
The place behind the huge gates

It was dark already, we stopped at an inn, ate there and climbed the stairs to a room.

"You can enter inside and don't leave until you're instructed to",my master said as he left to another room.

I entered inside, I wasn't the only child there. Some boys were there, the youngest look like my age and the oldest look like 10 and together with me, we were twelve there.

"So it's you we've been waiting for",the boy who looked like a ten year old said ,while lying on the bed with his eyes closed.

They all looked at me like I wasn't human.

"Am loren, nice to meet you",I introduced.

A boy who looked like my age on my right held a knife close to my throat.

Am I with a group of young thieves?."well nice to meet you too, I guess" ,I said

"Do you want to die!?",the boy said in a fake deep voice.

"Oh really?", I used my hand to hold the wrist of his hand which was holding the knife and bent it, making the knife to fall down.

He yelled, "hey!".

Then I threw him on the ground and took the knife, "little boys, should be careful with this".

"Nice one!",a boy yelled and the others clapped.

The boy that attacked me, stood up and smiled,"The name is dibengi" he hit his chest and coughed, "from now on, we're brothers!".

"Am from the north province, how about you?"

"Am from the central, the capital",I said

He ran his eyes on me, "you don't look like you're from there".

"Then do..",I looked at him, he dressed and speaks like them, "don't worry".

We gathered with the other boys in a circular form, introducing ourselves.

Some talked about how they got here, I  noticed they were more than three masters identified.

"What about you,loren",a boy called peter asked.

" I found the master,myself"

" Haven't you notice,none of our masters told us their names?",dibengi asked.

" I once asked but he said it wasn't what I needed",I said.

The door opened and everyone pretended to be asleep.

I was slow,but even,they were still in a circle!.

" Don't play tricks,go to your different corners and sleep",the man said.

They all went to sleep,then I followed.

The following morning,we all came down to eat. I noticed they were also girls there,they must have been in other rooms.

After that we were all taken to different carriages.

We rode to a certain point ,then they gave us something to drink,i felt dizzy,I looked at others,they were unconscious then slowly,the place went dark.

The next time I opened my eyes,I saw a huge gate.Is this a palace?,I turned back,everyone was already awake,some were crying.

The gate opened and all the carriages entered inside.After all the carriages entered,the gate was locked.

I was scared but when I saw people in groups practicing with weapons,i was excited.

The place was vast in size,it's like a town.The carriages stopped and we were told to come down.

After that we were taken to a place To eat.We were given chicken and some other delicacies,am really going to enjoy this place.

I and the eleven that were in the same room sat on the same table. Dibengi ate his food like he was being rushed. I shook my head,are people of the north province like this?.

I counted how many we are that arrived,it was 48 boys,48 girls.

We were taken to another building.

"The first twelve got to the room at the end,boys left and girls right,be fast!",a muscular woman said.

I was in the first twelve,we entered our room and others entered theirs.

" It's a good thing we twelve were standing close to each other"dibengi said with enthusiasm.

" Do you think,we will start training tommorow?",the youngest one,which was six going to seven,called vitskit, asked.

Dibengi jumped,"our youngest one want to know if we'll start training tommorow",he put his hand on vitskit shoulder,"no need to rush younger brother".

This boy named dibengi is too loud and jovial.

We talked and talked,I felt at home,dibengi was noisy but I won't lie he was an interesting person. Then we slept like babies that night.

The next morning we were give four black clothings with our name embroidered on it,one which we were to wear for the day.

We were directed by someone,to a particular place,he said we're going for an assembly.

They were four groups represented with four colours;black,darker ash,lighter ash and then white.

Each group were arranged in eight lines,four for girls,four for boys,but all groups stood close to each other.

"I think the rest are seniors and white is the last stage",dibengi said in a low tone,behind me.

In front of us,but a little further away,stood men and women wearing white with a silver robe,I recognized my master among them.

One of them came forward to us,I watched how the other groups went on one knee and bowed slightly and the rest of us followed.

"New entries come out!,we came out and faced others in four lines.

He faced us,"How many want to go home,if you want,you will be taking home immediately and you will never return here",he said In a commanding voice.

Nobody raised his or her hand.

"Good,you've made the decision,that shows how brave you are,I want to let you know,you'll be staying here for eight years".

Some whispered among themselves.

He continued,"you might even stay longer,if you pass all evaluations,two years for each level. It depends on your will and strength.

The first stage which you are in,is the crawling baby rank.

Dibengi tried to hold his laughter behind me.

"If you get me in trouble,I don't know what I'll do to you",I whispered.

He continued,"The second stage which they are dressed in dark ask,is called the second stage,the same with the third stage,and the final stage which are in white is called the achievers"."All of you may not reach there,it's not a wish but it's the true facts,now tell me do you want to repeat!?",he yelled.

"No master!",we chorused.

"I'll leave it to Morris from the achievers to continue",he said.

He came out as the master left.

" Food is only served three times a day,you are not allowed to complain about the food"." You won't start training immediately and firstly you'll be taught how to read".

" What if a person already knows how to read?",I asked.

" Do you?,are you from a noble family?"for I know only peasants are allowed here".

"Am a peasant,I didn't learn how to read,I just knew how to,so can I skip that aspect?",I said impatiently,I wanted to start training at once.

He glared at me.why do I feel trouble coming.

After the day we slept at night but then,someone covered me with a sac and made me unconscious.