
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 21

Chapter Twenty-One: Boring Night

As the two gradually moved away from the Forbidden Forest, Hermione, who had been nervous all the time, was relieved.

There is nothing more terrifying for a scholar than deducting points.

Although thanks to the infinite efforts of Harry and Ronald, Gryffindor has now become almost the last one.

Now, Ravenclaw and Slytherin are tied for first place.

These two sides have been the fiercest contenders for the Academy Cup in recent years, although Slytherin has won every one of them in the end.

After the two returned to the restaurant, it was almost time to prepare for the magic history class at night, which was explained by a ghost who had lived for thousands of years.

Lou En went in full of anticipation, but after less than five minutes, he fell unconscious, and Hermione, who was sitting beside him, was obviously much better than him.

The little head is little by little in the air, like a little duck eating food.

In the end, Xueba couldn't resist the power of the 1000-year-old antique, and leaned his head on the shoulder of Lou En, who was sleeping on the table.

In the surrounding area of ​​little wizards, no one could escape the murmur, and it was worth mentioning that Hermione was the last to fall.

"That's rude!" Cuthbert Binns in ghost form, gray and translucent, looked angrily at the little wizards who had fainted.

Cuthbert Binns is the only ghost professor at Hogwarts.

I heard from other ghosts that Cuthbert Binns forgot to bring his body to class one day and was dead when he came back, but this little problem couldn't stop his love of teaching at all.

So for 1000 years, the teacher of the history of magic class has been Cuthbert Binns.

Although everyone around him was asleep, he rambled on in his rich monotonous voice about goblin revolts and other old magical histories.

When the get out of class was over, some stories left the classroom yawning, and some even couldn't stand up due to numbness in their legs and feet.

"Cuthbert Binns' lectures are still very easy to understand."

Hermione rubbed her eyes, packed up the notes she took in the first half of the class, and said to Lou En.

As for what happened later, I'm sorry, Miss Hermione was already asleep by then.

"I think he should use some legendary stories to attract our attention, such as the touchstone, the secret room and so on."

Lou En is also a little sleepy, especially when this class is dedicated to the evening.

"My class is history of magic, and I study facts, not myths and legends."

When Cuthbert Binns in ghost form passed by, he said something coldly.

"As for the legendary secret room, it does exist, but it was built by Salazar Slytherin, the founder of Slytherin."

"There's nothing mysterious about it."

Lou En looked at Cuthbert Binns who was drifting away and couldn't help touching his nose. He was too familiar with the things in the secret room. After all, he went to explore last night and harvested a psychic creature.

After all, the basilisk is not really a mysterious thing.

"Looks like Cuthbert Binns is really boring."

Hermione nodded in agreement.

After they left the classroom door, the two were about to part ways.

Because one lounge is on the eighth floor and the other is on the basement floor, the two of them separated at the entrance of the stairs.

Hermione's figure slowly walked up the deformed stairs, and disappeared in front of his eyes with a change.

"I shouldn't be a Loli control?"

Lou En thought, then walked back down the stairs to Slytherin's lounge.

Under the green tones of water, the fire of the fireplace was burning slowly, and a group of Slytherin little wizards gathered in the hall at this time, talking and laughing about things.

Lou En took a look as he passed by and saw that Malfoy was among them.

This group of wizards are pure blood wizards, and on the other side of the lounge, there is a group of mixed-blood wizards, which are divided into two factions.

Lou En yawned and turned back to his bedroom.

He doesn't want to deal with any faction now.

After all, there are good guys who can come to Slytherin.

When I was about to start sleeping, Malfoy returned to the dormitory with a face full of interest.

It's nice to chat with a group of wizards who share the same philosophy.

"You didn't go to Harry?"

Lou En, who was reading with the light on, asked knowingly.

"Ha, I've asked someone to help me find Harry, and I'm sure it will be a big surprise for him."

Malfoy smiled maliciously, remembering the tidbit he had just told Argus Filch.

"Be quiet, it disturbs my thoughts of reading."

Lou En glanced at Malfoy who couldn't help laughing and reminded.

The smile stopped abruptly, and Malfoy's mouth twitched.

For some reason, when he saw Lou En, there was always an unknown sense of fear in his heart.

However, his love for the game allowed him to overcome his fear.

"Why doesn't this game console light up?"

"out of battery."

"Then what shall we do?"

Lou En raised his eyebrows when he saw Malfoy take out the game console with a black screen.

"Then don't play."

"No, my house is only half built!" Malfoy said reluctantly, "How much is your game console? I bought it!"

"Help me recharge by the way!"

As a pure-blood wizard noble, Malfoy naturally has his own pocket money, and he has a lot of assets.

"Forget it, I gave it to you, who made us friends." Saying that, Lou En picked up his staff and pointed it at the game console.

Malfoy was taken aback by the action and hurriedly backed away.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling golden arc burst out from the wand, and soon began to wrap around the game console.

After a while, the red indicator light instantly turned green.

Lou En has experimented with a few consoles and blown up a few, which is why he is so handy.

"You are a good person!"

Malfoy glanced gratefully at Lou En, then ran off to his bed.

Internet addiction teenager.

A word automatically popped into Lou En's mind.

All in all, everyone had a great night.

Except for Harry Ronald and their roommate, who were hunted down by Filch, the tragic trio. *