

Warning!! 18+ Violance The world will be destroyed again. In civilization of the white and black wings. They unite so that the incident does not happen. Ren is the white wing people who can't fly. Suddenly, she got a miracle from the Black Wings, Alen. However, it is not easy to ask help because they come from different place, Aves City and Aves Village. Ren agreed to the deal with Alen so she could fly back. But, Ren and Alen had to break the rules of their place. Alen has to deal with air pollution in his city, while Ren wants to be able to fly as she always wanted. How could Ren agree to risk her decision? They must be able to save the world! Follow me on instagram @upthesky__179 *** nb : The places, events, and characters in this novel are fiction. Pictures credit : Pinterest ***** Like it? Add to the library! Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

MunCL · Fantasy
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133 Chs

20. Warm Hug

"Ren, come with us for breakfast outside!" invite Hit who just arrived. Allen walked behind him.

"You guys arrived this early?" Ren asked looking at the clock on the wall which said seven o'clock.

"Alen asked me to come here immediately," replied Hit. Ren glanced at Alen, then returned to busy himself to organize the scattered items.

"We can discuss how to get the evidence that Mr. Mauren asked for earlier. So you can rest early," said Alen when Ren ignored him.

"In a moment, I'll finish tidying all this up. So, you guys just sit down," Ren said without looking at anyone. His hands deftly arrange things in their original place. Not wanting to obey his words, the two men even helped Ren with the excuse of getting it over with quickly.

Ren sat between the two men. They enjoyed breakfast in a bakery. A cup of tea is a suitable drink to drink with a pack of bread. The sweet smell of the bakery puts them in a good mood.