
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Worlds: Deus Ex Machina

A new world, a world of the distant future, where the words “humanism” and “diplomacy” have become more than empty words. Where many races and peoples live in peace, and instead of wars they prefer to engage in dialogue. Where ships ply space, and life develops at a rapid pace, using as steps the ruins of the civilization of a past race that mysteriously disappeared thousands of years ago. But is everything as good as it looks at first glance? Where did the past civilization go? Why is so little known about her? And will our hero be able to live peacefully in this seemingly calm world, or will he again have to climb into the thick of it? After all, the galaxy is huge, and who knows what is happening in its outskirts and what horrors await beyond its borders.

Daoist914802 · Video Games
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38 Chs

Chapter 14. Biotic pranks

"Sir, may I note that creating a Mass Effect core at home is extremely dangerous, purchasing a zero element on behalf of the FreeMan Armory company is fraudulent, and withdrawing funds from a closed account on behalf of Lady Benezia is illegal?" Skye said in a soft baritone voice - my personal VI with an adaptive personality matrix, an established self-learning program and emotion modulation.

It feels like it was created by AI, although it cannot act outside of a given directive and always works within the conditions of the assigned tasks.

—Calm down Skye, the company belongs to me, just like the money in the account. Well, the fact that I took them off before adulthood was just a formality," answered the flying projection of VI in the form of a spherical drone with a visor.

While he was arguing with the VI, he managed to fill the still unlaunched EM core with the purified zero element and carry out the launch, watching as the ball of the core shone and a film of uniformly shining dark energy formed around it, accompanied by a barely audible hum.

Allowing himself a second to admire the iridescence of the Mass Effect core, he activated the terminal interface of his homemade laboratory and, taking control of one of the manipulators, used it to place the core in the shell of the reactor, which isolated the core and serves to convert the received energy into electricity. Of course, core irradiation is safe, especially for someone like me or an asari, who has element zero in their body from birth and serves as the source of biotic abilities, but it's still not worth the risk.

In the future, the Mass Effect core can be converted for something other than using it as an energy source, but for now it was just an experiment to create a core that is more powerful than its modern counterparts. A successful experiment, by the way; in terms of performance, the core turned out to be twice as powerful as a modern analogue of its size.

It didn't take long to set up the march, so soon Liara and I were standing in front of the asari commandos, a little impatiently waiting for them to teach us cool biotic tricks.

"Liara, Ivon, I'm glad to see your enthusiasm, but first let's start with meditation," Shiala said a rather obvious thing, to which, however, Liara dissatisfiedly said "oooh," but took her usual position on the floor.

Meditation is actually an extremely useful thing for a biotic. After all, the strength of biotics depends on two things: on the amount of the zero element in the body and on the ability to direct as accurately as possible as many bioelectric signals as possible to the nodes of communication of the lymphatic system with the zero element (a feature of the Asari, which I share; in other races, the zero element settles directly in nervous system in much smaller quantities, which is why their biotics are usually weaker than asari biotics). And if, in order to increase the level of the zero element in the body, which, by the way, I already had quite a lot, I did everything possible within reason (namely, I compiled a diet with foods high in the zero element, thanks to which, according to my calculations, by the age of thirty, the content element zero in my body reaches the maximum possible safe concentration and exceeds that of the average asari by 4-5 times), then to increase control over my own biotics all that remains is to meditate and try to sense my own body, and also learn to direct the necessary bioelectricity signals to I need concentration to go where I want of my own free will. You can also install implants to increase control of your signals, but this is mainly necessary for other races, because without implants their biotics would be very weak. Asari, even without implants, achieve monstrous control over their nervous system if they are not lazy. And I'm doing even better, I don't know exactly what race I am, but if I concentrate, I can feel how blood flows through the body, I can increase or decrease the intensity of the work of some organs, at least in the future if I continue to practice meditation, and control over signals The nervous system is also easier for me.

After another deep exhalation, I heard Shiala say "Finish" and opened my eyes.

Once again, noting how he involuntarily became covered with a film of biotics that had already begun to melt away, during meditation he noticed that Liara was also covered with biotics this time. On the one hand, this may seem cool, but in essence this film is absolutely useless and in our case only indicates poor control. Although if the manifestation of biotics is completely absent, then this is much, much worse.

"This time you will demonstrate what you have achieved in three months of intensive training," Shiala decided to carry out a test and, slightly covered in biotics, lifted almost all the objects and furniture in the room, forcing them to move at different speeds and along different trajectories without touching each other.

"Liara, show me your telekinesis," Shiala asked, returning the objects to their place.

Without answering, the sister only frowned and, taking a deep breath, extended her hand towards the rubber balls lying in the corner, enveloping them in biotics and lifting four out of ten balls into the air, confidently moving them in the air. After adding another ball, their movements became clumsy and they kept colliding with each other, and after two more, Liara had difficulty keeping them in the air, without thinking about making them move. Having lowered the balls, Liara extended her hand towards the table on which stood a glass decanter with glasses. Having entangled the decanter with biotics, Liara carefully lifted it into the air, placed it above the glasses and carefully tilted it, trying to fill the glass without spilling water.

In general, all these gestures are not really needed for biotics, it is a purely psychological moment. Many experienced asari commandos can use biotics without unnecessary gestures, but still use gestures out of habit or deliberately get into the habit of triggering the right nerve signals to use certain biotic techniques when using certain gestures, developing a reflex. Very convenient and saves time, especially useful in battle.

Having finished filling the glass, Liara carefully put the decanter in place and slowly pulled the filled glass towards her, greedily kissing it and finally wiping the sweat on her forehead.

"Cool, you're great." He smiled at his sister, to which she closed her eyes contentedly.

"Now it's your turn," Shiala reminded herself and the unfinished test.

This time I had to show my telekinesis, and... it was very simple. I don't know what it is, whether it's biology, diet, or those in strange dreams, but biotics was incredibly simple for me, I even sometimes use it in the workshop in order to attract the necessary tool to me or hold some parts in the air. Therefore, lifting ten balls into the air and playing with them was not difficult for me, only when I lifted the chair into the air I had to strain, and when I poured water from the decanter into a glass, I lifted both at once, confidently coping with the task.

-You know Ivon, I'm even a little jealous. These asari are famous for their biotics," Liara said a little discouraged when I finished.

"Well, the asari are still the most beautiful race in the galaxy, and you are the most beautiful asari of all." I tried to cheer up my sister with compliments and a kiss on the cheek.

Judging by her darkened face, carefully hidden embarrassed smile and Shiala's giggle, it was quite successful.

"You know Ivon, when you grow up a little, girls will run after you in droves," remarked the amused Shiala, causing Liara to frown. "But let's not waste time for now." Let's continue the lesson.—.

In this lesson, Liara trained her telekinesis, but I... Well, Shiala remembered the incident at school and decided to teach me how to neutralize biotic fields by creating them and forcing me to select mass fields of similar power, thereby honing control. However, I had to strain seriously, Shiala's mass fields were sometimes really powerful and I had to strain to create similar fields with which I "enveloped" Shiala's fields.

"Okay, that's enough for today," the eldest asari concluded, while Liara and I, soaked with sweat, lay on the floor from fatigue and came to our senses. — Excellent results. If you want in the future, you will definitely be able to join the asari landing force, or even as candidates for SPECTER.—.

After these words, I even perked up and tried to get up, only to collapse a second later with a groan on the soft mat at Shiala's words. -Oh, does anyone else have any strength left? Well, in that case, Ivon, how about showing off your deformation?—.

I had to get up, and Liara stood up with curiosity, looking from me to our nanny. So, standing up and showing that he was ready, he waited for Shiala to create as strong a barrier as possible and tried to evoke the same feeling as at school when he first used this biotic technique. Shiala noticed my readiness and applied the pose herself, as if she was preparing for a fight, putting her right leg slightly forward, tilting her body and inserting her hands with her palms forward, in front of which the barrier sparkled, only...

A pirate ship of the Eclipse Sisters, a branch of the Eclipse faction consisting entirely of asari. Usually I prefer not to touch the blue beauties, but these ones landed on the base of the slave traders, whom I had completely cut out a little earlier. And the Eclipse sisters brought goods with them. I managed to get inside the ship before they managed to leave the planet's stratosphere and escape. He walked through the corridors of a decommissioned Azari transport ship the size of a frigate, bearing traces of extensive modifications, leaving behind bodies torn to shreds and floors and walls stained with blue blood, until he reached the captain's bridge. They were already waiting for me there. The shields and biotic barrier withstood the fire of the asari guns with honor, and when they overheated, it was the turn of the blue-skinned aliens to hastily put up barriers. Hah, already feeling how they would burst like soap bubbles, I stretched my arms forward, enveloping myself in biotics and creating a "corridor" so that after a moment I could spread my arms and fly out of it in the direction of the asari formation...

The surrounding environment suddenly changed, leaving mere moments to assess the situation. I, shrouded in a weak barrier, like a cannonball fired from a cannon, am flying towards Shiala, who did not expect such a turn. Her beautiful breasts are getting closer every moment until...

"Gha!" Our barriers fly apart with a dull blow, and I crash into Shiala's chest with my head, knocking all the air out of her and throwing the asari to the wall, while I try to get up with a terrible headache.

"...ol...Ay....l, t.....ka..." the bending Liara's speech was barely audible, and Shiala was barely wheezing and writhing on the floor, trying to breathe in some air.

Somehow I couldn't answer my sister, I felt extremely disgusted, and the spinning room also increased my nausea, until...—...bhaa.— I vomited.

Having gotten rid of lunch, the nausea subsided a little and fatigue came over me. So very tired. Just for a minute...I'll close...my eyes...


As it turned out later, I had a slight concussion, fortunately Tessia had some of the best specialists, including doctors, so after a month I was completely free. Although I felt great within a week, they kept me at home for a month to make sure that I was truly completely healthy.

During this time, I was left to my own devices, I listened to school lectures in the background without being distracted from personal projects, and school assignments were never particularly difficult. Maybe art lessons...

In any case, I did not abandon the development of biotics, and Shiala even began to drive me not only in biotics, but also physically, once I recovered a little. Are you offended by a bruise that caused you to endure pain from taking too deep breaths for a couple of weeks? Liara, of course, worked with us, but I was the only one who worked half to death. Shiala clearly spared Liara.

I also couldn't help but be tensed by these visions...my/not my thoughts, unfamiliar places. To begin with, I hacked into Dr. Casely's files, for which I had to make a small drone that could connect to the turian's working network and give me remote access to it. And already in her files I discovered a suspicion about the artificial pumping of information into my brain after birth. A rare technology, experimental and extremely dangerous, usually those on whom it was used went crazy, suffered from personality disorders and acquired a variety of mental illnesses. I turned out to be surprisingly stable and completely mentally healthy, but the uploaded information, apparently memories, slip through every now and then. The "Embrace of Eternity" can help in their extraction - the merging of the nervous systems of an asari and her partner, during which the couple shares each other's emotions and feelings, and with proper skill they can see the partner's memory.

Perhaps with the help of hugs you can get something out of my memory. Or maybe not, but in any case, over time they will either show themselves or disappear, but they will stop bothering me. At least that's what the doctor thinks.

The next goal was to find information about my father, which turned out to be surprisingly easy. Gordon Freeman, founder of FreeMen Armory and FreeMen Incorporated, with the participation of Benezia T'Soni. For some time he collaborated with the turian weapons company Khaliath Armory, until they began to steal Freeman's technology, which was proven in court. Afterwards he became a partner of Binery Helix and Benezia, worked for the Azarian government, developing a line of ships for them, and died on my birthday. Moreover, I was not born from my mother Benezia, otherwise I would have been an asari. Hmm, is Liara also his daughter, obtained more naturally, or not? Doesn't matter.

Perhaps he wanted to pass on all his knowledge to me. For what? Give me everything you can, including your knowledge? Or did you think about transferring your memory to a new medium and continuing to live? Hmm, interesting.

In general, the results of my searches were only new questions. Well, okay, I'll figure it out over time. Considering how much money "dad" left me after his death, the possibilities for searching for information will be more than extensive. Although it would be nice to become a SPECTER, they have a lot of powers, but given how Shiala trains me in the future I will have such an opportunity.

Well, for now, I'm a little defenseless biotic dropout, I need to be able to defend myself, considering how many different mercenaries, pirates, criminals, slave traders and terrorists live in the vastness of the galaxy, which my knowledge showed me. And since I can't carry a standard weapon with me, I'm still small, and I don't have the necessary powers, I had to improvise.

To begin with, I took care of protection, namely a personal mobile kinetic shield, attached to the back and standing out as a small tubercle under clothes. For it, we had to create another Mass Effect core, only smaller. There were no problems with creating the shell and energy cells for the shield, but writing programs for its operation caused difficulties. Fortunately, connecting to the internal systems of FreeMan Armory under my mother's account was not difficult, and there I was already able to spy on shields of different configurations and programs for them and even improve my work by reducing the design of the shield and optimizing the power and energy consumption of energy cells. And then he created another kinetic shield, which he gave to Liara. Benezia will probably find my craft useless, but she still has more powerful and better mass-produced samples, and her personal biotic barrier will be more powerful.

The second stage of protection was the bracer, which opens up and forms a shield almost to my full height. There is nothing complicated in its design, except that you order expensive materials like tungsten or zero element. And so, its work is as simple as possible: when activated, the modules of the bracers diverge, forming an elongated shield, on the edges of which there are mass field emitters, during the operation of which clusters of a powerful kinetic barrier are formed.

The bracer looks like a homemade and original instrument, so it shouldn't cause any concern, just like the second bracer. It is more compact, more technologically advanced and can actually perform some of the functions of an instrument such as: storing information, transmitting it, connecting to the extranet and has a holo-interface. True, in comparison, its functions are pretty limited and the main function of the bracer is attacking: three miniature core masses working in synergy create a biotic blade that cuts biotic barriers like a hot knife through butter, and kinetic ones have difficulty holding it. At least my barriers and shields showed exactly this result. The only problem is that the blade is a melee weapon, but if you switch the bracer to ranged combat, the fourth, unused mass core switches from generating electricity, transferring this task to energy cells, to creating a mass relay and launching the biotic blade into flight. The rate of fire is not very high, one shot every three seconds, the lethality of the projectile drops almost instantly after launch, but against someone who is not ready to fight back, for example, punks in civilian clothes, this is enough. In the end, I'm not going to go into hell now, but after that I'll have the capacity of an entire weapons company.