
HIStory 3-Trapped, A Collection

The daily life snippets of the boys of HISTORY 3 TV series. The show must go on, even after the original show is completed.

Yukichi69 · TV
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27 Chs

Trapped 05-24th May 2019-The Day Love Really Won

History 3-Trapped Snippet


24th May 2019-The Day Love Really Won

TangFei Version

Shao Fei: Tang Yi, do you know what day is today?

Tang Yi: Do you want a normal answer or a Shao Fei based answer?

Shao Fei: Huh? What's the difference?

Tang Yi: Normal answer is today is 24th May. Shao Fei based answer is, today is the first day we celebrate same gender marriages being accepted in this country.

Shao Fei: Wow, you really get me you know that Tang Yi? Then can you guess what I want to do?

Tang Yi: Probably wanting to marry me and spend my money?

Shao Fei: Marrying you yes, but money, nah, I got my own money. So yeah, let's get married.

Tang Yi: Ok.

Shao Fei: Hey, that was easy.

JackZhi Version

Jack: Baby, our country legalized same gender marriages today.

Zhao Zhi: Oh hey, yes! I saw the wedding pictures of those cute couples, awww, so sweet.

Jack: So, wanna get married?

Zhao Zhi: Huh? But we only started dating. Isn't it a bit too early?

Jack: It doesn't matter how long we dated as long as we are compatible to each other.

Zhao Zhi: Oh, we are compatible to each other?

Jack: Yes, you are cute, I am handsome. You like to eat, I like to cook. You are innocent and I am much cunning, you are a police and I am ex-gangster actually undercover, see, perfect match.

Zhao Zhi: Oh hey, we are like made for each other.

Jack: So, will you marry me?

Zhao Zhi: Will you make sure I am clothed and fed and loved my entire life?

Jack: Yes baby.

Zhao Zhi: Ok, I'll marry you. That means you have to marry me too.

Jack: With pleasure.


Taiwan created a miracle for Asia. Thank you thank you thank you! 

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