
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Speed ​​Through The Sorcerer'S Stone Level And Face Off Against Quirrell!

"Let's go, don't look at me like that, I didn't eat it…" Lou En said uncomfortably, feeling the resentful look in Miss Hermione's eyes behind him.

"Go away, Harry and the others are still inside. 99

After speaking, Lou En jumped directly from the secret door.

Hermione, who was outside, sighed helplessly, and then jumped down.

After entering it, the two felt that the ground became very soft, and their legs even fell into it.

"what is this?"

"Fluorescent flashes!

Lou En took out his wand, and gleaming dots of light illuminated the surrounding dark walls and the twisting vines beneath their feet.

"This is the Devil's Vine!"

Both of them had an impression of what was explained as a key point in the herbal medicine class.

Because in the previous Hogwarts, there was a professor who fell into the devil's "630" vine and died without being rescued.

So the knowledge about Devil's Vine has been popularized since the first grade.

"Do you remember what the class was about?

The corners of Miss Hermione's mouth twitched slowly, and she asked Lou En.

"The devil's vine is just the basic content.

Lou En shrugged, this plant is not difficult for the two young lovers who have been dating in the library.

"Come on light! 99

"Bright as day!

With the strong light, the two escaped from the rigid devil vine.

Since Lou En was the first to jump off, he was also the first to escape.

So I hugged Hermione in a princess hug in advance, and Hermione wrapped Lou En's neck with both hands.

"Okay, come down."

Lou En touched Hermione, whose eyes were still closed, with his head, and said helplessly.

The two of them were dragging on like this, and Harry might have been killed by Quirrell alone.

With that self-playing harp, combined with the person who needs the Philosopher's Stone the most right now, there is no doubt that it is Quirrell.

"Ah… oh!

Hermione blushed away from Lou En's arms, her feet in small boots touching the stone floor.

If it wasn't for the princess who just hugged her, it is estimated that her ass would be on the ground now.


Hermione walked quickly to Lou En's side and thanked him in a low voice.

"What are you polite to me?"

Lou En fondly touched the girl's brown curly hair, which was very soft and had a familiar fragrance.

Push open the first door.

The floor was littered with keybirds, which Lou En once heard Professor Flitwick talk about.

This thing was made by him.

The previously closed door had been opened.

"It's Harry and the others."

Lou En muttered to himself.

Unexpectedly, without Hermione, they would still be able to pass through the devil's vine. He thought that Harry and others could be seen on the devil's vine.

"Let's go to the second level.

In the second room.

The huge wizard chessboard that had been placed completely had now been scattered, and all kinds of debris and dust had fallen on the black and white chessboard.

"Lou En?35

A weak voice sounded, and Lou En looked up at the corner.

The dusty Ronald was sitting on a broken knight with a shaggy face. When he saw the two people who came in, he looked happy, and hurriedly shouted.

"Harry, Harry, he has gone to the next level!"

"And Neville! 35

"How are you?"

Lou En came over to check Ronald's injury, and there was no major injury other than a broken forearm.

"It's okay, I think you have to go to the school doctor's office to get a bottle of raw bone spirit."


Speaking of the raw bone spirit, Ronald frowned in discomfort. He had tasted that kind of taste before, and it was simply not for people to drink.

"Can you still move?"

Lou En pulled Ronald up and asked.

"Yes! 35

Ronald moved his body, but there was nothing else to do except his arms.

I couldn't stand up just now because I was frightened.

After a short rest, the fright was gone.

"Okay, you go out and tell Headmaster Dumbledore about this, and Hermione and I go to find Harry. 95

After speaking, Lou En turned around and took Hermione into the third door.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The third level was a decryption game, but by the time the two of them entered, Harry had already passed through the burning flames.

Only a shadow remained.

"Hermione, Lou En!"

Neville, who was left outside, suddenly found two more people behind him…

"Why are you two here! 55

"I don't have time to explain, you should stay away.

Lou En took his wand and walked to the front of the magical flame, twirling the wand gently in his hand.

"All curses end! 9

This is an advanced spell to use skills that will not be learned before the third grade.

But Lou En had already learned all the spells he was interested in in the forbidden area, including this useful spell.

The flaming magic flame went out, revealing the fourth door hidden inside.

"Hermione, you and Neville are waiting here for Headmaster Dumbledore, and I'll go in and help Harry."

Lou En touched Hermione's cerebellum softly.


"Listen to me this time!"

Lou En's tone was firm, and after speaking, he picked up his wand and walked into the last room.

Hermione, who was outside, bit her lip unwillingly.

Even though she knows a lot of magic spells now, she still can't help!

Since the Forbidden Forest, Hermione has understood the gap between herself and Lou En.

It is definitely not an ordinary person to be able to research that powerful thunder and lightning spell on his own.

"I will get stronger!"

The girl looked at the disappearing back and made up her mind.

"Professor Quirrell?

Harry looked warily at Quirrell standing beside the Mirror of Erised.

"Hahaha it's me, didn't you think?"

Quirrell's image at this time was full of gloomy coldness, completely lacking the usual flinching appearance, as well as the habit of stammering and twitching when speaking.

"You want to get the Philosopher's Stone?"

Harry couldn't believe it.

"Can't I be Snape?

Quirrell took a step forward, pointing his wand at Harry's head.

"Ah, meet Professor Quirrell again! 99

A soft voice sounded in the room.

Under Quirrell's haunted look, Lou En strolled in.

"It looks like I didn't kill you in the Forbidden Forest last time, what a pity."

When Quirrell heard this, he subconsciously covered his stomach.

A penetrating wound there was aching.

"Don't worry, you can't run today.

"Right, Senior Tom?"