
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 170

Chapter 170: The Storm In The House Upon Request!

After sending the gifts that Sirius bought together, Lou En picked up the "Daily Prophet" on the side of the table and glanced at it.

The middle position of the daily newspaper was always the most conspicuous and most important. After seeing the headlines, he was slightly stunned.

It was a beautiful manor that was burning with raging flames, and there were several dead wizards lying on the scorched ground.

Immediately afterwards, Lou En saw the familiar Sirius wanted notice in the lower left corner of the daily newspaper.

This news actually suppressed Sirius's wanted order?

You must know that in the past two weeks, whether it is the Daily Prophet or other miscellaneous daily newspapers, the most headline position is always the dynamic photo of Sirius roaring.

It can be said that as long as Sirius is not hunted down for a day, then the popularity of "July 13" will never decrease.

And now it has been headlined by a burning manor…

[The famous pure-blood family, Selwyn Manor, was attacked by a group of premeditated dark wizards. At present, the Auror of the Ministry of Magic has been involved in the investigation. ]

Selwyn Manor?

Lou En's pale blue eyes widened after seeing the name of the manor.

Isn't this the pureblood family Tom and the others are going to attack?

It's only been two days in the past, I didn't expect Senior Tom to start so quickly.

"Selwyn Manor?"

"Hey, it seems that Knockturn Alley and Diagon Alley are going to be tossed by that chubby ugly woman recently."

Sirius walked over, glanced at it and said involuntarily.

Chunky ugly woman?

Lou En gave him a puzzled look.

"Dolores Umbridge, Minister Fudge's confidant, I used to see her every day in Azkaban.

"The pink-skinned toad has a blood relationship with the Selwyn family. She herself claims to be the pure blood of the Selwyn family. Oh, and now the Selwyn family is completely destroyed."

Sirius explained with a sneer.

After so many years in Azkaban, he has long known the bottom of the short ugly woman.


Lou En half-squinted his eyes, some impressions in his mind.

"There may be a large number of Aurors to investigate in the last few days, you try to maintain the state of scolding the f*ck Gus. 99

He reminded Sirius beside him.

"I know, I know."

Sirius nodded in disapproval, then cast a f*ck Gus and turned back into a black dog.

Fortunately, the four of them were not registered with the Ministry of Magic in their Ah f*ck form at that time. Otherwise, the current Sirius would have been brought back to Azkaban by those dementors.

I don't know what form Lou En's Ah f*ck Gus is?

Crawling on the soft carpet, the black dog's pair of golden beast pupils looked at the little wizard who turned to study and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

This is simply the most diligent and best-learned little wizard he has ever seen.

He is studying all kinds of things every day, either potions or alchemy, most of which even he doesn't understand or even hear.

Do third-year wizards at Hogwarts know so much now?

There is still about half a month before the start of school in September, and the hot temperature has gradually become a little cooler.

A white owl flew in from the door and window and delivered a Hogwarts opening letter.

Lou En opened it and looked at it, and it marked the books and a new cauldron and potion materials to be used for the next semester.

"Is it time to start school again?"

Lou En looked at the letter in his hand and whispered to himself.

The mandrake leaf in his mouth was taken out and put into a small crystal vial on the night of the full moon last night, and the potion mixture needed in it was added under the illumination of the moonlight.

Now it's time to prepare for a stormy weather.

And Sirius, who was originally lodging in Akali's Pharmacy, had gone to Knockturn Alley with Senior Tom after the Auror's frantic investigation some time ago.

Especially after learning from those werewolves that the handsome young man had a mysterious charm that could make a werewolf turn back into a wizard, Sirius surrounded Tom almost every day.

It seems that Sirius is also very interested in this magical charm.

Lou En looked at the name of the professor of the new Dark Magic Defense class on the envelope, and couldn't help but smile….

Remus John Lupin.

After putting this letter away, Lou En was ready to go to the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts first.

He had put the potion from last night into the Shenwei space, in a dark and silent place.

I hope that the environment produced by responsiveness can be useful.

Otherwise, he estimates that he will have to wait for a long natural storm.

Before leaving, Lou En locked the door of the potions shop, and then slowly disappeared in place through Kamui.

The eighth floor of Hogwarts.

As the space twisted into a vortex, Lou En's figure appeared in an inconspicuous corner.

The surrounding walls were covered with frescoes, and not far away was the Fat Lady – the portrait of the entrance to Gryffindor.

"Good morning, Fat Lady.

When passing by the Fat Lady, Lou En greeted him politely as he always does in school.

"Oh, you nasty little wizard again—wait! 35

The fat lady who was sleeping was awakened, and she blamed the blond little wizard angrily

But in the middle of speaking, the fat lady stopped abruptly.

"Merlin's beard, it's the holidays! 35

She let out an exclamation, but Lou En's figure slowly walked 0.1 away.

When he came to the portrait of the troll, he still meditated on the environment he wanted.

Dark nights, storms, silent forests…

After walking back and forth three times, a smooth door appeared on the wall behind him.

Lou En pushed open the door and walked in.

The moment he stepped into this door, he felt a cold wind blowing.

When he entered the Room of Requirement, he found that he was already in a dense forest, like the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

The bright moon hung high in the sky, and the dark clouds were still floating in the distance.

"Could the House of Requirement even simulate this scenario…"

Lou En murmured softly.