
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 151

Chapter 151: The Space Transformation Of The Trunk!

"Good morning, my little witch!"

Lou En and Hermione, who was sitting in the chair, hugged gently.

"Are you done with your work?"

As he was about to let go, Miss Hermione whispered in his ear.

She looked at Lou En's brown eyes with anticipation.

"Of course, everything is done."

It was almost impossible to reincarnate Tom's senior from the dirt.

Lou En nodded with a chuckle, and gave an answer that satisfied the little witch.

The reincarnation of the filth requires living sacrifices and Tom's DNA, and it is not known whether Tom in the state of the soul can pluck off a hair.

In short, there is no way to complete it now, after all, it is not every day that fugitives appear in Knockturn Alley.

And after the resurrection, Senior Tom, he hasn't figured out where to send it.

"Have a honey muffin and a glass of milk.

Under Hermione's dissatisfied gaze, Lou En ordered a rich dessert breakfast.

dessert again…

The little girlfriend looked at her little boyfriend helplessly.

"What happened to Ronald?"

After cutting a honey muffin 13, he looked at Ronald, who was listless, and turned to Hermione.

Although Lou En knows what happened to Manager Ronald last night, it's better to pretend he doesn't know and ask.

"Professor McGonagall looked for him one night yesterday and he was in his own bed the next day."

"That's all Harry told me."

With that said, Hermione snatched a muffin from Lou En with a silver-patterned fork.

Sure enough, you can't let him eat too many sweets.

Taking a bite of the honey-filled muffin, Hermione narrowed her eyes.

So sweet.

"I don't know either, I didn't find him last night. 39

Harry also looked at Ronald, who was sleeping on the table, in confusion.

"As a result, the next morning, he suddenly appeared on the bed, and his face was pale…he didn't even know where he went last night.

"Someone cast an oblivion spell on Ronald?"

The clever Hermione guessed.

Forget the spell, Lou En once taught her in the Room of Requirement.

So at once Hermione remembered the spell.

"I do not know either.

Harry shook his head.

"You might as well take Ronald to the infirmary."

Lou En took a sip of milk and said to Harry.

He also has a general understanding of Ronald's situation. It should be that Tom has been controlling his body, which caused Ronald to have no memory of yesterday.

"Okay, I'll ask you to help Ronald and me take a break from the potions class in the morning!"

Harry didn't hesitate, just shook Ronald awake and was about to leave the table.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Lou En always felt that Harry looked quite happy.

Is it because you don't have to take Snape's class?

Things that can be solved with a single drop of mother-in-law…

After breakfast, the two went to the potions class hand in hand.

Snape's mood has recovered a lot in recent days, so the little wizards don't need to panic.

After all, in the first few classes, many wizards blew their cauldrons because of Snape's gaze.

In this class, maybe he didn't see the ragged face similar to James's, so Snape was in a much better mood.

Of course, Gryffindor points are still deducted.

Hesitation Harry and Ronald are both gone, and Hermione can do anything.

So this time the points were deducted from Neville.

"Every time I take Snape's class, I always get deducted!"

Hermione looked sullen.

This year, thanks to Snape's unremitting efforts, Gryffindor was at the bottom of the list.

Although so far it has not broken the bottom record of the previous year.

"Didn't you add it all later?"

Since the weather was a little hot today, Lou En put himself and Hermione's robes into the Kamui space.

Only the white shirt and tie inside were exposed.

Miss Hermione's low ponytail was also twisted into a small ball, looking like Professor McGonagall.

"Did you know that Professor McGonagall is known as little Hermione?"

Lou En pointed to her hairstyle and couldn't help joking.

"You talk too much!"

Hermione wanted to grab that finger but fluttered in vain, only rubbing her little tiger teeth and looking at Lou En.

After fighting for a while, the two decided to stay in the Room of Requirement directly.

Because it's too hot today.

Even Miss Hermione rolled up her white sleeves, sweat dripping down her white forehead.

"Cool as the wind.

Lou En snapped his fingers, and a cool wind enveloped the two of them.

This spell is just the most basic life spell, and it can be cast even without a wand.

"This spell is good, teach me tonight!"

Hermione felt the cool wind around her, her brown eyes sparkling.

"no problem.

Lou En nodded.

He got this spell from Senior Tom, and it wasn't taught in Hogwarts' Charms class.

Stroll on the old stone stairs of Hogwarts, surrounded by lush green grass, with the hot wind blowing like layers of heat waves.

Lou En glanced at the portrait of the fat lady on the eighth floor and smiled kindly.


But the fat lady turned her head away after seeing the nasty little couple.

"She's been like this since the last time she didn't close the door."

Hermione explained with a chuckle, covering her mouth.

But it's early, and she doesn't often sleep in Gryffindor's dormitory.

"Sooner or later I'll tell Professor McGonagall about your sleepless nights!

The Fat Lady made a face at Hermione, and it saw Hermione take her wand and aim it at her.

"Beautiful Miss Granger, you know I'm just joking."

Didn't expect the fat lady to be such a person?

Lou En is a long time acquaintance.

"Come on, let's go to the hut."

Hermione smiled happily,

Night falls.

Inside the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor of Hogwarts.

Since the evening was also hot, Hermione wore only a light off-white dress.

She was sitting on the couch taking notes from Charms and Transfiguration.

And Lou En rolled up his white sleeves and carefully transformed a suitcase with his wand.

He remembered that a certain Hufflepuff senior had a suitcase with various creatures.

See if you can figure out a way to put the basilisk in there too.

After all, keeping the basilisk in the secret room all the time is not an option.

In the Forbidden Forest, it is more likely to be found by Dumbledore.

It has to be said that this space-extended luggage is really not easy to make.

Looking at the suitcase full of runes in his hand, Lou En's handsome face showed a satisfied look.