
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Given A Job, How Dare I Ask For A Salary!


For Hermione's request, Lou En, who is a friend, naturally would not refuse.

Hermione happily took the book and sat aside to study, occasionally exclaiming.

This is the resonance between a scholar and a scholar.

Harry and Ronald couldn't understand the joy.

"Hey, Lou En, do you know what's in the forbidden area on the third floor?" Ronald suddenly lowered his head and said to Lou En mysteriously.

Harry was right next to the two of them, and he quietly leaned over.

"You have absolutely no idea what's in there, Lou En!"

Harry shuddered as he recalled that night.

If it wasn't for the books Lou En gave him to teach him how to open Arahoe, he would still be locked up by the watchdog.

Of course, if it hadn't been for the opening of Araho, he wouldn't have encountered that huge and ferocious monster at that time.

"What did you see?"

Lou En asked inexplicably.

He still had some confidence in his memory, and if he remembered correctly, it was a three-headed dog.

"There's actually a huge three-headed dog inside!"

As a participant that night, Ronald exclaimed, for fear that Hermione, who was reading a book, would not hear.

It seems my memory is good.

Lou En thought.

That three-headed dog also has a setting that makes him faint when he likes listening to music.

But the two people in front of them didn't know it.

"So, Principal Dumbledore has set it up as a restricted area. Naturally, he has his reasons. You two are obviously breaking the school rules." Lou En remembered that the three-headed dog was also a dangerous magical creature. Not necessarily an opponent.

Except for him, of course.

With the increase in physique, Lou En has not tested his true strength now.

But I guess it should be more than enough to hit a dog.

"You're really different from the nasty bastards in Slytherin!" Ronald took two steps back when he heard the report was about to be made.

Slytherin's little snakes didn't play by the rules like Lou En did.

"Lou En must be joking, right?"

Harry watched Lou En staring into his pale blue eyes without speaking, and the corners of his mouth twitched slowly.

He wouldn't really tell Headmaster Dumbledore would he?

After all, Harry didn't know much about Lou En, and he couldn't guarantee it.

"What's the joke?"

At this time, Hermione, who had flipped through it quickly, returned the book to Lou En and asked the three of them curiously.

"You and Miss Know-it-all really are a match made in heaven!"

Ronald said with a face ashen.

The behavior of these two people is almost the same, and they are equally annoying!


Miss Know-it-all said hello slowly.

Is this their joke?

"Of course, it's just a joke."

Harry and Ronald were both relieved by Lou En's answer.

And Miss Hermione, who was standing on the side, tilted her head and glanced at Lou En.

Can't figure out what's going on now.

The two went without Hermione in the middle of the night, and Lou En couldn't guarantee that there would be any accidents.

After all, the lack of Hermione's intelligence is like a body without a head. These two rash little lions may be gone one day.

"Let's go, there is no class this afternoon, I have to practice flying."

At this moment, the eyes of the three people who heard this light up instantly.

"You're going to Quidditch too?"

Clever Hermione guessed Lou En's purpose at once.

And Harry also turned his attention to Lou En.

If Lou En also participates, it means that the two are competitors at this time.

After all, he represented Gryffindor, and Lou En could only represent Slytherin.

"Because the team lacked one person, I had to make up for it."

"I should be the server or something, and Malfoy for the seeker."

Saying that, Lou En glanced at Harry, the two Seekers were the most noticeable in the game.


Harry gritted his teeth, because just last night he had been tricked by that golden retriever from Malfoy.

Almost got shut down.

Unexpectedly, Malfoy will be Slytherin's Seeker!

Harry instantly burst into flames!

"I'm going to train too!"

In the end, the four were divided into two groups, Harry and Ronald went to the playground to practice, while Lou En and Hermione went to another spacious place to practice.

After all, both sides represent their own academies.

As for why Hermione would follow, because he completely believed that Hermione would not inform.

After practicing for a few hours, the two sat directly on the edge of the black lake to rest.

"Which student is that half-blood prince? It's really amazing. All kinds of potions have been simplified, and he has his own unique understanding!"

Hermione happily explained the notes in the book to Lou En, and it could be seen that the notes gave her a lot of inspiration.

"What's even more powerful is that there is a curse created by myself on it!"

"Is this really something that students can come up with?"

That's right, such a talented wizard will experience Gryffindor's campus hegemony. If he hadn't understood this, Lou En wouldn't have believed it.

"Lou En, did you listen to me!"

Seeing that Lou En didn't reply, Hermione frowned and pushed his shoulders lying on the grass.

There was still no response, and then she suddenly heard a steady breathing sound.

"Fell asleep?"

Hermione looked at the handsome profile that had closed her eyes for some time, and stayed there for a while.

I shouldn't have been caught doing something I shouldn't have done at this time.

Miss Hermione thought to herself.

When Lou En woke up again, the sky was already dyed red by the sunset, and the black lake was rippled by the wind.

When he looked up, he found that Hermione was sitting beside him, taking Snape's notes and jotting down something, and the quill in his hand left beautiful handwriting on the clean roll of paper.

"You're awake."

Hermione also found Lou En standing up, and said helplessly: "You have slept for more than two hours, and the dinner party is over."

Dinner is over?


"You haven't had dinner yet?"

Lou En asked Hermione, then took her hand and walked towards the castle before she could answer.

"I just happened to know where the house-elf kitchen is, so I went there to eat!"

While exploring the castle the other day, Lou En just took note of the kitchen next to Hufflepuff.

The elves working at Hogwarts were very kind, and as soon as they heard that the two wanted some supper, they prepared some butter and bread right away.

"These house-elves are so sweet!"

"How much do they get paid here a month?"

Hermione questioned.

"No, no, it's good that Principal Dumbledore has provided us with a place to work. How dare we ask for extra wages!"

Before Lou En could answer, the house-elves panicked instantly.

Lou En shrugged.