need to visit Mr. Harry Potter's vault to get some money."

She took out a golden key from her pocket.

After a roller-coaster-like experience, they arrived at the Potter family's vault.

"I didn't expect them to be so wealthy," Vernon remarked as they emerged from the vault filled with gold.

He had always thought of his sister-in-law and her husband as lazy, unemployed people. Little did he know they were quite well-off.

However, the Dursleys were not interested in the money. On the contrary, they were happy for Harry.

"Please follow the guidelines in the acceptance letter for your purchases," Professor McGonagall reminded them. She was referring to the list of items required for Hogwarts.

The essentials included robes, gloves, cloaks, textbooks, wands, cauldrons, glass vials, telescopes, and scales. Additionally, students could bring an owl, cat, or toad.

Dudley frowned as he went through the shopping list. It wasn't because there were too many items, but rather too few, especially for the Potions class—only a cauldron, ingredients, and scales.

"Professor McGonagall, besides these items, can we bring anything else?" Dudley asked.

"Of course, but I must remind you not to bring anything related to Muggles. Hogwarts cannot use those items," McGonagall warned.

Dudley didn't want to bring additional things; he just found the equipment too basic. To improve his potion-making, Dudley planned to bring the set of experimental equipment he had purchased. Considering Harry and Hermione might need it too, he decided to bring a few extra sets.

"It's getting late," Professor McGonagall said, looking at the sky. "I think we should split up. The adults will go with me to buy cauldrons, scales, and books. The future young wizards can buy wands and tailor-made robes."

Everyone agreed to Professor McGonagall's plan. Mr. Granger and Vernon had already arranged to go to the Leaky Cauldron for a drink while waiting.

First, they went to buy the robes and cloaks, which took the most time.

The three young wizards and the true Muggle entered a shop called "Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions."

Madam Malkin was a short and plump witch, dressed in a purple robe. She smiled at the three customers. "Are you here to buy Hogwarts uniforms? Two sets for first years and one for seventh year, right?"

Dudley grinned, "No, all for first year."

This unexpected response left Madam Malkin momentarily stunned. "Ah, alright."

As she spoke, her eyes involuntarily moved toward Dudley.

'Hogwarts doesn't just admit 11-year-olds now?' she thought, noting that the robes worn by Dudley and Harry resembled wizarding clothing. Hermione, on the other hand, wore clearly Muggle attire.

Madam Malkin soon recovered. "Oh, okay."

She reflexively answered, and her eyes inadvertently looked at Dudley again.

'Ah, Hogwarts now admits non-conventional students like him?'

While Dudley, Harry, and Hermione were discussing robe-related matters with Madam Malkin, another young wizard was being fitted nearby. He was a pale boy with striking platinum blond hair.

Dudley and Hermione were absorbed in discussing robe details when Harry, who was sitting beside them, began chatting with the platinum blond boy. However, the boy's tone was condescending, and Harry couldn't understand half of what he said. Every time Harry gave an answer, the boy elongated his "Oh" in a mocking manner.

This made Harry feel uncomfortable, but he kept the conversation going.

"Hey, look at that idiot," the boy said, lifting his chin as Dudley approached. He spoke with a tone that seemed like a mix of praise and disdain. "He claims he's a first-year student, yet he's stronger than Crabbe and Goyle. I bet he can eat a lot too."

While Dudley indeed had a huge appetite, the comment still irked Harry.

"That's my brother!" Harry said coldly.

"Is he?" The boy continued with a mocking tone, "Why is he accompanying you? Where are your parents?"

"They're dead."

Harry didn't want to continue the conversation but answered out of politeness.

"Oh, sorry," the boy continued, though his words lacked any sincerity. With a meaningful look, he said, "They're like us, right?"

"They're wizards."

Upon hearing this, the boy's mocking expression faded slightly. He continued, "I think non-traditional students like him shouldn't be admitted. For example, those who dress like Muggles."

Dudley and Harry wore all-black clothes, similar to wizarding attire. In contrast, Hermione wore obviously Muggle clothing.

For the boy, students from the Muggle world were naturally non-traditional.

His words were cut off as he saw a shadow blocking the light above him. Before he could react, he felt a large hand on his head, gently turning it upward. Looking up, he saw a close and expressionless face staring directly at him.

At that moment, he felt as if he were being targeted by a formidable and dangerous magical creature, and a chill ran down his spine.

Dudley slowly opened his mouth, revealing two rows of white, deep-set teeth. The boy could even feel the warmth of Dudley's breath. It seemed as though his little head might be bitten off at any moment.

"Hello, nice to meet you!"

(End of Chapter 30)

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