
Hive Master(Hiatus)

After death Ian was in hibernation and has awaken in a new world with magic. hey guys I'm 17 and making my own novel and doing my best with the time I have. so cut me some slack as I'm exploring the ways of writing. : )

Vreed_Was_Here · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 4


After the family cookout Ian went back inside his house after the cookout. Ian immediately noticed that the basement door was cracked open. Ian rushed down the steps to see Mutton on the floor shaking uncontrollably. Ian new this had something to do with the spider creature. the shacking stop and mutton stood up.

But that's not all that happen because mutton skin and hair was falling rapidly, which scared Ian do death. Mutton has lost a lot of skin and hair. Mutton lips have fallen of showing bare teeth. Where mutton skin used to be it was now replaced with pink hard skin with only a few places with hair left.

Ian was shocked at the sudden undead like transformation. Ian wasn't afraid because he felt a connection but now its with Mutton. Ian never thought he would feel any connection with the very dog that poops on his floor. Ian doesn't plan on explaining this to his parents so he picks up a tarp and hides the new undead dog.

Ian leaves the basement and opens the screen doors the heads strait to his room. The reason he opened the screen door was because he wanted to make it seem like Mutton ran away. Ian needs to find a place for the new Mutton to go because he might be dangerous to his family or just might scare them to death. in the meantime he needs to make sure no one goes inside the basement.

Buzz. Ian picked up his phone to see who was calling him. It was David calling.

"Hey David. what's up"

"Ian I have good news. it is the beginning of your love story" David said in a mocking tone.


"Jessica ask me to give her your number"

"Wait really?"

"Yup. She wants to go on a date with you. So if you get a unknown caller pick up the phone okay. Bye"


'I only talk to a few times in school and they where all awkward conversations.' Ian thought.

he didn't understand why she would ask him out all the guys in school. Ian guest it was his pink hair and eyes. Ian went fast asleep the moment he laid on his bed. Ian got up when he felt well rested. Ian did his daily routine by cleaning himself and going to the kitchen. he mad himself a fulfilling breakfast for the morning. after Ian finished eating he grabbed a bowl he took some raw beef to the basement.

He came down the stairs and notice New Mutton was in the open waiting for him. He dropped the bowl in front of the mutated dog. Ian notice the dog was slightly tall as New Mutton wolf the meat down. Mutton walk backed and crawl under the tarp.

Ian was surprised to see how obedient mutton was. Ian head upstairs when he notice his dad standing bye the screen door.

"Ian have you seen the dog?"

"No I haven't."

"I think Mutton must of ran away because Someone left the screen door open."

"I Guess who ever entered last did I guess."

Ian tried to shift the blame onto his because he was in fat the last one to enter the house.

Ian dad ended the conversation and went to go to work. Ian went inside his room to watch We-Tube. Before he could he gotten a unknown call.


"Hey is this Ian"

"Y...Yes this is.."

"ok meet me at the entrance at school at 10:00 ok. Bye"


Jessica spoke bluntly and ended the call. Jessica's call left Ian Dumbfounded. But he wouldn't still miss the chance to meet up with Jessica. Ian put on his cloths and his favorite jacket. he reached in his jacket pocket and he pulled out a knife that you could pretty much find at almost any mini mart. he didn't think he would need it he decided to take it anyway. Ian grabbed his keys and walked to his school.