
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 185

Chapter 185: Summer Is The Best Time To Raise A Dementor!

King's Cross Station.

At platform nine and three quarters.

The incoming first-year wizards were bustling with anticipation and curiosity on their faces.

The exclusive train to Hogwarts was parked quietly on one side of the platform at this time.

After Lou En placed Hermione's salute into the Kamui space, the two crossed the crowd and boarded the black-and-red-hued steam train.

Since it was late to get on the train, there were people in the front carriages, so we could only find a seat at the back of the train.

"Lou En, Hermione?""

At this time, a voice came from behind Lou En.

When I looked back, it was Harry and Ronald who were on target.

The two of them were standing there with their large suitcases.

"Didn't you two get in the car early?

Lou En asked with some doubts.

"July 20" "Why haven't you found the carriage yet?"

"The carriage was too full, so Harry and I came out to find a room."

Ronald, whose hair was a little messy, said helplessly.

Fred and George and Ginny are just three people, if you add the two of them it becomes five people.

A car can seat up to four people.

In desperation, the two of them had to come out and find another room.

"Didn't you two find the carriage?

Harry asked.

"We're going to look at the back of the car.

Hermione raised her eyebrows and said softly.

She didn't want to be in the same car with the others, because then she wouldn't be able to do too much with Lou En.

"Hey, there's only one person in this compartment!"

At this time, Ronald, who found a compartment in front, shouted to Lou En and the others.

Lou En took Hermione's hand and walked over to take a look.

In the inner corner was a man sleeping with a shabby coat over his head, and a suitcase belonging to him on the luggage rack, with a name engraved on it:

Remus John John Lupin.

"Why don't you two come in? 35

Ronald, who put down his luggage, questioned Lou En who was still standing outside the door.

And Hermione, who was standing next to Lou En, half-squinted his eyes and tugged at his sleeve.

"Forget it, the five people are still a bit crowded, and Hermione and I will go to the back to find out."5

Feeling the movement of the sleeve, Lou En instantly understood the meaning of the little witch.

"That's fine."

Glancing at the young couple, Ronald didn't say anything.

After all, the five-person carriage is really crowded.

Perhaps the number of little wizards this year is a bit large, and there are more or less people in the carriages in front.

Finally found an empty carriage at the end of the train.

Lou En sat near the window, and Hermione sat across from him.

He put some magazines and snacks on the table from the Shenwei space to pass the boring time during the trip.

The blue field scenery outside the window is really beautiful, but no matter how much you look at it, you will get tired.

By the way, the frog cub went on a trip a month before the start of school.

No photo has been sent to him yet.

I don't know which world to go to again.

After all, frog cubs have a wide range of friends, and there are many kinds of them, including snakes, electric mice, and even robotic cats.

"The man who was sleeping just now was Professor Lupin, did you see that?"

Hermione picked up a Momotaro rice ball, took a nibble, and said to Lou En.

The meticulous Miss Granger saw the name engraved on the old suitcase at once, and it just so happened that they had a professor named Lupin next semester.

"I know, he's the new Dark Magic defense professor."

Lou En took out the Hogwarts opening letter and placed it on the table.

The position and origin of Professor Lupin have been introduced above.

These are to reassure the parents of the little wizards.

Professor Lupin?

If I remember correctly, he was also a werewolf.

It's also about him that Sirius wants to get the horse charm.

Thinking of Sirius, Lou En didn't let him come to Hogwarts with him.

One is that Tom needs help, and the other is that he doesn't want the mouse to escape in advance.

Among the four predators, they are all familiar with each other's Af*ck Gus form.

Except for Lupin, because he's a werewolf.

"This semester will be serving as a professor of Defense of Dark Magic…"

Hermione looked at the contents of the letter and whispered…

"It's Dark Magic Defense class again!

The little witch couldn't help but say.

This course basically changes a professor every semester.

Thinking of this, Hermione couldn't help thinking of the curse that Lou En had said about this position.

"Lou En, why are you saying Lockhart is okay?"

Hermione propped her chin up, her brown eyes looking at him smartly.

"Geralt… Probably because of his early resignation. 99

Lou En froze for a moment, then chuckled.

Lockhart is even worse than Professor Quirrell, at least the other beheaded has rested, and Lockhart was resurrected and made a puppet by him.

As the train slowly traveled on the rails, the bright sunlight outside the window was replaced by the setting sun.

"Well…it feels like it's going to rain outside.

Hermione rested her head on Lou En's shoulder and looked out the window with hazy eyes.

Halfway through the train, the little witch ran to his side, and she couldn't help falling asleep when she got close.

Just woke up now.

There was some bright sunlight outside the window, and it was covered with a cloud of clouds. At this time, it looked dark, and the shrouded fog made it impossible to see any scenery.


Lou En saw the magazine in his hand on the table, and pinched the little witch's cheek, which was still a little sleepy.


"a little cold."

Miss Granger nodded slightly, feeling the cold air around her, she subconsciously leaned into Lou En's arms.

The temperature of the entire cabin did drop.

Lou En looked at the dark sky outside the window with a thoughtful expression.

As a pair of scarlet sickle kaleidoscopes emerged, he clearly saw those creatures hiding behind the clouds.

They are the origins that lead to all changes.


Are you here to search Sirius?

Lou En closed his eyes quietly.

But having a Dementor in the summer is also a good idea.

Feeling the growing cold around him, he couldn't help thinking.