

Warning!! 18+ Violance The world will be destroyed again. In civilization of the white and black wings. They unite so that the incident does not happen. Ren is the white wing people who can't fly. Suddenly, she got a miracle from the Black Wings, Alen. However, it is not easy to ask help because they come from different place, Aves City and Aves Village. Ren agreed to the deal with Alen so she could fly back. But, Ren and Alen had to break the rules of their place. Alen has to deal with air pollution in his city, while Ren wants to be able to fly as she always wanted. How could Ren agree to risk her decision? They must be able to save the world! Follow me on instagram @upthesky__179 *** nb : The places, events, and characters in this novel are fiction. Pictures credit : Pinterest ***** Like it? Add to the library! Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

MunCL · Fantasy
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133 Chs

Chapter 19

Ren came to Alen's house and was immediately kicked out. The woman went to the rooftop alone with a gloomy face. Ren sat on the rooftop hugging his knees. He didn't expect that it would rain along with Ren's tears.

Ozi watched it all without being able to do anything. He desperately wanted to be beside Ren, but his steps were always stopped when the opportunity came. He couldn't cross that line or break the threads of fate that were tied between Ren and Alen. He couldn't just walk around.

"Are your hands swollen?" Fey asked interrupting Ozi's thoughts.

Ozi dipped his hand into the basin of cold water. "Why are you always curious?"

"I wouldn't have gotten any information if I didn't have a strong curiosity," Fey answered confidently.