
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 9: Yin Harmony

Fifteen minutes have passed since he left the safety platform (zone).

It has been exactly fifteen minutes since Gabriel departed from the safety platform. As he ran at a fast pace, he noticed that the road split into two different paths. He paused for a moment to consider his options and chose to take the left path, which led towards a dense green forest.

As he entered the forest, he encountered three wild wolves, all of which were 1★ - Irons stage. Despite the danger, Gabriel remained calm and observed the wolves' movements, trying to assess the situation. He then checked the information panel to gather more details about the wolves' strengths and weaknesses before taking any action.

[Name: Forest Wolf]

[HP: 300/300]

[Mana: 200/ 200]

[Physical Attack: 30 - 60]

[Rank: Iron ★]

[Skills: Bite, Bleed, Scar...]

[Description: In the forest, there exists a pack of magical beasts that are known for their roaming tendencies. These creatures are highly territorial and often attack in groups, making them a formidable opponent for any adventurer who crosses their path. Their attacks are known to cause a bleeding effect, which can cause sustained damage over time. These beasts are highly skilled fighters and can deal constant damage to their targets. It is important to exercise caution when in their territory and take appropriate measures to avoid confrontation.]


As soon as a human enters the territory of a pack of wild wolves, the animals become alert and decisive. They open their bloody mouths and release their iconic wolf howl, warning their companions that an enemy is nearby.

Without wasting any time, the wolves rush together and bite the arm of the intruder, in this case, a man named Gabriel. However, Gabriel is not an ordinary man. He has a unique talent that he can activate in times of danger.

As the wolves sink their teeth into his arm, Gabriel raises his right hand fearlessly and activates his talent without hesitation.

"Activate Yin Harmony," he says firmly.

In an instant, he casts his magic on the enemy.

"Light Burst (Yin)!"


Amidst the deafening silence of the forest, suddenly a muffled sound rose as [ Light Burst (Yin) ] was hurled towards one of the ferocious wolves. The light emitted from the burst illuminated the surroundings and the wolf's eyes glinted with fear as it tried to dodge the incoming attack.


[Prompt: You killed the Wild Forest Wolf! Gained 16 exp!]

Gabriel was outnumbered, yet he stood his ground, determined to fend off the ferocious beasts. However, the remaining two wolves closed in on him rapidly, attacking him from both sides. In a swift motion, they bit into his arm, their sharp teeth piercing through his flesh. To make matters worse, both wolves used their basic abilities, which only added to Gabriel's injuries. Unfortunately, one of the bites triggered the [Bleeding] effect of the wolf's [Bite] skill, causing him to recieved damage over time. Gabriel knew he had to act quickly if he wanted to survive this deadly encounter.

[Bite (Active skill): The skill is an active ability that allows the user to sink their fangs into the target. Upon impact, there is a chance that the target will experience a bleeding effect.

Cooldown: 10 seconds]

[Bleed (Passive skill): Is a passive ability that, once activated, inflicts continuous damage on the enemy for a certain period. This can be an effective way to slowly whittle down an opponent's health over time, making it a valuable tool in combat.

Bleeding Effect: 3 seconds

Cooldown: None]

As he was hit by the attack of the two wolves he received damage which reduced his health points.

- 50 HP

-35 HP

[Bleeding] Experienced the effect!

[Health points -8 -9 -5!]

Gabriel stood frozen, his mouth agape in shock. But then, a slow but steady grin crept up on his face, and without a word, he sprang into action.

He brandished his weapon and with lightning speed, struck one of the snarling wolves. With precise aim, he hurled the other wolf away, giving himself enough space to maneuver. Gabriel was a force to be reckoned with, and no wolf was going to stand in his way.

-7 HP

Gabriel swiftly unleashed his magical power once more, not hesitating for even a moment as he directed it towards one of the wolves.

With great focus, he conjured a powerful spell and spoke the incantation "Light Burst (Yin)", causing a burst of radiant energy to erupt from his hands and strike the enemy with great force.

"Light Burst (Yin)"

-300 HP

[Prompt: You killed the Wild Forest Wolf! Gained 13 exp!]

Gabriel stared intently at the lone opponent standing before him, a wolf with a wary expression in its eyes.

The two of them faced off, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Suddenly, the wolf seemed to realize that it was outmatched and began to back away slowly. Just as it was about to turn and run, a blinding burst of light engulfed the area, causing the wolf to stumble and fall to the ground lifeless.

Gabriel had unleashed his powerful skill, "Light Burst (Yin)", in a split-second decision to take down his opponent before it could escape.


-360 HP

[Prompt: You killed the Wild Forest Wolf! Gained 18 exp!]

With the wolf defeated, Gabriel took a deep breath and readied himself for whatever else lay ahead. He then check his status panel.

[HP: 93/200]

[Mana: 410/500]

[Level: 1]

[Exp: 47/500]


After the intense fight with the three wolves, Gabriel realises his lack of experience and knowledge. Although he tried his best to hide it, he was panicking inside and forgot to use his second skill to lower the damage and silence the wolves. He also assumed that he could easily outmanoeuvre the three wolves, but their speed caught him off guard.

Reflecting on his shortcomings, he muttered to himself, "I need to practice more if I want to survive in this world. If I had encountered a stronger opponent than these three wolves, I'd probably be dead."

Feeling a sense of urgency to improve his skills, he stood up from where he was sitting, dusted off his clothes and began to walk around the area, searching for a worthy opponent to test his abilities. With his talent already deactivated, he was determined to challenge himself and gain more experience, hoping that it would help him in future battles.

He cast his skill [Heal] and replenished his Health Points