

Hi everyone! My name is Kason, and I'm writing a book about time travelling. This is my first time doing this, so pretty please, be easy on me! Anyways I'll get to work on it!

KasonNg · History
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Back in time

As William stood up, he looked around to try and figure out where he was. He checked his phone but for some reason, the phone was showing snowflakes. He thought "I'm pretty sure smartphones don't do that." He kept his phone and looked around, there were small buildings around and because it was night time, there were barely any lights except for the dimming lights shining from the light posts. William thought "Gosh darn, this is just great. I didn't even recognize this place."

As he was thinking, all of a sudden, a large group of people appeared in front of him. The crowd seemed to be citizens, but one thing really unusual is what they're holding in their hands, in what seemed to be little red books…and grenades!

William frozed, he thought to himself "Should I run? Or should I just stand still?" William struggled to make the choice while being paranoid. Then one of them in the crowd shouted "This man is suspicious! Look at what he's wearing! (William was wearing a black shirt, a pair of black pants, black shoes, a helmet and a gas mask, while carrying a backpack) He must be a spy for the British government! Down with the British! Long live Chairman Mao!"

The crowd rushes over to William, showing signs of aggression. William panicked, he ran towards the opposite direction, not looking back at what was chasing him.

As he was running, he screamed "Somebody! Somebody help! I don't want to die!" The mob chased him into the big streets

William hopelessly thought "I'm dead, this is going to be over soon! I'm running out of breath..." As he thought of that however, he heard a voice from a short distance saying "Lay down! Lay down!" William thought "Should I trust him or not?"

But upon realising he had no choice, he laid down as a last effort to gamble with his luck.

After he laid down, he heard the sound of weapons being fired. William is exhausted, he opens his eyes as wide as he can to try and see what's happening. He saw what appeared to be police officers forming a circle around him, and firing tear gases and rubber bullets towards the mob in an effort to disperse them. After noticing where he's at, William passed out. Next thing he noticed, he was in a hospital with an officer beside him.

William looked at the officer and panicked, thinking "I don't want to get arrested, not now!" The officer seemed to notice his sense of panic, and told him with an American accent "No need to panic! You're safe now, you're in the hospital!" William asked the officer with disbelief "I'm...not getting arrested?" The officer smiled, and said "Of course not, kid! Don't be silly!" William sighed with relief.

As he took the focus off the officer, he noticed something different about the hospital. There aren't any high technological machines, and every piece of furniture in the hospital just doesn't fit the modern times.

William also noticed that the bed he was lying on was not the type of hospital bed with side rails around it to protect the patients from falling, but rather a type of single bed that was used by many homes.

He took his eyes off the bed, and noticed that there is a portrait of what appears to be a young Queen Elizabeth II. William thought to himself "That's strange, Hong Kong has already been handed over. There's no way the portrait of her would still be up inside a governmental institution."

William looked outside the window, and noticed the ambulances as not being the type of Mercedes-Benz Sprinter that were used in the modern days, but rather...vintage and old-like.

Noticing so many strange artifacts from the surroundings, William felt suspicious. He felt like he just fell from a modern timeline into one that wasn't as modern. The more he saw, the more he thought to himself "What is all this? This really doesn't feel right." While looking around at this unfamiliar and unusual place, he noticed a calendar nailed on the wall with today's date not being crossed out, the date on the calendar being shown:

August 26th, 1967

At first William froze when noticing the date, but then it slowly became fear, he thought to himself "No, no, this can't be. The staff must be too lazy to change the calendar for more than 50 years! There's no way I've travelled back in time!" Thinking with disbelief, he asked the officer beside him "What year is it today? And which hospital am I at right now?"

The officer felt confused, but answered him anyway "Isn't it obvious? 1967 of course! You're at Queen Mary hospital by the way." William still doesn't believe it "Queen Mary hospital doesn't look like this! Are you sure this year is 1967?!" The officer answered, this time a bit irritated "Yes! 1967! Something wrong about it?! I know this year is terrible, but you have to face it!" The officer even took out a newspaper he got from yesterday with the headline of the newspaper stating "Leftist mob murder and kill with no mercy! Radio commentator Lam Bun passed away due to being set on fire by the heartless mob!"

"Lam Bun?" William wondered "Isn't he the man that got assassinated more than 50 years ago?" The officer added on after William looked at the headline "Kid, you have to look out for yourself more nowadays. This man was burned alive inside his own car!"

At this point, William surrendered. He realized the tunnel he went through was not just any ordinary tunnel, but rather a tunnel for time travelling.

In order to lower his anxiety, William asked a random question to the officer "So ummm...What's your name?" The officer looked at him with confusion, but noticing how bizarre this young man is, he still answered "I normally don't give strangers my first name, but since you're just a kid, why not? My name is Joseph, Joseph Chan. You can call me Joe if you like."