
Successfully obtained the Dragon Soul!

The legendary fiery flame city was really far away.

Shen lang and Grand priest Xue Lai kept flying north. They kept flying and flying.

In order to avoid another dispute, the two of them had been flying along the coastline. To a certain extent, the church of the fire god was a relatively poor Supreme force, and they did not have a flying beast. Therefore, the ultrasonic flying beast that high priest Shelly was riding on was still borrowed from Shen Ye.

However, for some reason, she used the reason that she needed to talk to Shen lang in secret to ride with him.

Emperor Shen lang, I have yet to congratulate you on your great victory in the eastern world. of course, " said Shelley, " I have to congratulate you for having an unparalleled Crown Prince.

"You've seen my son?" Shen lang asked.