
History of the Continent of Corolania

For more than 1,200 years, the Holy Corolanian Empire had conquered most of the continent. As they had taken the clans and factions of old, either taking them as civilians, or becoming the subject to slavery. It had been like this, until Emperor Andel, died to an unknown cause. Since then, mass rebellions had popped up, until it finally came down to the Great Civil War, where each 5 regions rebelled for many years, until the Holy Corolanian Empire was no more. From the Mastanian Islands, now the Kingdom of Mastania, to the Empire of the west called the Kurgestian Empire, to the northeast lands, the Kingdom of Rapulan, to the very south, the Kingdom of Vakorai, Agarian Region, at the very middle. The year was 1276, still fresh after the Great Civil War, but it feels like it had just begun...

Koriandeath · Fantasy
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The Fall of the Holy Corolanian Empire and the Atalikan Uprising

After for more than 20 years of fighting, the Holy Corolanian Empire had finally fallen in 1276. With their capital city Corolia in the hands of the rebel factions. These rebel factions would later turn into 5 set of nations, The Agarian Region, Kingdom of Rapulan, Kingdom of Mastania, Kurgestian Empire, and finally the Kingdom of Vakorai.

Although the rebels fought side by side during the Great Civil War, they would soon fight each other not very long after. Partly due to their differences, but also their ambitions. And in a continent where war would never end, it would seem that they would continue fighting against each other.

And war it did happen. Not even a year after the Great Civil War, a bunch of ethnic groups in the Atalikan Region rose up to fight against the Kurgestians. Although for reasons unknown, it would be safe to assume that these people lived under constant oppression, even after the Great Civil War.

It would start in the small city of Tilokas, where it came from small riots, to a battlefield in less than 10 days. For 10 days, the Atalikans would fight for their freedom, never giving in despite with even their own families on the line.

The garrison was eventually tired out, either surrendered or die fighting. Those who surrender would either be executed or forced to join the uprising, depending on the person. After that, the Atalikans would storm the castle inside the town, intending to take down the leader of the town.

Not long after, news had reached the continent. The nations of Corolania had conflicted reactions. While some wanted to help the Atalikans, others want help the Kurgestians. And those would be the seafaring Mastanians and the brutal Rapulans.

It didn't stop there however, the Kurgestians hearing the news were furious. The people demanded war, and thus in the Autumn of the 45th day, the armies of the Kurgestians marched to deal with the Atalikans to end the Uprising.

This one was kinda short, but yeah. Also there's no main character as you could tell, because this is kinda like history but fictional, and with some small level of magic and human only. Next chapter would be a battle between the Kurgestians and the Atalikans, so yeah. Also I won't regularly update the book (mainly because I have a life), but I will update it regardless. Don't expect it to be like every week, at most probably every month. That's all, yeah.

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