
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: My Ten Rings Are All Curses!

"Can you choose the ability of the spell by yourself?"

Lockhart asked expectantly.

He knows his own abilities, and aside from a forgotten one, Lockhart hardly has a spell that he can take out.

Today, these rings of Lou En made his eyes shine.

Doesn't this just make up for his shortcomings?

"You know, as a professor, the use of magic spells is not bad." Lockhart patted Lou En on the shoulder and smiled, "I just wanted to study these convenient rings! 99

"Maybe my next book will write about who made these rings…"

He softly seduced.

There's no one who doesn't yearn for fame and glory, not to mention Lou En, who is still a little wizard.

At least that's what Lockhart thought.

Hearing these words, Lou En looked at Lockhart speechlessly.

He only heard one meaning, it's not that I don't know spells, I just want to study your ring.

As for the promise of honor, he listened to it as nonsense.

"Sorry professor, we only have thirteen kinds of magic rings, do we have more?"

Lou En shook his head and replied.

Still want to pick a spell?

Do you want these thirteen or not?

"Come on, give me ten!

Lockhart looked at the magic ring placed on the table, and did not hesitate to make a deal directly.

Just ten rings can fill his 667 hands.

"How many Galleons?"

Lockhart asked as he took out his small vault from his gorgeous robe.

To know that the books he has sold in recent years alone are doomed to Lockhart's money.

Lou En looked at the arrogant Lockhart and thought for a while.

This is a big money, and when it's time to slaughter, don't be soft-hearted.

"300 gold Galleons?

Lou En asked tentatively.

"Three hundred Galleons—" Lockhart whispered, "You're too expensive, aren't you?"

"After all, my family is the only one who can make these rings, so you can say whether you want it or not. 99

"If you are easy to use, I will definitely want it!"

Although Lockhart complained, he still took out three hundred Galleons and put it on the table.

"Give me ten!

In the end, Lockhart chose ten magic rings with good power and left with a smile on his face.

"So many gold Galleons?"

George was stunned. Is this money so easy to earn?

Even Ronald widened his eyes, ignoring Scabber who was still hanging upside down in the air.

Lou En said it was all small issues.

"Come to me when you are free, and I will teach you alchemy.

He told George about his plan.

You can't just sell cards in the store, as that would be too shallow.

What's more, their definition from the beginning is a store similar to a grocery store.

After listening to Lou En's plan, Fred hesitated for a while and said: "We still need to make cards now, so there is no way to learn from you in the past few days."

Although they have successfully sold one set, the second set and the third set need to be produced in a hurry, and there are still too few people for just the two of them.

"Did you sell a whole set to Dumbledore?

Lou En suddenly thought of something and asked.


George nodded.

Come to think of it, forgot to tell them how to sell…

"When you sell in the future, you will sell it by drawing cards! 39

Lou En turned over the remaining memories of the past and began to explain the method of drawing cards to the twins.

Like some card pack, repeating cards, Krypton Gold's eyes lit up when Fred heard it.

Is there such a thing as marketing?

It's really a long experience.

"The card of Headmaster Dumbledore? 39

"Just treat it as a commemorative edition…"

After all, it has already been delivered, so I can't go and get it back.

The two brothers successfully learned a way to draw cards under the guidance of Lou En, and left the green lawn in high spirits.

They're going to have the cards all made in a few days.

"What are you thinking about?"

Miss Hermione next to her exclaimed, she found that no matter what, Lou En always knew a thing or two.

"My brain?" Lou En stroked his brown curly hair and responded with a chuckle, "All I think about is you!


Hermione's mouth twitched.

Today, Hogwarts is still very cold, and there are still snowflakes in the sky.

It's February after all.

Inside the Dark Magic Defense class.

After the last elf incident, all the little wizards have a sense of Lockhart.

Especially after releasing the elf, he ran away and left everything to the students to solve.

It's just too doggy.

Many little witches have lowered their affection for Lockhart.

Hermione rested her chin with her hand and yawned in boredom, tears glistening in her brown eyes.

"What do you say Lockhart is going to teach us this time?"

She nudged Lou En's waist with her little hand and asked softly.

"Maybe teach us how to turn a werewolf into a human…"

"Also, don't move!"

Lou En slapped Hermione's little hand off, and couldn't bear to keep poking there.

"If you move around again, I'll turn you into a catgirl!"

He threatened in a low voice.

The threat really worked, and Miss Hermione froze and withdrew her fingers.


She covered her brown curly hair and lay down on the table.

Being a catgirl isn't the scariest thing, the scary thing is that Lou En has been fiddling with her cat ears.

As the class bell rang.

Lockhart walked in with a smile on his face, wearing a cerulean gown, and he had ten ornate rings on his fingers.

On the way to the podium, he waved his palm lightly.

bang bang-

The originally closed window was opened by the Floating Charm, and the room was filled with cold air. Ronald, who was next to the window, hugged Banban and shivered.

"The professor didn't use a wand?!"

The little witch with sharp eyes let out an exclamation. Casting without a staff is very difficult to control. Few people in the entire wizarding world can use it!

But Lockhart made it easy!

This has given hope to many little wizards who have lost their idol beliefs once again!

"Good morning, gentlemen and ladies!"

Lockhart smiled and snapped his fingers, and a thick book floated in mid-air, automatically turning pages.

"Oh, don't be surprised, this is just the most basic operation!

After speaking, he also glanced at Lou En who was sitting in the corner.