
Hogwarts- Blood Wizard

Others who reincarnated into the Wizarding World started as babies and were well prepared, but sadly Ivan was reincarnated directly to the venue of the sorting ceremony. He has already learned black magic before? His home is a dark magic shop in Knockturn Alley? His mother is an evil dark wizard? Ivan was worried that his identity will be exposed and when he returned home in the future, he would be skinned and chopped for ingredients, but he gained the ability to fuse with the bloodlines of magical creatures. Why did Dumbledore get help from the Phoenix? What is the truth behind Voldemort’s snake-like face? The shadow of the unicorn that transforms from dreams to reality, the pupil of a basilisk, the power of the phoenix over flames… In the process of collecting blood, a different magical world was revealed to Ivan. ------------------------------------ This is fan translation of novel by Pure little angel with the same name. Daily Chapter: 2

WN_LightNovels · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

022- Getting Ready!

Because he was the one driving everyone forward, Harry ended up in front of the group, facing the huge mouth like an abyss that suddenly came to bite him he looked a little confused...

The foul smell sprayed on his face, making Harry nauseous. Just as fear spread throughout his body, Ivan's voice suddenly rang in Harry's ears.


A series of invisible barriers blocked the three-headed dog's hideous heads in mid-air, but in the next second, the barrier that Ivan maintained and constructed with magical power was torn and shattered by its fangs.

Fortunately, the one second that barrier lasted, Harry had gotten hold of himself and barely escaped.

And Ron, after yelling at everyone to run away, had already swooped on the door, and after pulling hard with his hands a few times, he realized that the door was locked.

"Who locked the door this hard!" Ron said desperately.

Ivan, who temporarily restrained the three-headed dog with stunners and full-body binds, couldn't help but roll his eyes. Didn't you just now locked the door yourself?

Ron panicked and was beginning to fear that he might die here. Hermione pushed him away and aimed her wand at the door lock.


Hermione's spell broke the door lock violently. The group of five friends escaped as quickly as possible and then closed the door in time before the three-headed dog can come out.

Bang... Bang Bang!

After running far away, they listened to the faint banging and roaring sound in the distance, everyone who escaped from the jaws of death breathed a sigh of relief, especially Ivan who was caught in the situation suddenly.

When pinning the three-headed dog before, Ivan found that his magic level was too low and its effect was limited. The stunner wouldn't affect the actions of the three-headed dog at all, and the Cerberus just would not fall down at all.

If Hermione had delayed opening the door just a little bit, he might have been the Dog's food tonight, after all, in such a small space, there was no place to hide.

This also made Ivan deeply aware of his weakness. It might be easy to deal with students like Malfoy, but he didn't have the ability to struggle in the face of real danger.

"That monster won't break the door and chase us, right?" Ron glanced at the door t behind him.

"No, this should be a special door, otherwise it would have been broken already," Ivan explained.

"How could Professor Dumbledore keep such a monster in a castle?" Harry was also frightened. He had never thought that he would meet such a terrifying thing at Hogwarts, he was almost eaten by it!

Hermione reminded her angrily.

"I think you should remember that when we first entered school, Dumbledore told us that we shouldn't come here. If we didn't break the school rules and came out in the middle of the night today, we wouldn't have rushed here!"

Perhaps it was because she had just escaped from her death, Hermione's tone was sharper than usual.

Harry and Ron knew that Hermione was going to talk about it again, and Neville almost cried.

Who would have thought that after she finished venting her frustration, she revealed the fact that she saw a trapdoor under the three-headed dog while running away, she suspected that the three-headed dog was guarding something.

But before leaving, Hermione warned Harry and the others that no matter what there was, it had nothing to do with them. This should be something that Professor Dumbledore should be concerned about, not them!

Hermione's attitude made Harry and the others somewhat awkward, but fortunately Hermione would probably not tell Professor McGonagall that they violated school rules tonight.

"I didn't expect Malfoy to be so insidious. He must have told Filch what we would be in the trophy room!" Ron was still angry when he returned to the bedroom, threatening to beat Malfoy tomorrow.

"Ivan, I knew we should have listened to you," Harry said with some embarrassment, after all, Ivan had already mentioned this possibility to them in the afternoon. "Don't worry about it." Ivan waved his hand indicating that he didn't care. After all, he had never expected Harry and Ron to stay in the dormitory ignoring the temptation. It was just his luck to run into them in the halfway...

"By the way, Ivan, why were you doing in the corridor just now?" Harry asked curiously.

"I just came to get you guys," Ivan said casually. He couldn't say that he sneaked into the restricted section of the library to read in the middle of the night, right?

Harry and the others became even more ashamed, this emotion persisted for a few minutes but was quickly ignored as they discussed what was guarded by the three-headed dog, guessing what was hidden inside. ...Finally, Harry revealed the fact that Hagrid had taken out a package from Gringotts with Hagrid before school started on the day Gringotts was robbed.

Ivan ignored their discussion, the challenge task that he recieved was enough for him to have a headache, and he was not interested in interfering in Dumbledore's plan.

The only good news is that there is still some time before Halloween when the Troll will be snuck in by Quirrell, he still has some time to prepare.


In the next week or two, Ivan worked hard to improve his strength, while the rest of the time was frantically searching for books about trolls in the library.

"Detailed Explanation of Common Magical Creatures"... "Guide to the Domestication of Dangerous Monsters"... "On the possibility of hybridization between Giants and Trolls"...

Ivan even read "Travels with Trolls".

That's right, the author of this book was Gilderoy Lockhart, who will replace Quirrell next semester as the teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Although Ivan knew that Lockhart was a liar who could only knew how to use memory charms, this did not hinder the authenticity and professionalism of the content of the book, which is why he could find it in the Hogwarts library.

To be honest, after seeing Lockhart's iconic smile with white teeth on the cover, Ivan didn't even want to open it.

But because the contents of the first few books were unreliable, For example, The "Detailed Explanation of Common Magical Creatures" only mentions that giant monsters have no medicinal value, and there is nothing useful from their brain to the torso...

The description of trolls in the "Guide to the Domestication of Dangerous Monsters" is that wizards can usually use more powerful spells to make them succumb...

What nonsense is this?

If he had the strength to defeat the trolls, why would he read so many books to search for answers?

The book "On the Possibility of the Hybridization of Giants and Trolls" even made Ivan want to remove his eyeballs out, it had an academic method about crossbreeding with both pictures and texts.

Instead, "Travels with Trolls" even though told like a fantasy story, gave a detailed introduction about the habits and weaknesses of trolls.

For example, Trolls usually have low IQ, they eat a lot of food and can eat anything, so if you want to deal with one, placing a bait was the correct choice. There was a high probability that the troll will eat the bait.

There was also the fact that the troll's small beanie-like head coupled with its huge body makes its overall stability weaker. If you hit the troll's leg with a powerful spell, you may be able to disrupt its balance and knock the troll down, leaving you a few more steps away from being eaten...

Finally, the head of the troll itself was a weakness, it was much more fragile than other parts of its body, if it fell on its head because of gravity, it will most likely end up unconscious.