
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Marauder'S Map And Peeves

After entering the middle of the night, Lou En was lying on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. In desperation, he had to put on a set of casual clothes, took a few Momotaro rice balls and went out.

Maybe he slept very comfortably in the afternoon, but now he doesn't have the slightest sleepiness.

Just taking advantage of the fact that I went to Hogwarts at night, maybe I was lucky enough to meet the administrator Filch and his Mrs. Norris.

And he's also interested in banned books in the library.

After coming out through the gate of Slytherin, Lou En opened his writing wheel and groped for the location of the library in the entire castle.

The door to the library wasn't locked, so he pushed in easily.

The white moonlight is like silk, and it sprinkles in the empty library.

"If it's the forbidden area, it's this way."

Lou En, who has come to the library many times, has already figured out this area, and although it is said to be a forbidden area, it only has a lock.

There isn't even any magic flowing on it.

"Araho Cave is open!"

He took his wand from his sleeve and tapped it on the lock.

Pushing aside the iron fence, the two rows of bookshelves around are full of books.

Some books are even blocked by chains, which seems to give people a strange and mysterious feeling.

Pulling out a random book from the bookshelf, the moment he opened the book, Lou En quickly closed it again with an expressionless face.

Because he obviously saw a face that was about to roar, and if he made some noise now, he had to deal with Filch.

""About the Specific Use of Curse" is indeed a book in the forbidden book area."

"It's just different from the books out there."

Lou En glanced at the title and shoved it back.

The book he was looking for was about magic spells. Instead of thinking about imitating it all the time, he might as well study it himself.

Such as "Unforgivable Curse", "Forgetting Curse", "Stunning Curse", "Occlumency" which are useful.

Among them, Occlumency was something he had to learn, otherwise he might be exposed one day.

Especially his own traveler memory.

After searching for a long time, I finally saw a book "Research and Application of Forbidden Magic" in the corner of the wall.

The black cover of this book is not too thick as a whole. Compared with the various basic books outside, it is pitiful.

However, before he could open the book, a laughing voice came from behind him.

"Long time no see Lou En!"

"It's such a coincidence, I didn't expect you to go out for a night tour too!"

Hearing these two familiar voices, Lou En also knew who the two were standing behind.

It was brothers Fred and George.

"Hey, what book are you holding in your hand?"

Fred asked curiously.

"A magical forbidden spell."

There was nothing to hide either, Lou En put the book directly in front of them.

"Are you going to study too?"

"Study, what a joke!"

"We just love mischief!"

Gemini expressed a headache for this kind of knowledge books. Although they have a high talent, their character does not allow them to continue to learn.

"Lou En, do you want to know how we found you?"

Fred whispered mysteriously, and George on the side nodded quickly.

"We have a great map in our hands, and we're able to mark everyone!"

"How about you, do you want to join our prank tour!"

Fred asked Lou En enthusiastically.

In his opinion, Lou En, who seemed so amiable and polite and still came out for night tours, was simply too much for their appetite compared to other Slytherins.

"Pranks and maps?"

Lou En wondered how these two came together?

"That's right, we picked up this map from Filch, but we couldn't break its spell."

"We need to finish all the shenanigans above before the spell will appear!"

George said, "We've done most of the prank, and we'll be able to break the spell in about half a year!"

"Can't you force it to release?"

Lou En remembers the magic of decryption spells.

"No, that would only reduce the time we spend on the map."

Clearly the Gemini had tried what he said, but the end result did disappoint them.

The map they use now has a time limit. Once the time limit is exceeded, no one's location will be marked on the map.

"Sounds interesting, but let me think about it anyway."

Lou En neither refused nor accepted, he remembered that the Marauder's Map was made by the James Potter quartet in the last few years.

It has to be said that in addition to learning, they always have excellent inventions.

Even the twins in front of him are the same.

"Okay, then we'll wait for your news!"

The Weasley twins were not discouraged, but took out the map and placed it in front of Lou En.

"Look, this is Argus Filch. According to his trajectory, he will be back to patrol the library soon."

"Until now we have no way to decipher how this map was made?"

"Its maker, the Predator, is really a genius!"

Hearing the conversation between Fred and George, Lou En thought of Peeves he met today.

"Maybe you can ask Peeves, I suspect it has something to do with this map."

After all, Peeves has lived here for thousands of years, and no one is more familiar with the architecture of this castle than it.

Likewise, no one will be more familiar with the people here than it is.

So his suspicions are not without reason.

Sure enough, after hearing Lou En's words, the twins' eyes lit up.

How did they never think it would be related to Peeves!

"Thanks, Lou En, my friend!"

Thinking of this, they couldn't wait to get ready to look for Peeves.

"Friendly reminder, don't take the book out of the library, otherwise, it will scream!"

After speaking, the Weasley twins took the Marauder's map to find the wobbly Peeves.

"Can't you take it out of the library?"

He looked down at the book in his hand, the book didn't look any different.

"Forget it, come again when you have time."

Now that Filch has come this way, he can't stay here any longer.

After casting a silent spell on himself, he quietly left the library.