

Boby3 · Anime & Comics
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The bus

I know this may seem sudden but are people born equal while many strive for equality selfish reasons or not in my opinion equality is nothing more than a false reality as it would never happen however we could at least strive for it in certain ways An .example would be what most people do in elevating someone who is less beautiful or smart and helping them . But I prefere my way

Well I guess it not really my way but the way I am being more equal is by losing one of my senses to get them on to my level you may say I'm over confident but it's true I am considered perfect by that man and he has pretty high standards so I will take compliments where I can get them.

Excuse me shouldn't you give up you're seat I heard from what sounded to be a girl my age I clicked my tongue releasing a fast and sharp sound that bounced back to me in doing so aloud me to feel the surrounding area ( it's a real thing you can check it out ) in doing so I can imagine what it looks like though it does have a wide range it isn't 360 degrees so it's no the best thing in the world but oh well now that I can imagine her I know that the women has long pink or blond hair I can't decide as both would be good for the hairstyle and she seems to have a bright smile on her face

The person the girl seems to be talking to is a extremely fit male with a haircut that only blond would work with he had a smug grin and most likely was a stuck up but he also seems to have skills to back it up


Why so he asked with a smug grin

Because this is a priority seat she responded in a kind tone and their is a old lady that is standing .

Why is she a bigger priority then me I am a fit young man who could do more in one year for society then this old hag could do in her entire life

The I clicked again the girl was looking at the old lady and apologized and then asked if anyone could give up their seat for the lady

Nobody stood up and the girl asked one more time nobody stood up and just when she was about beg again I got up as I didn't want it to continue

3rd pov

I will stand Ayanokōji said with his ever present poker face

Thank you so Much the girl replied and helped the old lady to her seat my name is Ichinose what's yours

Ayanokōji he replied with a poker face

Nice if you don't mind me asking what class are you in I'm in 1b

1c he replied

Aww man I wanted to be in you're class she exclaimed sadly now I won't have anyone I know in my class

Know he replied in are you sure you know me

You literally just met me

Yeah and I know you're a good person

How would you know that he asked in a childish manor

Because of you're actions and I think I'm a good judge of character Ichinose replied

Who knows I might be a horrible person Ayanokoji responds

I know you aren't oh and looks like the bus is here she replies happily

See you soon Ayanokoji

See you Ichinose

Please somebody comment I don’t care if it’s criticism or not I just someone to review my writing so I can improve

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