
Hogwarts- Blood Wizard

Others who reincarnated into the Wizarding World started as babies and were well prepared, but sadly Ivan was reincarnated directly to the venue of the sorting ceremony. He has already learned black magic before? His home is a dark magic shop in Knockturn Alley? His mother is an evil dark wizard? Ivan was worried that his identity will be exposed and when he returned home in the future, he would be skinned and chopped for ingredients, but he gained the ability to fuse with the bloodlines of magical creatures. Why did Dumbledore get help from the Phoenix? What is the truth behind Voldemort’s snake-like face? The shadow of the unicorn that transforms from dreams to reality, the pupil of a basilisk, the power of the phoenix over flames… In the process of collecting blood, a different magical world was revealed to Ivan. ------------------------------------ This is fan translation of novel by Pure little angel with the same name. Daily Chapter: 2

WN_LightNovels · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

004 - Hello hogwarts

After emphasizing the announcements for this semester, Dumbledore seemed to have gone back to his old grandfather persona, wearing a slightly crooked wizard hat on his head he clapped lightly and said loudly, "Before going to bed, let us sing the school song together!"

As Dumbledore's voice fell, Ivan clearly saw the faces of the professors on the stage change, and several older students also looked like they were suddenly ill. Dumbledore was waving his wand on his own, a long golden ribbon floated out of the wand, turning into words like a snake.

Waving his wand like a baton. Under the guidance of Dumbledore, the Hogwarts school song sung by the whole school resounded in the main hall.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please, Whether we be old and bald, Or young with scabby knees, Our heads could do with filling, With some interesting stuff..."

Various versions and tunes of the same song were put together in a jumbled manner, and the Weasley brothers, who tried to mislead everyone in the mix, Ivan also sang a few words along with them. After singing, I unexpectedly felt that this mixed tone.... It seemed pretty good.

Ivan couldn't help but wonder if there was some problem with his music aesthetic...

Fortunately, there was also the Headmaster Dumbledore who was going through something similar. The respected old wizard was moved to tears under the influence of music. It took him a long time to break free from the melody. He wiped his tears while reminding everyone that they can go back.

Ivan followed Gryffindor's students along the spiral staircase to the highest floor.

At the end of the corridor, Percy stopped on a wall with a portrait of a fat woman. Before the new students could ask, everyone saw the fat woman move, she changed her posture and said solemnly.

"What is the password?"

"Dragon scum," Percy replied.

The fat woman nodded, stepped aside, her portrait swung open revealing a round hole in the wall, and Ivan knew that this was Gryffindor's common room.

After entering, Ivan realized that this place was much bigger than he initially thought.

The red lion flag representing Gryffindor hung in the air. There are several long tables neatly placed in the wide lounge. Under the long tables are comfortable chairs. The dark brown fireplace is against the left wall. The burning flame illuminates the cold at the same time.

Gryffindor's dorm on the other hand is for five people. There are five four-poster beds in the spacious room. Underneath the beds are their respective luggage, neatly stacked aside.

As there is no corresponding memory, Ivan can't even recognize his suitcase and bed.

Just as Ivan was waiting for his roommate to choose their bed first, a gray-white owl suddenly flew from the top of the railing on the west side to Ivan's shoulder, and pecked Ivan's face intimately.

"Maca?" Ivan was taken aback for a moment, that he remembered the name of the owl for no apparent reason.

"Cuckoo~" the gray-white owl replied.

"Whether it is this or not, I will call you Maca from now on." Ivan stretched out his hand and scratched the owl's neck, Maca narrowed his eyes comfortably.

With Maca's guidance, Ivan quickly confirmed that the bed on the west side against the wall was his own. There were very few things around, except for bedding and pillows, but some clothes, daily necessities, and a few books to bring.

It is worth mentioning that Ivan found a small sign next to his bed with the words Ivan Halls engraved on it.

Other beds also have similar brands, but Ivan didn't notice it until just now.

Not long after Ivan stayed alone in the dormitory, there was a sound of pushing the door open, followed by a slightly familiar voice.

"Unexpectedly, the sorting just consisted of wearing a hat. I thought I really was going to fight against a troll. I knew I shouldn't believe George's nonsense."

Pushing through the door was a wizard with fiery red hair and freckles on the bridge of his nose. His mouth was babbling as he was talking, while the boy behind him was wearing spectacles and looked a little thin.

Harry? Ron?

Ivan was somewhat surprised. It was a coincidence that I was in the same bedroom as Harry before I realize that it was kind of stupid.

"Hello, I am Ivan Halls!" Ivan stepped forward and said hello.

"Hey, I am Ron Weasley." Ron also noticed Ivan's existence.

"Hello, I am Harry Potter." Harry also stretched out his hand at the same time.

Ivan first shook hands with Harry, then looked at Ron and smiled. "Just now at the meeting, your brother George and Fred mentioned you to me."

"Oh, damn, I don't believe that they would say anything good about me." Ron thought about the way George and Fred like to play tricks on him, and he was a little angry.

Harry was a little pleased with Ivan's attitude, he seemed different from other people. After all, since he had entered the wizarding world, every time he encountered other wizards, they were either making a fuss or wanting to see the lightning scar on his head.

Harry thought that their behavior was really stupid.

The friendship between new students can sometimes be established in a short time. What's more, Ivan, who has read the original book, knows the two of them and deliberately caters to them, so naturally they quickly become friends.

Harry talked about the unfair treatment he received before he came to the wizarding world in the dormitory, while Ron was talking about one or two funny things that were teased by the Weasley twins. Not long after, Neville and another boy who shared the same dormitory arrived, they also joined together sharing stories, and they talked until late before going to bed and resting.

The successive changes throughout the night made Ivan really tired. Almost immediately after touching the bed, his body weakened and he couldn't get up again. Even the originally planned exploration of the system plan was forgotten.

Vaguely, only the sound of Ron scrambling with scrabbers could be heard. Ivan raised his eyes and looked at it, then put the quilt over his head, and his lips moved silently.

"Hello, Hogwarts!"


Early the next morning, Ivan woke up from his dream and looked around blankly. It took him a long time to realize that he was supposed to go to class.

Suddenly he has transferred from lying around on the hospital bed to getting ready to go to the classroom, and for a while, Ivan was still a little bit unable to adapt.

However, it was his first class at Hogwarts, Ivan did not intend to be late. Although it was still early, Ivan felt that he had to set off earlier, considering the awkward staircase of Hogwarts.

Of course, before leaving, I didn't forget to call out to Ron and Harry who were still lying in bed.

I don't know whether it was the influence of Harry's savior's halo or Ivan's bad luck. When he went downstairs, he encountered two steps that suddenly disappeared. Poor Ron even hit the wall disguised as a door!

Fortunately, it was because of Ron's personal demonstration that Ivan and Harry were spared...