
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 198

Chapter 198: Ronald: What? I Was Green!

"It's hot…"

After taking a sip of Lou En's hot tea, Hermione couldn't help sticking out her little tongue.

It's too hot.

"It warmed up a little.

Lou En chuckled and took out the wand hidden in his sleeve, and there was still a glittering light on it.

The tea just now was cast a heating spell.

"Damn. 35

Seeing the wand still shimmering, Hermione also understood that the tea had already been used by Lou En.

Just wait, sooner or later I'll be back!

Thinking like this, Miss Hermione remembered the bottle of pink love potion again.

The smell of parchment and Lou En's body seemed to tug at her heartstrings all the time, and even after a long time passed, it still reverberated in her mind.


Looking at the steaming tea, Hermione took out her wand after thinking about it, and pointed it at the teacup lightly.

"Cool quickly!

As the light flashed by, Lou En, who was sitting across from her, could feel a chill.

On the teacup, some small crystal ice grains have appeared, and it looks like it has been taken out of the refrigerator.

727 "Here you are, dear Mr. Granger – and be careful of the heat.

Hermione winked mischievously, then returned the teacup.

Looking at the frosted teacup, the corners of Lou En's mouth twitched.

The cold air replaced the boiling heat.

Hot tea also becomes cold tea.

But in the hot season of summer, it is still very good.

After drinking, Hermione picked up his teacup and looked at "Poke the Fog and See the Future", looking for a corresponding explanation.

The same is true for the other little wizards, who look at each other's tea leaves in groups of two to make predictions.

Lou En also picked up Hermione's teacup, and the tea leaves left in it couldn't tell what shape it was.

Judging the prophecy based on the shape of the leaves of the tea leaves may sound a little weird to Muggles, even for Lou En's first divination.

If this kind of prophecy succeeds three times out of ten, it is not bad.

"What prophecy did you see in my teacup?"

Curious Miss Granger turned her head and asked.

"I don't have enough talent, and I can't see it either.

Lou En flipped through a few pages of the book, and there were no corresponding shapes for comparison.

"Me too.

Hermione also brought over his teacup, and the tea leaves spilled in it didn't form a proper shape at all.

It seems that the two of them do not have an innate talent for divination.

"Oh, my God—you are unknown!

At this time, Trelawney made a sharp exclamation, attracting everyone's attention.

Lou En also raised his head suspiciously.

I saw Trelawney holding a white teacup, looking at the shape inside in horror, and in front of her stood a panic-stricken Harry.

"Professor Trelawney, is there something wrong with the shape of my tea leaves?"

Harry asked quickly.

"This gentleman with a scar on his forehead…you will be betrayed recently, your friend will leave you, and face death and approval alone…"

Trelawney held the teacup in trembling hands, panic in his tone.

Am I going to be betrayed?

Harry's eyes widened, looking at the crazy witch in front of him in disbelief.

Approaching him, he turned his head and glanced again, Ronald, who was also sluggish beside him, and Lou En and Hermione behind him.

There weren't many people in Harry's school, and these three were the only ones who came close to him.

"Harry, don't be nervous, maybe her prediction was a mistake!


Ronald comforted after recovering.

However, this sentence completely irritated Trelawney.

She hated most when someone said her divination wasn't working—even if it really wasn't.

"Redhead, give me your teacup!

Trelawney sneered and took the teacup from Ronald's hand.

"Equally a bad sign!"

"Pay more attention to your friends, and be careful that people who like you are taken away by others! 35

Saying that, she slapped the teacup heavily on the table, leaving Ronald, who was stunned, holding the mouse.

What do you mean – I'm going to be green!?

But who will like me?

Ronald thought in confusion.

"The two of them are too miserable, aren't they?

Hermione said in a sympathetic tone.

If the prophecy is true, then these two are really troubled brothers.

"Have you noticed anything?"

Lou En played with the girl's brown curly hair and asked softly in her ear.

Hermione's petite body froze at the heat of her exhalation, and her face flushed red.

Hermione hurriedly pushed Lou En who was leaning on her shoulder, looking at the chuckling boy angrily.

"What did you find?"

"The cups in Ronald and Harry's hands were exchanged."

Although it was pushed away, it was worth seeing the shy little witch.

"You mean, the prophecies of the two of them are opposite!

Hermione's eyes lit up and she guessed right away.

"That's right."

Lou En looked at the two Harry in front of him and nodded.

Ronald is the one who will be betrayed by his friends, and Harry is the girl who likes him is taken away by his friends.

"A girl who likes Harry is not…"

Hermione and Lou En looked at each other, and a name came to mind subconsciously.

"Ginny Weasley."

Lou En said the name they both guessed together.

"If the predictions are accurate, does it mean that Ginny is going to be looking for Harry's friend as her boyfriend recently?

"If Trelawney's prediction is correct.

Lou En responded.

The prophecy has been solved, but now there is one left?

"Ronald will be betrayed by a friend, and this friend will face death and approval…" Miss Granger said softly to herself, frowning.

She had no idea at all about this prophecy.

In the face of death and approval, the high probability refers to prisons and courts.

Looking at Hermione thinking hard, Lou En had an answer in his heart.

Ronald's friend, isn't it Peter Pettigrew?