
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 313

Chapter 313: The Train To London Officially Departs!

The next morning.

Thick fog enveloped Hogwarts, and it looked like a castle in a fairy tale.

"Get up and pack up!

Lou En, who was wearing a black shirt, gently squeezed the cheek of the sleeping little witch.

Smooth and very soft.

And Tom cat also started helping to organize things in this small house early in the morning.

It threw all the books on the bookshelf into a small suitcase, and the suitcase was casted with a traceless extension spell, so it was not worried about being full.

And this box will not be too heavy even if you put the whole house in it.

There is nothing to pack, that is, some clothes and books and the like.

"Tom took the pot of flowers from the windowsill too.

Lou En glanced at the potted flowers on the window and said to Tom Cat.

At the end of the pack, there were only two suitcases left in the empty room.

One is Miss Hermione's.

The other is his own.

"Let's go to the auditorium for dinner first!"

Hermione came to him cheerfully, reached out and hugged his arm skillfully.

She is also not wearing a Slytherin robe today, but a black dress, embellished with purple crystals, and a 787 golden hourglass hangs around her white neck.

Black and purple are the best combination!

Lou En touched the tip of his nose and couldn't help thinking.

"How is it, Mr. Geralt?"

Hermione seemed to have noticed his gaze too, picked up the corner of her skirt and slowly turned around in front of Lou En, raised the corner of her mouth and asked softly.

The black hem danced like a butterfly, and the two amethysts also swayed with it, and there was a slight smile on the delicate face.

"It's very beautiful. When I think of you as my girlfriend, it feels like I'm in a dream."

Lou En smiled and stroked the little witch's brown curly hair, and praised with a chuckle.

"me too!

Hermione looked up at the handsome profile, her brown eyes half-closed with delight.

After throwing the two suitcases to Tom cat behind, the two walked towards the auditorium.

There are already quite a few wizards on the spiral staircase, all of them are carrying a large suitcase in their hands, with reluctance or joy on their faces.

The Great Hall of Hogwarts.

Grid (bdab) on the dining table of Ryffindor.

"You lost Harry!

Ronald looked at the witch card opposite who had been begging for mercy and couldn't help cheering.

"Forget it, let's eat…"

Harry put the Hearthstone card in his hand on the table and said helplessly.

He hasn't beat Ronald once since he started playing the game.

"Otherwise we can play wizard chess?

Ronald put away the cards and suggested with a smile.

"I don't play with you, I'd rather play Hearthstone with you than wizard chess."

Harry couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him.

Although Ronald is not very good in learning, he is very outstanding in the game – except for the werewolf he is not good at.

"If it wasn't for the last time Malfoy messed up, I would have won the championship already!"

Remembering the last match at the Pig's Head Bar, Ronald sighed.

"Good morning, you two!

Lou En came over with Hermione and smiled and said hello.

"Good morning – you didn't have your luggage?

Harry asked suspiciously.

There was a large suitcase next to both of them, but Lou En and the others came empty-handed.

"Tom is holding it.

Hermione pointed to Tom cat behind him and said.

I saw Tom cat holding two boxes behind him and following closely behind his two masters.

"Just two bags?

Ronald looked slightly taken aback, and asked in disbelief.

"The Unmarked Extension Spell, a spell that can expand the space in the suitcase – but it is not something that can be learned now.

Lou En explained with a smile.

"It's really convenient…"

Harry looked at the huge suitcase beside him and sighed slightly.

"If you have time, I can help you transform two during the holidays.

Lou En said involuntarily.

It was just two traceless extension spells, and it was very simple for him.

After having a breakfast, a few people walked towards the Hogwarts train parked by the lake.

"See you at the World Cup then!"

Lou En waved at Harry and the others.

Since Harry, Ronald and Ginny were going to be in the same compartment, the two of them didn't get in.

Simply as usual, the two stayed in a relatively quiet carriage.

Plus a Tom cat.

Put the two luggage on the luggage rack, and then the two sat on the soft sofa facing each other.

With a whirlpool, all kinds of snacks appeared on the table.

And Tom cat's eyes lit up subconsciously after seeing these snacks.

However, it still glanced at its master, as if waiting for the other party's consent.

"Let's eat together, don't be so restrained.

Hermione rubbed Tom Cat's head and said softly.

After a semester of life, the little witch gradually became familiar with this extra family.

After getting the consent of the hostess, Tom Cat immediately grabbed a handful of Douwei Bibi beans and ate them one by one while sitting on the sofa.

"Perhaps when I go back, I should pay a good visit to Mr. Granger.

Lou En propped up his face with his hands, looked at the scenery outside the window, and couldn't help laughing.

Last night, Hermione had told him all about her father's preferences.

It's just a holiday and there is time to act.


Hearing these words, the little witch nodded shyly.

At this moment, the whistle of the train sounded.

With the body leaning forward for a while, the whole train began to move slowly.

The scenery outside the car window also gradually changed.

Blue skies, emerald green fields, golden wheat fields, and rare muggle villages…

These scenes seem to constitute a beautiful oil painting.

Hermione looked at the scene outside the car window, and a smile appeared on her delicate face.

The train to London has officially started!