
HIStory 3-Trapped, A Collection

The daily life snippets of the boys of HISTORY 3 TV series. The show must go on, even after the original show is completed.

Yukichi69 · TV
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27 Chs

Trapped 03-The Miracle Of Cola

HISTORY 3-Trapped Snippet


The Miracle Of Cola

Shao Fei: See, didn't I tell you, when you eat spicy stuff, you should always pair it off with nice, fizzy cold cola.

Tang Yi: .....I prefer tea.

Shao Fei: Oh come on, don't be such a old stuck up man. You aren't that older than me but you act like a grandpa all the time. Here, drink some more cola.

Tang Yi: You really do like cola a lot, do you?

Shao Fei: Duh! Don't you know, cola can do so much stuff!

Tang Yi: ....

Shao Fei: Like if you are sick, you can boil it with ginger to cure colds, or you can use cola to wash your sink and bathroom, or you can drop mentos into the cola to have some explosive fun. Oh, I like to dip my fries into cola.

Tang Yi: *Stares*

Shao Fei: Tang Yi? Why are you staring at me?

Tang Yi: I was wondering how someone like you who loves cola so much still stay skinny like this.

Shao Fei: Hey, you complimenting me? Here, have a sip of cola.

Tang Yi: No thank you.


I do use cola for the above except during spicy food. Anyone abuses cola too?

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