
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 36

Chapter Thirty-Six: Night Attack On Gryffindor, Hypnotic Pettigrew

After plucking a handful of hairs from Rat's body, Lou En threw Scabbers to Ronald.

I don't know if the compound potion distinguishes whether this hair is Peter Pettigrew or a rat that F*ck Guss turned into.

Thinking of this, Lou En's hand holding the hair slightly paused.

According to the "Strong Potion" in the forbidden area of ​​the library, compound potions cannot successfully transform animal hair.

At the same time, this kind of change is also very risky, and it is easy to make oneself a ghost.

No, you have to be safe.

Thinking, Lou En dropped the rat fur on the floor.

Looks like I'll have to hypnotize the rat tonight in Gryffindor's lounge.

As long as he uses the Shaker's Illusion, he can easily control Banban to change back to Peter Pettigrew.

Looking at Ronald hugging Scabbers and kissing, Lou En felt a chill.

It's a shame everyone didn't know that this rat was Peter Pettigrew.


Shaking his head and putting this thought behind him, he hurried back to the table and explained the remaining ingredients to Hermione.

He read not only Dark Magic in the forbidden book area, but also various books, such as astrology, potions, and various biographies.

Hermione, who was still a little confused, became more flexible with Lou En's explanation.

He knows a lot.

Hermione looked at Lou En who was speaking and writing and couldn't help thinking.

She had been soaking in the library lately, and even Mrs. Pince was very familiar with Hermione.

Even Mrs. Pince admired the girl's learning ability and self-control. She had never seen such a studious wizard for so many years in charge of the library.

The last time I met was a Slytherin wizard named Tom Riddle.

The two stayed from midday into the night, and under the potion of the gracious Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey, the wounded Harry and Ronald were finally able to go back to sleep.

And Lou En was at the top of the stairs with the three people separately.

Looking at the group of Hermione who left, Lou En thought about it and went straight back to Slytherin's lounge.

Flint, the captain, is celebrating thanks to a landslide victory over Ravenclaw in today's scrims.

After seeing Lou En, I hurriedly greeted him to come to the party.

As the Seeker who found the Snitch and ended the game early, Lou En was of course a big contributor.

Especially with the loss of one of the Ravenclaw Seekers!

This is so in line with Flint's Quidditch style!

"Here, Butterbeer, from the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade for a great price!"

Young wizards under the third grade are not allowed to drink, but no one will stick to those rules.

Lou En took the bubble-filled Butterbeer and took a sip.

The taste is weird, but not unacceptable.

After a few simple drinks, Lou En said goodbye to this group of wizards who gradually turned to pure-blooded wizards.

Night is coming.

An oil lamp was lit on the silent corridor, and Lou En came to the painting of the fat lady on the eighth floor, and the fat lady was already asleep.

You can even hear snoring coming from the painting.

He tried his best not to disturb the fat lady who was watching the door.

The scythe in the eye began to turn, and as the surrounding space began to swirl into the right eye, Lou En himself was hidden in the different space.

With the fingertips lightly touching the stone gate, but like a layer of phantom, it passed through without touching anything.

This was the first time he used this ability.

I didn't expect to actually be able to pass through the stone wall.

After Lou En disappeared in front of the stone gate, Madam Fatty rubbed her sullen eyes and looked at the painting, nothing unusual.

When Lou En opened his eyes again, he was already in Gryffindor's lounge.

Pale red accents and furniture in a variety of warm tones give a warm feel, and Slytherin's lounge is a complete polar opposite.

The fire in the lounge was still burning, and Lou En remembered Harry telling him his room number.

He even remembered Hermione's room number.

Finding the side where the boys lived, Lou En took the oil lamp and found Harry and Ronald's dormitory.

As the blur was activated, the figure hidden in the darkness sneaked into the bedroom.

When he reappeared, the oil lamp in his hand had been thrown into the different space by Lou En.

"Peter Pettigrew."

When I came to Ronald's window, a fat mouse who was sleeping soundly was lying beside Ronald's pillow.

Reaching out his hand quickly to catch the sleeping mouse, Lou En entered the alien space again while Peter Pettigrew didn't react.

When it reappeared, it was already in the bathroom on the third floor.

He threw the sleeping fat mouse on the ground, but still did not wake up.

Vigilance is too bad!

It seems that in the past few years in the Weasley family, Peter Pettigrew has completely lost his vigilance.

"Wake up, Peter Pettigrew!"

Lou En, with a mask on his face, kicked it with his toes.

Still no response.

"Here comes Sirius!"


Peter Pettigrew woke up immediately after Lou En said this.

However, when he returned to look at the mysterious man standing in front of him, a pair of swirling red eyes came into his vision.

Before he could say a word, the whole mouse was controlled by Lou En.

"Unlock your f*ck Gus transformation!"

Lou En gave the order.


As the rat's body began to surging, and soon, a naked Peter Pettigrew appeared in front of him.

The short body, the ugly face, and most importantly, the sparse mess of hair was just too greasy.

"Go over there and wash your hair!"

Lou En couldn't take it anymore, and pointed directly to the bathtub beside him.

No way, the compound medicine must need the hair and other items of the deformed person, and he didn't want to add such oily hair materials on the spot.

After Peter Pettigrew complied with the order to wash his hair, Lou En pulled a handful of hair, and Peter Pettigrew subconsciously grinned in pain, tears welling in his eyes.

Because one may not be enough, so prepare more in case of unexpected needs.

After getting the hair, Lou En thought of Professor Quirrell who taught at Hogwarts…and Senior Tom in the back of his head.

"I'm Peter Pettigrew here."*