
History Uzumaki

перепост с русского на английский copybast original:https://tl.rulate.ru/book/46795 my potrion has not yet been published so I have not yet achieved the writing of 200 chapters of my short story on this site

Sudden_Young · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


Opening my eyes, I thought that something was wrong with my vision and I still went blind, or everything is very simple and I have eye or eye cancer, and in general, is there such a disease? I never thought about it.

But in any case, I can't find an explanation for my terribly blurry vision, although now it worried me least of all, since I can't control my body, I can fully feel it, but I can't control it, and why is it so small or everything around is big, okay you can find out later, but now I really want to sleep.

So the next day (or the night is incomprehensible, since I don't see the sun), I realized that I was a baby when they took me in their arms, they began to breastfeed, no, of course I didn't see her, but I can feel it. So I was reborn, strange that I was still an atheist in God, did not believe and believed that after death, everything, as they say, is my authority…. Well, at least I remained a man, I realized this when I pissed on myself with a warm stream and I immediately felt my pod, even though it pleases.

Yes, since I have already been reborn, then there is a god, or a buddha is his theme, well, I will still pray, because I do not really like living in a child's body.

So my days passed, I woke up, ate, went under myself and sleep, of course it was boring, but when I began to see normally, the boredom disappeared, and I began to examine the surrounding environment, and realized a few things.

Firstly, this is a room, it is in some kind of Chinese or Japanese style, I do not understand this, respectively, I am somewhere in the east and it seems ancient, although there were such houses in modern times, and secondly, my mother probably, or rather her hair they turned out to be red, which means there is paint, when my vision was still blurred, I thought that she was red, but no, and her attitude towards me was kind of cold, apparently I will turn yellow.

When I studied everything in the room, I got bored again, I tried to attract the attention of my mother, no, I did not cry or walk under myself (although I do this anyway) I just laughed and tried to say how babies do it, but I was ignored and the local language must be learned.

So my days passed, time flies quickly when you cannot think normally and concentrate on something, and I imperceptibly learned to understand them a little, when people often talk next to you and you remember words and emotions that they are accompanied by this not so it is difficult, what is interesting, all the people I meet have red hair and they are all beautiful nose, lips, eyebrows, eyes, they are damn perfect! It became straightforward.

So, continuing to study their language, I heard the word Uzumaki and then I realized that I was in the world of Naruto, but how can I not understand when there are so many bells, a room in the old Japanese style, red hair and Uzumaki. When the puzzle came together, I realized that maybe I am one of them, which is good and at the same time bad, good because there are a lot of chakras and pros in seals, the bad thing is that they will be destroyed during the war. We need to find out at what time I was born, although if you think logically, I was definitely born before World War II because it was during this war that they would destroy us, which means that I will not meet with Naruto, and I think well I will not get along with the person who helped a village that hated and hated him, although this can be attributed to the fact that I had relatives and he did not, and he wanted someone to take care of him, or at least be a friend, but still if someone hates you , beats because you didn't do it, yes, and when you save them more than once, they take it for granted, I don't understand this, I'm surprised why I haven't become Menma yet, in short Konoha is a village of degenerates with a nuclear warhead who are themselves trying to undermine.

As time went on and planning my further actions, I learned to crawl, then walk and finally speak, just like every evening I tried to feel the chakra and it turned out to be easier than I thought. I felt it when I was training my body, I started doing simple exercises when I was four (in order to take the body completely under control and not walk with Tourette's syndrome) and during one of the trainings I tried to break through my ceiling, my stomach first cramped and then I felt a warm wave from my stomach spread (like when I got a hot injection, I forgot how it was) all over my body, the next day my whole body ached, it felt like a long workout in the gym, and my nanny noticed this, then my mother came and some other people (as I later found out, the elders), they began to move their hands, to touch me later, as far as I understood, the doctor came up to me, used a mystical hand after that they began to argue about something, looked at me, nodded and left with happy faces , I don't like it, my mother, without saying anything, left the house.

A year later, I turned five years old and I started training and studying, it was difficult especially basic training, but you get used to everything. They trained me very seriously, I noticed this when I saw the training of my peers who went with me to the same training ground and would have thought that they were sorry, but this did not happen to all the children I met and if I were an ordinary child, I would be offended, but fortunately this is exactly what what I need because I know what will happen in the future, by the way about the future, I learned that the first shinobi world war is over, which means soon the second and I should be
