
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 153

Chapter 153: Do You Want To Watch Fireworks?

Valentine's day is coming soon.

Lou En wore a white shirt with a black-toned patterned tie, and finished in a green base Slytherin wizard robe.

Looking at the handsome face and blond hair in the mirror, he nodded with satisfaction.

With the hint of Miss Hermione the other day, Lou En had already prepared the gift in advance.

To that end, he even made a trip to the Weasley brothers to help make some fireworks.

For this request, the two readily agreed immediately.

It's not that hard for them to make some nice looking fireworks.

When Lou En walked slowly to the auditorium, he saw the little witch who had been waiting for him.

"Happy Valentine's Day."

Lou En said and took out the gift he prepared for Miss Hermione from the Shenwei space.

A bouquet of roses and a chocolate.

Pretty standard Valentine's Day gift, but Hermione was delighted.

The rose is enchanted to represent never withering.

And Lou En also received a gift from Hermione.

Some exquisite candies and various sweets are his favorite snacks.

After sitting at the table, Lou En saw Harry and Ronald lying on the table.

703 These two people have unrequited expressions on their faces.

"Valentine's Day confession failed?"

Lou En asked in confusion.

"No, they're just continuing to write back to Lockhart fans today."

Holding the bouquet of roses, Hermione explained with interest.

"No, you'll never know how rabid Lockhart fans are. Thinking of the letters he'd read over the past two days, Harry couldn't help rubbing his arms and complaining, "The words are so gross. "5

"I even saw a letter from Mrs Weasley.39

Speaking of this, Harry glanced at Ronald next to him.

After a few days of rest, Ronald's situation has long since recovered.

But after hearing Harry's words, his complexion turned pale again.

"My mom was like a big fan and had no idea what Lockhart books were good for.

Ronald said weakly.

"Three hundred letters, the two of us have responded to three hundred letters in the past two days! 35

Harry couldn't help shaking his hands when he remembered helping Lockhart reply to fans these past few nights.

It's so hard. (bdab)

Might as well let Filch take him to lock down!

Just as the two kept complaining, today's owls flew in from the skylight of the auditorium.

Miss Hermione's owl brought her a letter from the Grangers and a copy of the Daily Prophet


And Lou En's side has more things.

A small gift box is beautifully packaged, and there is a pink envelope sealed with wax into a love heart.

There are about a dozen or so.

Ronald and Harry were both dumbfounded.

"Mr. Geralt, you have so many suitors…"

Hermione leaned over and hugged his arm, saying a little sour.

"You know, I like you alone."

After Lou En glanced at those Valentine's Day gifts, he shook his head helplessly.

Although Lou En knew that many little witches were watching him, he was inseparable from Hermione almost every day, and there was absolutely no chance for other little witches to intervene.

However, even so, there are many little witches who are ready to give it a try.

"So, are you going to reply to them one by one?"

Hermione asked with half-closed eyes.

She did not expect that so many people would dig her corners.

"I don't have that much time to reply.

Lou En shook his head and said.

Then he put these gifts into the Shenwei space. After all, those who gave the gifts were watching him, and it was not good to leave them on the table in person.

"Hey, Harry, you got a love letter too?"

At this moment, Ronald suddenly shouted in surprise.

I saw Harry staring blankly at a letter in his hand, and the tone on it proved that it was a love letter.

It turns out that someone likes it too?

"Take it apart and see! 35

Ronald urged on the side.

"Don't rush…"

Harry slowly opened the letter from Hedwig with anticipation.

However, after seeing the contents of the first line, he was stunned.

His face gradually turned red.

"What's wrong?"

Hermione asked curiously.

Just read a letter, don't you feel ashamed like this?

"See for yourself…"

Harry took a deep breath and placed the letter in his hand in the center of the table.

"His eyes are green like a freshly pickled toad, he's as black as a blackboard, I hope he's mine, he's really handsome, a warrior who conquers the Dark Lord.

"Are you sure this is a love letter?

Lou En couldn't help laughing when he saw the first sentence.

Green eyes are like toads, and I don't know how Snape will feel when he sees this love letter!

The only thing Harry had that resembled his mother was his emerald green eyes.

Even Miss Hermione, who was beside her, pressed the corners of her mouth that gradually turned up.

Can this really be called a love letter?

"Does this handwriting look familiar? 35

Ronald muttered softly.

"It must have been written by Malfoy and the others!"

Harry looked angrily at the table opposite Slytherin, where Malfoy was chatting and laughing with Goyle and Crabbe playing Hearthstone.


Inside the house upon request.

"Hahaha, that letter was written by Ginny, not Malfoy!""

As soon as she entered the room, Hermione was lying on the bed and couldn't help chuckling.

She had seen Ginny's notes, which were exactly the same as the letter Harry received today.

"Then if you don't tell Harry, he's probably holding a grudge against Malfoy again now.39

Lou En hung the robes of the two on the hanger, looked at the little witch crawling on the bed, and said softly.

After hearing Ronald's muttering, he immediately guessed who wrote Harry's love letter.

Who else but Ronald's sister Ginny?

Autumn Zhang?

After the two dawdled for a while, Lou En glanced at the watch in his hand, and then put out the candle in the room.

"What do you want? 95

Hermione asked nervously.

"The time is almost up.

Lou En leaned against the window and pulled Miss Hermione over, who was a little panicked.

"Do you want to see fireworks?"

"Just for you – fireworks. 35

Hermione's brown eyes couldn't help looking out the window.

On the lawn at Hogwarts, where the window of the Room of Requirement faced the clearing.

A wisp of golden light dragged the smoke into the air.