
History of the Great Cold Emperor

The story of a mysterious boy whose cruel cultivation world turns into the Great Cold Emperor. Yanyou is a boy who only knows his name, has no memory of his parents, his journey will be filled with suffering, great mystery, cruelty and the quest to be the most powerful under heaven. Will he be able to accomplish this? What will he have to do and what will be the cost of his desires? I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad . [18+ chapters]

Guban · Eastern
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9 Chs

Awakening and opportunity

The next afternoon the young man awoke and when he opened his eyes he saw that he was in a small room. He looked around looking for someone and trying to understand what had happened. The last thing he remembered was flying down and then someone standing over him stitching up his wounds. In the room he was lying on the bed, his hands no longer bound by shackles. In the corner of the room was a small table with water and some liquid and on the walls hung several swords and axes.

Yangyou tried to get up with all his strength, but he fell on the bed again and again, he failed because he was still too weak, when he tried to get up the bed made a creaking sound. In the next room, Ma Xianmei heard a creaking sound and knew it meant the boy was awake. She went towards the room but remembered that her father had told her not to visit him herself when he woke up, so she ran to her father all the more quickly. In Ma feng's study he was sitting and trying to think of a new pill when there was a sound from the door and the door opened and his daughter came in. "Father must have woken up because I heard some movement" - she said hurriedly. "He must have tried to get up, well let's go talk to the boy, but remember don't go near him, people like him won't trust anyone so quickly even if you saved his life" - He said while looking at his daughter. Ma Feng knew what the boy must have gone through and understood that his character would not be easy. He guessed that the boy had managed to escape and that he definitely wouldn't feel safe because how could he know if someone hadn't already informed the authorities.

Lying on the bed Yangyou heard footsteps approaching the room, he tried his best to get up and escape but it was no use. When the door opened he saw a well built man in white stained robes. After one look the boy could tell that he was not his opponent and that even if he wanted to he could not escape in such a state. Behind him stood a pretty young girl with blond hair and blue eyes, her skin silky white and her cheeks slightly flushed. It wasn't until then that he realized he wasn't wearing a shirt, but it was also the first time he had ever met someone who reacted to his naked body like that.

When the girl saw him she immediately blushed because it was the first time she had seen a boy her age naked. The second reason was also that although his body was rather poorly built, his muscles were stringy and his skin was like velvet, despite the many bandages and bruises it did not take away his attractiveness. She immediately tilted her head down to keep her reaction but she knew the boy noticed because he quickly covered his naked body.

From the side the father looked at his blushing daughter and couldn't see whether to laugh or kill the bastard, he decided not to think about it he went forward holding his daughter behind his back and was about to greet her when suddenly he heard.

- Thank you for the treatment, but tell me what do you want from me? As you can see I have nothing, you saved me for my body ? - He asked at first with a friendly and then a complex facial expression.

Ma Fang and daughter were so surprised that they didn't know what to say, he was trying to understand what this boy had just insinuated, but also through this brief exchange of words he could understand where this boy had escaped from by looking at the attractiveness of his body. After a moment of silence he finally replied.

- No we don't want you to repay your body nor do we want money. I only saved you for my daughter. - He answered with a serious expression on his face.

- So you saved me because your daughter liked me? In that case, what will happen to me now ?" he asked with a displeased expression on his face.

At that moment, Xianmei turned even redder, looked at her father and said:

- I don't want your body, I helped you because it's normal to help others in need.

Yangyou thought for a moment and wondered if he had heard wrong. He fell silent and then looked at her and asked:

- Have I already died? I don't know anyone who would help a stranger selflessly, unless I'm in some other world. Don't play games with me and say whatever you want. - he exclaimed looking at the girl. She on the other hand didn't know what was going on and kept repeating the words to herself "I don't know anyone who would help someone selflessly" she finally managed to understand what her father was talking about earlier, the world outside is brutal, treacherous and very dangerous. In that moment she managed to understand everything her father was trying to make her understand. At that moment the father smiled to see his daughter's thoughtful face and knew that she finally understood what he was talking about and not that these were just the words of a father caring for his daughter. He turned to the boy, walked over and said grabbing what was around his neck.

- You may not believe it, but don't you ever speak to my innocent daughter like that. I know what you have been through, so it is hard to trust you, but I will give you a choice either you can stay here for a week healing your wounds and leave or you can live with us helping me with my work, I advise you well if you don't want to get into more trouble you better choose well because the world outside this house is different" - he said choking the boy.

"Father! Let him go he didn't do anything! Father!" - she shouted pleadingly. "Silence!" - he muttered like thunder until Xianmei jumped up in fear. "Well pick a flogger." Yangyou thought about the different options, but alone at 12 years old with his beauty and no strength he wouldn't have much chance to survive, so after a while.

- Alright I'll choose the second option, but so that you don't change the option later because...- he stopped and looked the guy in the eyes and his filet eyes flashed with a cold light. When Ma feng saw this he got scared for a moment and then let go of the boy and asked: "What is your name boy?"

-Yangyou -he answered with hesitation.

- What a good name so listen my name is Ma fang and my daughter's name is Ma Xianmei and from today we will live together. From today you will have to wash, clean and launder after yourself and during the day you will collect herbs and help me with my work. Do you understand? Do you have any questions? - He asked.

- Hmmm I understand, Yes I do, where exactly are we and how far is Xiang city from here? - he asked uncertainly

- Xiang you say hmmm, I don't know exactly but this city is in another province so it should be quite far away. - he replied wondering if the boy was from the famous city that travelers talk about. " As for where we are it is Yunnan province in the Great Empire we are under the rule of the demon killer sect."- he said

"Alright thank you for the information, do you have any book that contains a map as well as a description of the dynasty of the Great Empire ?" - he asked hoping to expand his view of the country he lives in as well as have a chance to see how far away Xiang City is.

"I don't have such a book, but you can find one in the village library, as for basic knowledge, the Great Empire is the most powerful on this continent to be precise, it rules this continent. In the empire we have a total of 22 provinces, 10 of which are external and enjoy their own autonomy, while the rest are under the direct rule of the Chu Dynasty and its army. Our province is one of the autonomous provinces and the power here during peacetime is held by the demonic assassin sect." - he replied

"I see, and how can I start cultivating and is it even possible ? - he asked with a hint of hope which did not escape Ma fang's skilled eye.

"Of course, not everyone can cultivate because you need a special breathing technique to do so, but I have one if you earn it, and I can lend it to you for the duration of your stay here." - he replied with a smile as if he was grabbing the bull by the horns. Yangyou felt even more insecure but still if he wanted to live he had to become stronger.

Ma Xianmei kept listening from the side of their conversation with curiosity until she finally asked him: "What happened to you and why did you have shackles on your hands?" - She asked because she was curious and since her father never asked she decided to ask that question. Yangyou looked at her and then at her father and said: "Why don't you ask your father about it? He seems to understand what happened to me." - he replied trying to be nice, but they couldn't understand how someone so innocent could exist in this world and it upset him. "Dad?" - She looked at her father. "Oh this is not the place for such conversations daughter I will explain to you later" - he said because it was not appropriate to say this in front of a boy. The girl just nodded and did not pursue the subject, then they left the room saying that they would visit him tomorrow to check on his health.

When they had left the room and walked far enough away so that no one could hear, the father told his daughter about his suspicions and she immediately felt hot and tears ran down her cheeks. She finally understood why this boy had been so unkind to her and her father didn't want to talk about such things in front of him. "Why do people do such horrible things to each other?" - she thought while looking into the distance. The father noticed his daughter's thoughtfulness and said: "Daughter the world is not what you think it is daughter, people like this boy although I am not sure what he has really been through there are many and there are others who have it even worse."